加拿大区块链公司Neptune Digital AssetsCorp.宣布增持20枚BTC,均价99,833美元,总计约200万美元。此次收购于2025年1月26日至2月3日进行,使Neptune的比特币总持仓增加到376枚BTC。 除了扩大其比特币储备外,Neptune还于2024年12月27日通过战略衍生品购买了1,000,000枚DOGE,均价0.37美元,从而进一步多元化了其加密货币投资组合。
On February 4th, Neptune Digital Assets, a Canadian-listed blockchain company, announced that it will purchase 1 million DOGEs through derivatives at an average price of $0.37 in December 2024, with a total value of about $270,000. CEO Cale Moodie said that the company will continue to increase its holdings of digital assets through the Sygnum credit line. It is worth noting that this is the second listed company to acquire Dogecoin after Spirit Blockchain. At the same time, several institutions...
2 月 4 日消息,加拿大上市区块链公司 Neptune Digital Assets 宣布于 2024 年 12 月以均价 0.37 美元通过衍生品购入 100 万枚 DOGE,总值约 27 万美元。公司 CEO Cale Moodie 表示将通过 Sygnum 信贷额度继续增持数字资产。 值得注意的是,这是继 Spirit Blockchain 之后第二家购入狗狗币的上市公司。同时,Bitwise 等多家机构正在申请现货狗狗币 ETF。