关于「 see」的内容列表

Decentralized Infrastructure Offline Protocol Completes $1.10 million Pre-Seed Round, Led by Portal Ventures

Decentralized Infrastructure Offline Protocol completed a $1.10 million Pre-Seed round of financing led by Portal Ventures, with participation from Seed Club Ventures and angel investors Paul Taylor, Rushi Manche, Rahim Noorani, and others. The funds raised will be used to develop its private censorship-resistant network. Offline Protocol's decentralized infrastructure enables seamless peer-to-peer communication, offline payments, and local-first applications without relying on centralized serve...

2025-03-13 10:03:00
去中心化基础设施Offline Protocol完成110万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,Portal Ventures领投

去中心化基础设施Offline Protocol完成110万美元 Pre-Seed 轮融资,Portal Ventures领投,Seed Club Ventures及天使投资者Paul Taylor、Rushi Manche、Rahim Noorani等参投。所筹资金将用于发展其私密抗审查网络。 Offline Protocol的去中心化基础设施可实现无缝点对点通信、离线支付和本地优先应用,而无需依赖中心化服务器或传统网络。

2025-03-13 10:03:00
1. DeepSeek official rumor: R2 released as false news. 2. Manus will formally reach a strategic cooperation with Ali Tongyi Qianwen team. <...

1. DeepSeek official refutes rumors: R2 released as fake news. 2. Manus will officially reach a strategic cooperation with Ali Tongyi Qianwen team. 3. Shanghai Pudong official announcement: Ali is a part of the intelligent and robotics business. 4. Silicon-based flow: DeepSeek-R1 & V3 API supports batch inference, and the price of R1 has dropped by 75%. 5. European banks have tried DeepSeek. 6. OpenAI launched new tools to simplify the development of AI agents. Responses API and Agents SDK. 7. S...

2025-03-12 12:06:03
1. DeepSeek官方辟谣:R2发布为假消息。2. Manus将与阿里通义千问团队正式达成战略合作。<...

1. DeepSeek官方辟谣:R2发布为假消息。2. Manus将与阿里通义千问团队正式达成战略合作。3. 上海浦东官宣:阿里系落子具身智能和机器人业务。4. 硅基流动:DeepSeek-R1&V3 API支持批量推理,R1价格直降75%。5. 欧洲银行纷纷尝试 DeepSeek。6. OpenAI推出简化AI Agent开发的新工具Responses API和Agents SDK。7. 赛富时承诺未来五年在新加坡投资10亿美元用于AI发展。8. Meta开始测试首款内部AI训练芯片,减少对英伟达等依赖。9. 超聚变推出集成DeepSeek的FusionOne AI政法大模型一体机。10. 东软集团与华为联合发布新品 AI+医疗合作持续深化。11. 广州算力中心接入阿里通义千问大模型。

2025-03-12 12:06:03
重要新闻1. 证监会:全力巩固市场回稳向好势头。2. DeepSeek官方辟谣:R2发布...

重要新闻1. 证监会:全力巩固市场回稳向好势头。2. DeepSeek官方辟谣:R2发布为假消息。3. 外资机构“点赞”中国股市,密集调研A股科技公司。4. 上海浦东官宣:阿里系落子具身智能和机器人业务。5. 浙江AI产业重磅会议3月13日召开,阿里、华为、超聚变等将参会。6. 两部门:更好支持运用专项债券开展土地储备工作,有效推动房地产市场止跌回稳。7. 深圳四部门:到2026年底力争形成“双万”格局 万亿级“20+8”产业基金群、经备案的股权投资及创业投资基金数量突破1万家(只)。个股新闻1. 永辉超市:股东京东世贸拟减持不超过2.94%公司股份。2. 芯源微:中科天盛拟公开征集转让8.41%公司股份。3. 2连板金自天正:目前业务不涉及人形机器人 仅涉及少量工业作业机器人。4. 比亚迪:完成配售H股事项,净筹约433.83亿港元。5. 德业股份:拟8800万元参设投资基金,用于投资机器人产业链等项目。6. 双成药业:将于3月13日召开终止购买资产事项投资者说明会。7. 6连板信隆健康:公司目前尚无养老机器人方面的布局。8. 东方集团:公司存在重大违法强制退市风险。

2025-03-12 09:06:50
13 days and 9 board hashrate bulls warn of market risks, two consecutive board hot stocks clarify that their business does not involve humanoid robots, and the directors of DeepSeek concept stocks resign... What are the announcements worth paying attention to after the market today?

