关于「 solomon」的内容列表

Goldman Sachs CEO: Goldman Sachs still cannot own, dominate, or participate in bitcoin until regulations allow it

David Solomon, chief executive of Goldman Sachs, when asked if accepting "Trump's potential strategic bitcoin reserve would affect the bank's process of dealing with cryptocurrencies," said: "We have discussed this many times and we have spent a lot of time on the underlying technology. We are leveraging and testing it to reduce friction in the financial system. This is very important. However, from a regulatory perspective, Goldman Sachs still cannot own, dominate or participate in bitcoin, "an...

2025-01-23 06:08:49

高盛首席执行官David Solomon在被问及接受“特朗普潜在的战略比特币储备是否会影响该银行处理加密货币的过程”时表示:我们已经多次讨论过这个问题,我们在底层技术上花费了大量时间。我们正在利用和测试它,以减少金融系统的摩擦。这非常重要。 然而,从监管角度来看,高盛仍然不能拥有、主导或参与比特币,“如果世界发生了变化,我们可以讨论一下。”

2025-01-23 06:08:49
Goldman Sachs CEO: Goldman Sachs still cannot own, dominate, or participate in bitcoin

David Solomon, Goldman's chief executive, said in an interview that the bank still could not own, dominate or participate in bitcoin from a regulatory perspective, saying: "If the world changes, you and I can discuss it." In response to whether Trump's potential strategic bitcoin reserves would affect the bank's handling of crypto, he said: "First of all, you know, we've talked about this many times, and the underlying technology is what we spend...

2025-01-22 22:29:17

高盛首席执行官David Solomon在接受采访时表示,从监管角度来看,目前高盛仍然不能拥有、主导或参与比特币。他说:“如果世界发生了变化,你和我可以讨论一下”。 在回应特朗普潜在的战略比特币储备是否会影响该银行处理加密的过程时,他表示:“首先,你知道,我们已经多次讨论过这个问题,底层技术是我们花费...

2025-01-22 22:29:17
Goldman Sachs CEO: I don't think bitcoin poses a significant threat to the dollar

According to a report by Jin Ten, Goldman Sachs CEO Solomon said that he believes bitcoin poses little threat to the dollar.

2025-01-22 13:42:28
Goldman Sachs CEO: Many regulated U.S. banks do not have access to cryptocurrencies, and it remains unclear how the regulatory framework will evolve

Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon noted at a recent Reuters conference that many regulated U.S. banks still do not have access to cryptocurrencies. "Everyone is guessing how the regulatory framework will evolve, but it's still unclear how the regulatory framework will evolve," Solomon added. Speculation is still ongoing about how long it will take for the first crypto bill to pass the House and Senate, as well as in front of Trump.

2024-12-27 19:49:05

高盛首席执行官戴维·所罗门 (David Solomon) 在最近的路透社会议上指出,许多受到监管的美国银行仍然不能接触加密货币。所罗门补充道:“每个人都在猜测监管框架将如何演变,但目前仍不清楚监管框架将如何演变。”目前,人们仍在猜测,第一部加密法案需要多长时间才能在众议院和参议院,以及特朗普面前通过。

2024-12-27 19:49:05
Goldman Sachs CEO expects more active capital markets in 2025

According to Reuters, Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon predicted that the policies implemented after Trump took office are expected to add to the already improved capital markets, because people believe that the Trump administration will reduce regulation, and the market has already responded to the idea that the new administration will promote growth. Solomon said he had not spoken to Trump directly. In addition, several business executives and investors predict an increase in corporate deals in...

2024-11-20 19:13:32

据路透社,高盛CEO David Solomon预计,特朗普上台后实施的政策料为已经改善的资本市场再添一把火,因为人们相信特朗普政府将削减监管力度,市场已经对新政府将促进增长的想法做出了反应。 Solomon称他没有直接与特朗普交谈过。此外,几位企业高管和投资者预测,2025年企业交易将有所增加,因为人们预期当选总统特朗普将采取比前任更温和的并购方...

2024-11-20 19:13:32
Goldman Sachs CEO Solomon: Congratulations to Trump on winning the US presidential election

"Congratulations to Trump on winning the US presidential election," said Solomon, chief executive of Goldman Sachs. "The new administration will bring about policy changes that could be critical for businesses and clients."

2024-11-06 22:24:55
Goldman Sachs plans to add a record number of partners this year in the Solomon era

Goldman Sachs Group plans to promote the highest number of partners since David Solomon took the helm of Goldman Sachs. The number of promotions to be announced this week is expected to exceed the 80 in 2022, according to people familiar with the matter. Less than 1% of Goldman Sachs employees are promoted to the ranks of partners every two years.

2024-11-05 16:47:47

高盛集团计划擢升的合伙人数量达到David Solomon执掌高盛时代以来最高。据知情人士透露,本周将宣布的晋升人数料超过2022年的80人。高盛每两年擢升一批高管加入合伙人行列,只有不到1%的高盛员工能升到这个阶层。

2024-11-05 16:47:47
Goldman Sachs CEO Solomon: The U.S. economy has shown incredible resilience

Goldman Sachs CEO Solomon: The U.S. economy has shown incredible resilience.

