比特币 NFT 项目 Taproot Wizards 在社交平台发文表示,Taproot Wizards NFT 已经分发,一些已经得到确认,其余的应该在下一个比特币区块中确认。
Taproot Wizards, a Bitcoin NFT project, said in a post on social media that "all remaining Taproot Wizards have been sold out and the final settlement price is 0.31 BTC. Taproot Wizards are expected to be distributed to miners within the next 24 hours."
比特币 NFT 项目 Taproot Wizards 在社交平台发文表示,“所有剩余的 Taproot Wizards 已售罄,最终结算价格为 0.31BTC。预计将在未来 24 小时内向铸造者分发 Taproot Wizards。”
据官方消息,比特币生态 NFT 项目 Taproot Wizards 将于今晚 11 时开启荷兰拍,起拍价为 0.42 BTC,价格每 3 分钟下跌 0.01 BTC。此次竞拍共 80 枚 NFT,支持使用比特币和 SOL 参与竞拍。
On March 26th, the bitcoin NFT project Taproot Wizards officially announced that its whitelist minting phase has officially ended. According to the official tweet, 95% (or 1,660) of the total 1,750 guaranteed whitelist places have been minted by whitelist wallets. The remaining 90 Taproot Wizards NFTs will be sold to the public at 23:00 (Beijing time) on Thursday, March 27th. Previously, the Taproot Wizards 828 white orders were minted at 0.1 BTC, and the remaining white orders were minted at 0....
3月26日消息,比特币NFT项目Taproot Wizards官方宣布,其白名单铸造阶段已正式结束。据官方推文,在总计1,750个保证白名单名额中,已有95%(即1,660个)被白名单钱包完成铸造。剩余的90个Taproot Wizards NFT将于3月27日星期四23:00(北京时间)进行公开销售。 此前消息,TaprootWizards828个白单铸造价格为0.1 BTC,其余白单铸造价格0.2 BTC。若全部白单售罄,Taproot Wizards团队将获得267.2枚B...
据 Metaplanet 公告,公司作为其比特币金库战略的一部分,再次购入 150 枚比特币,平均价格为每枚 12,570,173 日元,总计约 18.86 亿日元。截至目前,公司共持有 3,350 枚比特币,累计购入总额为约 422.16 亿日元。
According to official news, Japanese listed company Metaplanet has appointed Trump's second son Eric Trump as a member of its strategic advisory board.
据官方消息,日本上市公司Metaplanet任命特朗普次子Eric Trump为战略顾问委员会成员。
According to Metaplanet, the company has bought an additional 150 bitcoins, bringing its total bitcoin holdings to 3,200.
According to official news, Japanese listed company Metaplanet Inc. announced the issuance of 2 billion yen (about $13.38 million) zero-coupon ordinary bonds to buy more bitcoin.
据官方消息,日本上市公司Metaplanet Inc.宣布发行20亿日元(约1338万美元)零息普通债券以购买更多比特币。
3月15日消息,比特币Ordinals项目Taproot Wizards宣布战略投资由Bioniq创始人Bob Bodily推出比特币Meme币快速交易平台Odin.fun,具体投资金额暂未披露,新资金拟用于支持推动比特币链上DeFi发展,据悉交易完成后Odin.fun仍将保持独立运营并继续由Bob Bodily负责领导。 此前消息,Taproot Wizards宣布拟拍卖2121枚NFT募资3400万美元,该项目去年出售了3,000只“量子猫”,以筹集对比特币改进提案(BIP...