The PMLA Special Court for Anti-Money Laundering in India has rejected the release request of Hemant Bhope and his wife Lata, who are said to be charged in connection with one of India's largest Bitcoin Ponzi schemes involving a Delhi-based firm, Variabletech Pvt Ltd (VTPL), in which the defendants conspired to entice investors to buy Bitcoin and encourage others to invest in the company to commit fraud, which is said to be worth up to Rs 66.06 billion.
Alipay officials refuted rumors on X that "Alipay supports the purchase of cryptocurrencies" is false.
Lawrence Summers, a Democrat and former US Treasury secretary, has dismissed the idea of a US government reserve of bitcoin assets and warned of political challenges to scaling back federal spending as planned by Mr. Musk, America's first buddy. Lawrence Summers said on the TV show: "What some people are saying, 'The idea that we should build some kind of national bitcoin reserve' is crazy."
Hayden Abrams, chief executive of Uniswap Labs, dismissed claims that the platform charged $20 million for protocol deployments as "completely false". Abrams said he rarely deals with individuals seeking attention, explaining that protocol deployments typically follow a governance vote. He added that the prioritization of deployments depends on the activities and effort involved, but efforts are being made to reduce the amount of effort required per chain. The CEO's comments were in response to ...
On the 12th local time, it was learned that the New York State Supreme Court rejected the appeal of former President Trump's gag order in his "hush money" criminal case on the same day, saying that the gag order "does not directly address substantive constitutional issues". It is reported that Trump emphasized his candidacy for president in this year's election, arguing that the gag order violates the First Amendment rights of him and his millions of supporters. Previously, Trump was charged wit...
Monero community members have refuted Chainalysis' claims that Monero transactions can be traced. According to Monero community leader Csilla Brimer, Chainalysis tracks the IP addresses connected to these nodes by setting up its own Monero nodes, calling them "fake proxy nodes". Brimer stressed that protecting IP addresses is key to preventing tracing, and users can ensure privacy by avoiding connecting to these nodes or using Tor. A previous Chainalysis PowerPoint leaked to the IRS revealed tha...
On July 20th, local time on the 19th, the WTO held the second meeting of its ninth review of China's trade policy. The Chinese side said that some members accused China of "overcapacity" and "economic coercion", and the Chinese side firmly refuted the false accusations. The Chinese side stressed that China's subsidy policy is in line with WTO rules, and the success of Chinese enterprises is due to market competition rather than government subsidies. China's new energy products have made positive...
Ripple's chief legal officer clarified that a California district judge had dismissed all allegations that Ripple violated federal securities laws, stressing that District Judge Analisa Torres' ruling on XRP's non-securities status was "undisturbed." On Friday, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California issued summary judgments dismissing the federal and state class claims against Ripple, citing the rest law and lack of reciprocity, respectively. This effectively eliminated ...