13 days and 9 board hashrate bulls warn of market risks, two consecutive board hot stocks clarify that their business does not involve humanoid robots, and the directors of DeepSeek concept stocks resign... What are the announcements worth paying attention to after the market today?

2025-03-11 21:22:44


2025-03-11 21:22:44

房地产代币化公司Arda从Lightshift Capital处获得300万美元Pre-Seed轮融资,Arda将利用本轮融资筹集的资金开发产品原型、招聘更多工程师,并与房地产开发商和该领域的其他公司建立合作关系。 据介绍,该公司由前摩根大通数字资产战略负责人Oli Harris创立,旨在将帮助整个房地产经济实现数字化,并使用区块链技术存储这些数据。

2025-03-11 21:10:25
DeepSeek officially refutes rumors: R2 released as false news

In response to rumors that DeepSeek will release the next-generation R2 model on March 17, DeepSeek's official enterprise consulting account responded in the user group, "Refuting the rumor: R2 is released as fake news". (Blue Whale Finance)

2025-03-11 19:48:58


2025-03-11 19:48:58
Qi Anxin: The botnet that attacked the X platform was the same organization that attacked DeepSeek during the Spring Festival

On March 11, according to the analysis of Qi Anxin Xlab laboratory, the large-scale network attack that caused the X platform to be paralyzed three times was the same main botnet that attacked DeepSeek during the Spring Festival. The network was called the Mirai variant botnet RapperBot, which belonged to the "professional thug" attack group. Qi Anxin Xlab laboratory found that the attack time coincided perfectly with the downtime of the X platform, mainly concentrated in the period from 10:00 p...

2025-03-11 13:13:16
Qi Anxin: The botnet that attacked the X platform was the same organization that attacked DeepSeek during the Spring Festival

On March 11, according to the analysis of Qi Anxin Xlab laboratory, the large-scale network attack that caused the X platform to be paralyzed three times was the same main botnet that attacked DeepSeek during the Spring Festival. The network was called the Mirai variant botnet RapperBot, which belonged to the "professional thug" attack group. Qi Anxin Xlab laboratory found that the attack time coincided perfectly with the downtime of the X platform, mainly concentrated in the period from 10:00 p...

2025-03-11 13:13:15

3月11日消息,据奇安信Xlab实验室分析,导致X平台三次瘫痪的大规模网络攻击与春节期间攻击DeepSeek的为同一主力僵尸网络,该网络被称为Mirai变种僵尸网络RapperBot,属于“职业打手”性质的攻击组织。 奇安信Xlab实验室发现,攻击时间与X平台宕机时间完全吻合,主要集中在北京时间3月10日晚10点至11...

2025-03-11 13:13:16
奇安信:攻击 X 平台的僵尸网络与春节攻击 DeepSeek 的为同一组织

3月11日消息,据奇安信Xlab实验室分析,导致X平台三次瘫痪的大规模网络攻击与春节期间攻击DeepSeek的为同一主力僵尸网络,该网络被称为Mirai变种僵尸网络RapperBot,属于“职业打手”性质的攻击组织。 奇安信Xlab实验室发现,攻击时间与X平台宕机时间完全吻合,主要集中在北京时间3月10日晚10点至11...

2025-03-11 13:13:15
The issue with DeepSeek regarding the R1 web/API service has been resolved

The issue with DeepSeek regarding the R1 web/API service has been resolved.

2025-03-11 01:03:11