关于「 metis」的内容列表


3月1日消息,Metis基金会Natalia在ETH Denver公布Metis推出新的高性能Layer2链Metis Hyperion,新链保证与以太坊完全兼容的同时,为AI应用提供了零妥协的安全性保障、无缝的可扩展性和企业级系统可靠性。其三项关键创新包括优化的推理引擎、加速硬件和零知识证明将会使AI模型能够在区块链基础设施内高效运行并保持高度安全。...

2025-03-01 20:26:14
Metis公布2025 ReGenesis新战略:将以核心技术升级为基点,推动AI与区块链应用落地

1 月 22 日,Metis 近期宣布其 2025 ReGenesis 新战略,Metis 将在 2025 年超越去中心化排序器的领导地位,旨在解决以太坊的扩展难题,以满足用户和开发人员不断变化的需求。在接下来的六周内,Metis 将逐步揭示 ReGenesis 的各个组成部分,最终将在 ETHDenver 上进行全面发布。Metis 的 ReGenesis 计划中提及其重要技术升级,包含 Andromeda 升级及以解决高吞...

2025-01-22 21:48:31
METIS briefly touched $47.97, up 5.51% in 15 minutes.

On November 21st, the news may be influenced by the fact that Bithumb will list METIS Korean won trading pairs. According to the Bitget market, METIS briefly touched $47.97 and is now reported at $45.20, an increase of 5.51% in 15 minutes. Bithumb will list Toncoin (TON) and MetisDAO (METIS) Korean won trading pairs at 19:00 today.

2024-11-21 14:48:42
METIS短时触及47.97美元,15 分钟内涨幅5.51%

11月21日消息,或受Bithumb将上线METIS韩元交易对影响,据Bitget行情显示,METIS短时触及47.97美元,现报45.2美元,15分钟内涨幅5.51%。 Bithumb将于今日19:00上线Toncoin(TON)及MetisDAO(METIS)韩元交易对。

2024-11-21 14:48:42

Metis宣布推出“Thrive Metis STAR Tathon”资助计划,将提供超过20万美元的资金,用于支持跨链DeFi、RWA代币化和社交平台领域有前途的项目,10月21日之前接受申请。

2024-10-11 19:15:59
FTX auditor Prager Metis reaches settlement with SEC over its negligence in FTX case

The Securities Exchange Commission has reached a settlement with audit firm Prager Metis, which agreed to pay $1.95 million to settle two charges. The SEC is understood to have charged Prager Metis with filing two questionable audit reports between February 2021 and April 2022 that "misrepresented" FTX's financial position and failed to meet GAAP.

2024-09-18 01:09:27
FTX审计机构Prager Metis就其在FTX案中的失职与SEC达成和解

美国证券交易委员会已与审计公司 Prager Metis 达成和解,该公司同意支付 195 万美元,以解决两项指控。 据悉,SEC 指控 Prager Metis 在 2021 年 2 月至 2022 年 4 月期间提交了两份可疑的审计报告,这些报告“虚假陈述了”FTX 的财务状况,并且未能达到公认审计准则。

2024-09-18 01:09:27
Metis Foundation partners with Gitcoin to launch $4 million annual grant program

The Metis Foundation has partnered with Gitcoin to launch a $4 million annual grant program aimed at fostering innovation and growth in the Metis ecosystem. The first round of funding, hosted by Gitcoin, kicked off today (August 29) with 3,000 METIS (equivalent to $100,000) distributed through a secondary funding round (QF).

2024-08-29 23:11:20

Metis 基金会与 Gitcoin 合作推出 400 万美元的年度资助计划,旨在促进 Metis 生态系统的创新和发展。第一轮由 Gitcoin 主办的资助于今日(8 月 29 日)启动,通过二次融资(QF)发放 3,000 METIS(相当于 100,000 美元)。

2024-08-29 23:11:20

8月22日消息,DeFi借贷协议Aave宣布将在Metis网络上支持METIS代币作为抵押品。这一举措将扩大METIS代币的实用性,并提高Aave用户的资本效率。 根据公告,Aave将为METIS代币提供30%的贷款价值比(LTV),这意味着用户可以借入相当于其METIS抵押品总价值30%的资产。用户将能够使用METIS作为抵押来借入以下资产:USDT、USDC、DAI 和 ETH。

2024-08-22 08:41:02
OKX will support Metis (METIS) network upgrades and hard forks

According to the official announcement of OKX, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the METIS network upgrade, the deposit and withdrawal functions of METIS tokens and other related tokens in the network will be suspended at 5:00 pm (UTC + 8) on August 20, 2024. After the upgrade is completed, the deposit and withdrawal services of METIS tokens and related network tokens will be reopened under the condition of stable network operation without further notice. During the network upgrade perio...

2024-08-19 20:07:42

据 OKX 官方公告,为确保 METIS 网络升级顺利进行,METIS 代币及其网络内其他相关代币的充提功能将于 2024 年 8 月 20 日下午 5:00 (UTC+8)暂停,此次升级完成后将在网络运行稳定的情况下重新开放 METIS 代币及相关网络代币的充提服务,届时不再另行通知。网络升级期间,METIS 网络代币交易将不受影响。但请留意相关代币的现货、杠杆及衍生...

2024-08-19 20:07:42
Metis: Proposed hard fork at block height 18118000

According to the official news, Metis announced the intention to carry out a hard fork at block height 18118000. This hard fork will enable EIP-3855, introduce the PUSH0 (0x5f) instruction, and push the constant value 0 to the stack and add the placeholder parameter of the L1 fee to the L2 transaction for use in future calculations, with the aim of ensuring the continued stability and functionality of the network.

2024-08-09 02:50:08

据官方消息,Metis宣布拟于区块高度18118000处进行硬分叉,本次硬分叉将启用EIP-3855,引入 PUSH0 (0x5f) 指令以及将常量值 0 推送到堆栈并在 L2 交易中添加 L1 费用的占位符参数,以便在以后的计算中使用,旨在确保网络的持续稳定性和功能性。

2024-08-09 02:50:08
After receiving CEG approval, Hashkey Cloud will become Metis' first external decentralized sequencing client side

Metis announced that with strong support from the Metis community, Hashkey Cloud has successfully passed the Critical Assessment Group (CEG) review at the end of July. Hashkey Cloud is currently joining the decentralized sequencer network and will soon become its first external decentralized sequencer client side to go live. This milestone brings Metis closer to its vision of creating a truly decentralized layer 2 solution that empowers contributors through network ownership, influential governa...

2024-08-08 03:42:33