关于「 observer」的内容列表

CZ: There is a problem with the Binance listing process, and the token price will be pushed up on the DEX during the notification period

"As an observer, I think there is something wrong with the listing process of Binance," said CZ, Binance's founder, in a social media post. "The platform makes an announcement first and then goes live four hours later. While a notification period is necessary, during that four-hour period, the token price will be pushed up on the DEX and then someone will sell on the CEX. However, I am not sure if there is a solution. Everyone should still be aware of the risks."

2025-02-09 14:37:09
CNBC: Many institutions are optimistic about the trend of bitcoin in 2025, with the highest expectation 250,000 US dollars

Several industry watchers interviewed by CNBC predicted the price of bitcoin in 2025, with the highest expectations for bitcoin to rise to $250,000. James Butterfill, head of research at CoinShares, said the price of bitcoin could be between $80,000 and $150,000 in 2025. Matrixport said bitcoin could reach $160,000 by 2025. Alex Thorn, head of research at Galaxy Digital, expects bitcoin to break through $150,000 in the first half of this year and $185,000 in the fourth quarter. Standard Chartere...

2024-12-31 07:42:20
HSBC: The Reserve Bank of Australia may have hinted that it will not cut interest rates

Some observers believe that the RBA's monetary policy tools are more powerful than those of many other central banks because the country's mortgages are mostly at variable rates and household debt is high. HSBC chief economist Paul Bloxham said this means that in the post-COVID-19 pandemic era, the RBA does not have to tighten monetary policy as much as before to achieve the same effect. However, the RBA assistant chief...

2024-11-25 02:51:32
Economic Observer: More relevant policies for the market value management of central state-owned enterprises are being developed and advanced

On November 23rd, the next step of the regulatory authorities plans to set clear quantitative requirements for specific indicators such as the price-to-book ratio of listed companies of relevant central enterprises. In the future, there are more relevant policies in the preparation and promotion of supervision. In addition to the current market value management related policy requirements, the next step of the regulatory authorities will explore the new equity incentive system related to listed ...

2024-11-23 07:50:07
Economic Observer: Many investors in "Ding Yifeng" products have completed the registration of the report according to the content of the "Futian Police" notice

According to the Economic Observer, the issuance of false wealth management products and "DDO digital options" by "Ding Yifeng" and its affiliates are "air coins", and illegal activities have been suspected of crimes. It is reported that many investors of "Ding Yifeng" products have completed the registration according to the content of the "Futian Police" notice. The operation of "Ding Yifeng" spans Hong Kong and the mainland, involving the financial transactions of many listed companies, which...

2024-11-10 03:41:46
After Trump won the election, Google searches for bitcoin surged, indicating that new investors were entering the market

On November 8th, according to Cointelegraph, market observers said that the surge in bitcoin Google searches after Trump won the election, coupled with the bitcoin price hitting a record high, indicates that retail investors' interest has reignited and there is a wave of new buyers ready to enter the cryptocurrency market. Ryan Chow, co-creator of Solv Protocol, said Mr. Trump's victory was "a major catalyst to kick-start the next bull market".

2024-11-08 13:46:31
CME Federal Reserve Watch: The probability of cutting interest rates by 50 basis points in November rises to 58%

The CME's Fed Watch tool now puts a 58 per cent chance of a 50 basis point cut in November. Marc Chandler of Bannockburn said expectations that the Fed would cut rates by another 50 basis points in November weighed on the dollar yesterday, although it has now recovered. The September Conference Board consumer confidence index was lower than expected yesterday, indicating weak consumer confidence, particularly in the labour market, and fuelling speculation of another 50 basis point cut.

2024-09-25 13:21:58
Federal Reserve watchers don't expect Powell to make a specific forecast for September

Some Fed watchers do not expect Mr. Powell to make a specific forecast for September, but rather to remind everyone that the Fed will now focus more on jobs because the job market is weakening. The Fed has a dual mandate to maintain price stability and full employment. The latter has become increasingly important as unemployment has risen, putting more pressure on the Fed to act. The unemployment rate rose to 4.3 per cent in July, its highest level since October 2021. Wilmington Trust Bond Inves...

2024-08-19 13:23:09
Analysis: PPI and CPI have successively landed, and market volatility expectations have dropped significantly

Greeks.live macro observer Adam wrote that with the PPI and CPI landing one after another, the market's volatility expectations have dropped significantly, which in turn drove the main term IV to decline significantly. Short-term IV fell by more than 20% this week, while medium and long-term also fell by about 5%. This decline in implied volatility IV in the options market is relatively rare, and institutional sellers can make up a lot of profits in this round of decline to make up for the hedgi...

2024-08-15 15:43:24
Market players: Solana ETF hopes and rising fundamentals are driving SOL prices higher

Increased trading activity and exuberant expectations for a possible ETF product may have contributed to Solana's recent outperformance, according to several market watchers. SOL, which has rallied more than 18% in the past week, has outpaced BTC) and ETH, and traded at more than $180 in early trading on Monday, hitting a three-month high. Some market watchers said SOL rallied, boosting fundamentals due to increased trading activity for Solana-based apps over the past few weeks. A...

2024-07-22 12:19:14
Market watchers: Investors will initially favor traditional safe-haven assets

Market observers say investors will initially favour traditional safe-haven assets and may be inclined to pick deals that are most relevant to former President Donald Trump's chances of winning the White House after surviving an assassination attempt. Currency trading began at 5am Sydney time, which could give a boost to the dollar, while other safe-haven currencies such as Japan's beleaguered yen, Swiss franc and gold are also expected to shrug off market volatility. After the attack, bitcoin p...

