OpenAI co-founder and chief scientist Ilya Sutskever is leaving, Sam Altman, OpenAI founder and CEO, tweeted. "Without Sutskever, OpenAI would not be where it is today," Altman said. "Although he has some personally significant things to do, I am forever grateful for what he has done here and is committed to the mission we started together." Altman said Jakub Pachocki, who will succeed Sutskever as OpenAI chief scientist, is very confident that Jaku...
OpenAI创始人兼CEO山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)发推文宣布,OpenAI联合创始人、首席科学家伊尔亚·苏茨克维(Ilya Sutskever)将离职。Altman称:“没有Sutskever,OpenAI就不会有今天。尽管他有一些个人意义重大的事情要去做,但我永远感激他在这里所做的一切,并致力于完成我们共同开始的使命。”Altman表示,Jakub Pachocki将接替Sutskever成为OpenAI首席科学家,他非常有信心,Jaku...