Slow Mist Cosine posted on the X platform that if you are still using Safe multi-sign or other multi-sign (regardless of the technical mode), you need to pay attention to these points: 1. All signature steps must be verifiable. If you find a friend who understands technology and can't verify it for a long time, you should be suspicious by default; 2. Since they have used more signatures, if they can be matched with hardware wallets, especially those that can analyze complex signatures and notice...
慢雾余弦在X平台发文称,如果还在用 Safe 多签或其他多签(不管什么技术模式),需要注意这几点: 1. 所有签名步骤一定是要可验证,如果找很懂技术的朋友费劲半天没法验证的,默认就应该怀疑; 2. 既然都用上多签了,如果能搭配硬件钱包,尤其是能把复杂签名解析做好的,把签名异常风险提醒好的,那最好搭配着用。 安全思路就是永远不要相信一方,总可能...
On March 7th, according to the announcement of Safe.eth, Safe {Wallet} has been fully restored, including all network and Safe APIs are now fully repaired and can be used normally. Previously, due to the ByBit theft incident, Multi-Sign Wallet Safe suspended the Safe function and conducted inspections.
3月7日消息,据Safe.eth公告,Safe{Wallet} 已全面恢复,包括所有网络及 Safe API 现已完全修复,可正常使用。 此前,因ByBit被盗事件,多签钱包Safe暂停Safe功能并进行检查。
多签钱包 Safe 在 X 平台发文宣布,与 Mandiant(现隶属于 Google Cloud)联合进行的安全调查已取得关键进展并确认 2 月 21 日的攻击事件系朝鲜黑客组织 TraderTraitor(UNC4899)所为,该组织此前已多次针对加密行业发起攻击。...
Safe has announced that its wallet service is back online on the Avalanche, Blast, Unichain, Sonic, XLayer, Aurora, Celo, Linea, and Berachain mainnets, as well as the Sepolia, BaseSepolia, and GnosisChidao test chains.
Safe announced in a post on the X platform that the Safe {Wallet} team has been working with Mandiant over the past few days to conduct a comprehensive forensic investigation and security audit of the Bybit hack. The team is committed to transparency, and the results of the initial report provided by Mandiant will be released next week. Note: Mandiant is a US cyber security company owned by Google Cloud that specializes in providing dynamic cyber defense, threat intelligence, and incident respon...
Safe 于 X 平台发文宣布,Safe{Wallet} 团队在过去的几天里一直与 Mandiant 合作,针对 Bybit 黑客攻击事件进行全面的取证调查和安全审计。团队致力于透明度,Mandiant 提供的初步报告结果将于下周公布。 注:Mandiant 为谷歌云旗下的一家美国网络安全公司,专注于提供动态网络防御、威胁情报和事件响应服务。
Safe在X平台发文称,Safe{Wallet} 团队在过去的几天里一直与Mandiant合作,针对Bybit黑客攻击事件进行全面的取证调查和安全审计。Safe表示其团队致力于透明度。初步报告结果将于下周公布。
Web3 security company SlowMist has warned that the "Safeguard" variant attack on Telegram is spreading, and users need to pay attention to the random sending of false "account risk" information and the push of false security checks. If the "verification" is not handled properly, the account will be taken over and the private key will be stolen and other friends on Telegram will be defrauded.
2月28日消息,加密钱包 Safe{Wallet}宣布在 Arbitrum 网络恢复上线,其团队将恢复更多网络的访问,优先考虑对用户最活跃和影响最直接的网络,更多网络即将恢复支持。
数字资产托管和钱包技术提供商Cobo宣布推出Safe{Wallet}协签服务,用户可在托管地址内独立解析并风控Safe多签交易,进一步提升交易安全性。 该方案在Safe{Wallet}中引入Cobo地址MPC或Web3钱包参与签名,作为独立第三方,Cobo保证与其他签名人使用独立的签名解决方案,避免各签名人依赖共同的基础设施而存在单点风险。同时,结合Co...