关于「 odinswap」的内容列表

Bitcoin network rune DEX platform OdinSwap has announced the suspension of operations

According to the official news, the Bitcoin network rune DEX platform OdinSwap has announced that both the rune startup platform Valhalla will gradually cease operations, and all user funds are safe. OdinSwap, as well as Valhalla, will operate until February 28, 2025. Users are advised to withdraw their funds before February 28. After February 28, any unclaimed balance will be refunded manually, subject to the appropriate BTC network fee. Refunds will be processed manually and may take up to one...

2025-02-20 07:02:02

据官方消息,比特币网络符文DEX平台OdinSwap宣布和符文启动平台Valhalla均将逐步停止运营,所有用户资金都是安全的。 OdinSwap以及Valhalla将一直运营到2025年2月28日,建议用户在2月28日之前提取资金,2月28日之后,将对任何未领取的余额进行人工退款,但需支付适当的BTC网络费用。退款将通过手动处理,最多可能需要一个月才能完成。仅对超过网络费用的余额进行退款。

2025-02-20 07:02:02

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