Quinn Thompson, founder of hedge fund Lekker Capital, said the idea of the US buying counterfeit products as a strategic reserve was a ridiculous one and would never happen, after the New York Post reported that Mr. Trump had "embraced" the idea of creating tokens including SOL, XRP and Circle's USDC stablecoin as a "US-first strategic reserve". Quinn Thompson explains: "The government does not have the power to bet venture capital on counterfeit products. The rumor of setting up strategic reser...
对冲基金 Lekker Capital 创始人 Quinn Thompson表示,美国购买山寨币作为战略储备是一个荒谬的想法,永远不会发生。此前据《纽约邮报》报道称,特朗普“接受”创建包括 SOL、XRP 和 Circle 的USDC稳定币在内的代币作为“美国优先战略储备”的想法。 Quinn Thompson解释道:“政府没有权力将风险投资押注于山寨币。有关为其他非 BTC 货币设立战略储备的谣言是人们将原本糟糕...
Quinnipiac poll results show that Trump and Harris' approval ratings in Georgia are 52% to 45% respectively.
In a Quinnipiac University poll in Georgia, Trump leads Harris by 49% to 46%.