2024-10-29 05:13:32
Goldman Sachs CEO Solomon: As the fall approaches, expect to see two, maybe even three, rate cuts from the Federal Reserve.

Goldman Sachs CEO Solomon: As the fall approaches, expect to see two, maybe even three, rate cuts from the Federal Reserve.

2024-09-11 16:27:18
Goldman Sachs CEO Solomon: currently speculating that the Federal Reserve will drop 25 basis points for the first time, it is expected to see two or even three interest rate cuts

Goldman Sachs CEO Solomon said that as the fall comes, it is expected to see two, maybe even three, Fed rate cuts. The outlook for banks is slightly weaker, and I still think a soft landing is the most likely outcome. The current guess is that the Fed will drop by 25 basis points for the first time, but 50 basis points is still possible.

2024-09-11 16:36:30

7x24 快讯

01:43 2025-03-28
据链上分析师余烬监测,在币安5点上线Mubarak现货后,一个地址将1100万枚Mubarak(149万美元)转进了币安。他在Mubarak上得到了160万美元(+1075%)的收益。 他在3/14-3/16一共花费14.9万美元资金购买了1300万枚Mubarak,价格0.011美元,6天前通过Bitget以0.133美元的价格卖出了200万枚(26.6万美元);另外1100万枚在今天早上5点币安上线现货后以0.135美元的价格全部转进了币安。 总的来说,他一共...
01:27 2025-03-28
采用比特币战略的纽交所上市公司KULR Technology Group, Inc.发布2024全年财务业绩报告,其中披露已将比特币持有量扩大至668.3枚,BTC收益率达到181.1%。截至2025年3月25日,该公司的比特币购买总额达到6500万美元,加权平均购买价格为每比特币 88,824 美元,包括费用和开支。
01:27 2025-03-28
01:15 2025-03-28
据彭博社报道,育碧(Ubisoft)将旗下《刺客信条》《孤岛惊魂》《彩虹六号》等热门游戏IP拆分为一个估值约40亿欧元(约43亿美元)的新子公司。腾讯控股将斥资11.6亿欧元收购该子公司25%的股权,新实体将持有这些游戏的IP许可权,并通过收取特许权使用费进行运营。 此次交易预计于2025年底前完成,育碧将利用出售所得资金偿还债务,并支持其他游戏系列的发展。
01:12 2025-03-28
据Farside Investors监测,昨日美国现货以太坊ETF净流出422万美元。
01:09 2025-03-28
据Trader T监测,美国现货比特币ETF昨日净流入8903万美元。
01:06 2025-03-28
IBIT昨日净流入393 万美元
00:57 2025-03-28
某 LAYER鲸鱼将 870 万枚 LAYER转进币安,盈利 463 万美元
据链上分析师余烬监测,一个月前以 0.75 美元的价格囤积 LAYER 的鲸鱼/机构,在 20 分钟前将 870 万枚 LAYER (1114万美元) 以 1.26美元 的价格转进币安,盈利 463 万美元。 这 870 万枚 LAYER 是在一个月前从币安提出,当时 $LAYER 价格是 $0.75美元,价值 $651 万美元,20 分钟前全部转进币安,现在的 $LAYER 价格是 $1.26美元,价值 $1114 万美元,盈利 $463 万美元。
00:54 2025-03-28
Coinbase首席法务官Paul Grewal在X平台表示,南卡罗来纳州已加入佛蒙特州(的步伐),撤销了对Coinbase的质押(staking)诉讼。Grewal表示,质押服务将很快恢复对南卡罗来纳州用户开放,这不仅是Coinbase的胜利,更是美国消费者的胜利。他希望这一决定能影响仍对质押服务有限制的其他州。 Grewal补充称,由于此案,南卡罗来纳州...
00:48 2025-03-28
国际货币基金组织(IMF)发言人 Julie Kozack 周四表示,该组织正在继续评估美国总特朗普的关税计划(包括其新的 25% 汽车关税)所带来的影响,但其基线预测并未预见美国会出现经济衰退。 Kozack 在 IMF 例行新闻发布会上被问及特朗普的关税计划时称,对加拿大和墨西哥商品征收的关税如果持续,将对这些国家的经济前景产生"重大不利影响",但她...
00:42 2025-03-28
参议员沃伦在SEC主席提名听证会上猛烈抨击Paul Atkins
据CoinDesk消息,美国参议员Elizabeth Warren在Paul Atkins出任SEC主席的提名听证会上对其提出严厉批评,指责Atkins长期为亿万富翁CEO(如Sam Bankman-Fried)谋利,并帮助这些人变得更加富有。沃伦还表示:“他在美国自大萧条以来最大的金融危机前夕几乎所有判断都出错,这样的履历不值得被提拔。”
00:42 2025-03-28
OpenAI CEO:新版GPT-4o在编程、指令遵循和灵活性方面表现更佳
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman在X平台发文表示,最新版本的GPT-4o在编程能力、执行复杂指令和提供更高自由度方面有显著提升。