2024-07-14 21:06:13
Analysis: Asian investors will flock to safe havens and deals betting on Trump's victory

After Mr. Trump's attempted assassination, traders will initially pile into safe havens when markets open and reassess the trades most relevant to his candidacy, according to market watchers. "There is no doubt that the Asian market will move to protective or safe haven assets in the morning," said Nick Twidale, chief market analyst at ATFX Global Markets. "I think gold could test new highs and we will see the yen and dollar being bought...

2024-07-14 04:48:13
NYDIG research director: Claims that the German government, Mt. Gox, and miners sold pressure to cause bitcoin's decline may be exaggerated

Many market watchers have blamed the recent BTC rout on selling pressure from bitcoin mining operators, Mt. Gox refunds, and the recent German government sell-off. Greg Cipolaro, head of research at NYDIG, said in a report on Wednesday that the claims were overstated. He added: "While sentiment and psychology may dominate in the short term,...

2024-07-10 21:12:37
Microsoft and Apple give up their observer seats on OpenAI's board

Microsoft and Apple gave up their observer seats on OpenAI's board under antitrust scrutiny. Microsoft announced its immediate withdrawal, while Apple did not participate in the observer role. OpenAI will maintain contact with partners and investors through regular meetings.

2024-07-10 07:19:01

7x24 快讯

01:43 2025-03-28
据链上分析师余烬监测,在币安5点上线Mubarak现货后,一个地址将1100万枚Mubarak(149万美元)转进了币安。他在Mubarak上得到了160万美元(+1075%)的收益。 他在3/14-3/16一共花费14.9万美元资金购买了1300万枚Mubarak,价格0.011美元,6天前通过Bitget以0.133美元的价格卖出了200万枚(26.6万美元);另外1100万枚在今天早上5点币安上线现货后以0.135美元的价格全部转进了币安。 总的来说,他一共...
01:27 2025-03-28
采用比特币战略的纽交所上市公司KULR Technology Group, Inc.发布2024全年财务业绩报告,其中披露已将比特币持有量扩大至668.3枚,BTC收益率达到181.1%。截至2025年3月25日,该公司的比特币购买总额达到6500万美元,加权平均购买价格为每比特币 88,824 美元,包括费用和开支。
01:27 2025-03-28
01:15 2025-03-28
据彭博社报道,育碧(Ubisoft)将旗下《刺客信条》《孤岛惊魂》《彩虹六号》等热门游戏IP拆分为一个估值约40亿欧元(约43亿美元)的新子公司。腾讯控股将斥资11.6亿欧元收购该子公司25%的股权,新实体将持有这些游戏的IP许可权,并通过收取特许权使用费进行运营。 此次交易预计于2025年底前完成,育碧将利用出售所得资金偿还债务,并支持其他游戏系列的发展。
01:12 2025-03-28
据Farside Investors监测,昨日美国现货以太坊ETF净流出422万美元。
01:09 2025-03-28
据Trader T监测,美国现货比特币ETF昨日净流入8903万美元。
01:06 2025-03-28
IBIT昨日净流入393 万美元
00:57 2025-03-28
某 LAYER鲸鱼将 870 万枚 LAYER转进币安,盈利 463 万美元
据链上分析师余烬监测,一个月前以 0.75 美元的价格囤积 LAYER 的鲸鱼/机构,在 20 分钟前将 870 万枚 LAYER (1114万美元) 以 1.26美元 的价格转进币安,盈利 463 万美元。 这 870 万枚 LAYER 是在一个月前从币安提出,当时 $LAYER 价格是 $0.75美元,价值 $651 万美元,20 分钟前全部转进币安,现在的 $LAYER 价格是 $1.26美元,价值 $1114 万美元,盈利 $463 万美元。
00:54 2025-03-28
Coinbase首席法务官Paul Grewal在X平台表示,南卡罗来纳州已加入佛蒙特州(的步伐),撤销了对Coinbase的质押(staking)诉讼。Grewal表示,质押服务将很快恢复对南卡罗来纳州用户开放,这不仅是Coinbase的胜利,更是美国消费者的胜利。他希望这一决定能影响仍对质押服务有限制的其他州。 Grewal补充称,由于此案,南卡罗来纳州...
00:48 2025-03-28
国际货币基金组织(IMF)发言人 Julie Kozack 周四表示,该组织正在继续评估美国总特朗普的关税计划(包括其新的 25% 汽车关税)所带来的影响,但其基线预测并未预见美国会出现经济衰退。 Kozack 在 IMF 例行新闻发布会上被问及特朗普的关税计划时称,对加拿大和墨西哥商品征收的关税如果持续,将对这些国家的经济前景产生"重大不利影响",但她...
00:42 2025-03-28
参议员沃伦在SEC主席提名听证会上猛烈抨击Paul Atkins
据CoinDesk消息,美国参议员Elizabeth Warren在Paul Atkins出任SEC主席的提名听证会上对其提出严厉批评,指责Atkins长期为亿万富翁CEO(如Sam Bankman-Fried)谋利,并帮助这些人变得更加富有。沃伦还表示:“他在美国自大萧条以来最大的金融危机前夕几乎所有判断都出错,这样的履历不值得被提拔。”
00:42 2025-03-28
OpenAI CEO:新版GPT-4o在编程、指令遵循和灵活性方面表现更佳
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman在X平台发文表示,最新版本的GPT-4o在编程能力、执行复杂指令和提供更高自由度方面有显著提升。