关于「 strongly」的内容列表

US and UK refuse to sign international artificial intelligence ethics agreement

The US vice-president has strongly criticised Europe's artificial intelligence regulations as being too big and potentially stifling innovation, while opposing content moderation as "authoritarian censorship". Meanwhile, the UK government has expressed concerns about the specific language in the agreement, noting that the approach is very different from the UK's artificial intelligence security summit in 2023, according to Reuters. Participants from more than 100 countries, including government ...

2025-02-12 03:45:40
Ripple: Companies and their executives will never ask users to transfer XRP, beware of scams

Ripple issued a strong warning on X, emphasizing that no one at the company - including Chief Executive Officer Brad Garlinghouse, Chief Technology Officer David Schwartz, President Monica Long, and Chief Legal Officer Stuart Alderoty - would ever ask users to transfer XRP. Ripple said: "The rise in the cryptocurrency market means an increase in scams, and as a reminder, Ripple will never ask you to send XRP, nor will Brad, David, Monica, Stu or anyone else at Ripple. Please be vigilant."

2024-12-03 03:29:57
Fed says it strongly supports decision to cut interest rates by 50 basis points

The Fed governor said today that she "strongly supports" the Fed's decision to cut interest rates by 50 basis points, reflecting the focus on the job market. "The job market remains resilient, but the FOMC now needs to balance its focus so that it can continue to make progress on tackling inflation while avoiding unnecessary pain and economic weakness," said Ms Coogler. "I strongly support last week's [50 basis point cut]...

2024-09-25 22:36:51
Democratic Congressman Wiley Nickel accuses SEC of "blatant abuse of power" in crypto enforcement

U.S. Democratic Congressman Wiley Nickel has sharply criticized the SEC, accusing the agency of undermining trust in the regulatory system because of the way it "enforces regulation." In a recent post from social media, Nickel called the SEC's approach a "blatant abuse of power" that threatens to stifle digital innovation across the United States. He also...

2024-08-29 01:14:05
UBS analysts have pointed out that the fundamentals of silver are very good, and they strongly recommend that long-term investors consider increasing their exposure to silver.

UBS analysts have pointed out that the fundamentals of silver are very good, and they strongly recommend that long-term investors consider increasing their exposure to silver.

2024-08-28 06:04:43
Fed meeting notes: Policymakers strongly tilt towards September rate cut

Federal Reserve officials were strongly leaning towards a rate cut at their September policy meeting last month, with several even willing to cut borrowing costs immediately, according to Federal Reserve meeting notes. Fed officials left interest rates unchanged at the FOMC meeting last month, but opened the door to a rate cut at the Sept. 17-18 meeting. At the July meeting, "an overwhelming majority" of policymakers "believed that easing policy at the next meeting may be appropriate if data con...

2024-08-21 18:15:26
Dogecoin founder opposes psychological "diagnosis" of cryptocurrency holders

Dogecoin founder Billy Markus posted on the X platform, strongly opposing a recent psychological study that discriminates against cryptocurrency investors. The study claims that those who invest in cryptocurrency assets tend to have "dark personality traits", especially "dark...

2024-07-07 19:21:16
According to foreign media, 41 US politicians are "strongly opposed" to cryptocurrencies, and 310 are "strongly in favor" of cryptocurrencies

On June 27th, it was reported that only 41 US politicians are "strongly opposed" to cryptocurrencies, and 310 "strongly support" cryptocurrencies. Theoretically, a two-thirds majority of the Republican Party in the House and Senate would be enough to pass any legislation supporting cryptocurrencies.

2024-06-27 12:31:19

7x24 快讯

06:00 2025-03-23
港股上市公司港亚控股(01723)发布公告,于 2025 年 3 月 20 日,该集团在公开市场进一步购入约 10 枚比特币,总代价为 667.12 万港元(约 85.85 万美元)。目前公司共持有 18.88 枚比特币,总代价 13,365,636.46 港元(约 1,720,157.41 美元)。
05:15 2025-03-23
据链上分析师 @ali_charts 监测,在 Binance 平台比特币期货交易者中 60.52% 押注比特币价格将上涨。
05:12 2025-03-23
据 CME“美联储观察”数据,美联储 5 月降息 25 个基点的概率目前为 14.3%,维持不变的概率为 85.7%。
04:51 2025-03-23
04:41 2025-03-23
据链上数据分析师 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,Wintermute 已将从项目方处收到的 250 万枚 ORCA(价值约合 962 万美元)全部转入 CEX,从 Wintermute 前天收到代币至今,ORCA 币价已下跌 29.7% (3.642 美元降至 2.56 美元)。
04:23 2025-03-23
中国银行原副行长王永利撰文《不应将比特币、稳定币及央行数字货币相提并论》,其中指出: 1、比特币只能是资产而非真正的货币,但并不代表其就没有价值,然而由于比特币价格存在剧烈波动性和长期不确定性,以比特币作为货币储备物是非常危险的...
04:23 2025-03-23
3月23日消息,交易员 Eugene 在个人频道发布图文表示,其认为当前市场已经进入了图中的第五阶段(多头亏损、币价盘整、成交量及波动性萎缩)。在这个阶段,一些较强的山寨币已经到了底部,但仍然不确定大多数资产的...
04:02 2025-03-23
04:02 2025-03-23
金色午报 | 3月23日午间重要动态一览
7:00-12:00关键词:IMF、Bitdeer、AUCTION 1.分析:美国政府2025年购买比特币的可能性为30%; 2.IMF首次将比特币等数字资产纳入全球经济报告框架; 3.知情人士:美乌代表团将于23日举行首次停火谈判会议; 4.Bitdeer比特币持仓总量升至1116枚,单周增持约26枚BTC; 5.分析:AUCTION今晨下跌起源于项目方地址将35.9万枚转至多家CEX; 6.美国司法部追回一桩加密货币诈骗案的700...
03:59 2025-03-23
3月23日消息,据 CrowFund Insider 报道,新加坡数字资产基础设施提供商 BetterX 完成230万新元(约170万美元)Pre-A轮融资。本轮融资将用于支持其在亚洲、中东和美国的业务扩张。 新投资方包括 Grand Prix Capital、Aument Capital 以及 HBAR Foundation 的 Sabrina Tachdjian、Crypto Knights 的 Riaz Mehta 等知名天使投资人。现有投资方 Aura Group、Tibra 联合创始人 Kinsey Cotton 等继续跟投。
03:56 2025-03-23
03:50 2025-03-23
NFT游戏项目Game of Silks或面临集体诉讼,律所Rosen Law拟推动下月提交法院动议
律所Rosen Law Firm宣布将代表Game of Silks NFT购买者提起集体诉讼,后者是一款由NFT驱动的梦幻赛马游戏项目,曾于2023年完成500万美元融资(总融资额超1000万美元),但该项目从未向美SEC提交注册声明,因此其NFT或违反《证券法》并涉嫌重大虚假陈述。据悉,Rosen Law Firm透露首席原告计划在4月25日之前向法院提出动议。