3月1日消息,Metis基金会Natalia在ETH Denver公布Metis推出新的高性能Layer2链Metis Hyperion,新链保证与以太坊完全兼容的同时,为AI应用提供了零妥协的安全性保障、无缝的可扩展性和企业级系统可靠性。其三项关键创新包括优化的推理引擎、加速硬件和零知识证明将会使AI模型能够在区块链基础设施内高效运行并保持高度安全。...
Goolsby stressed that it would take at least two or three months of data to "count". Click to view...
USDh developer Hermetica, a stablecoin built on Bitcoin's Layer 2 Stacks, has completed a transaction that brings about $3 million in liquidity to the token. Hermetica and bitcoin lending agreement Zest plan to provide USDh proceeds through sBTC lending.
1 月 22 日,Metis 近期宣布其 2025 ReGenesis 新战略,Metis 将在 2025 年超越去中心化排序器的领导地位,旨在解决以太坊的扩展难题,以满足用户和开发人员不断变化的需求。在接下来的六周内,Metis 将逐步揭示 ReGenesis 的各个组成部分,最终将在 ETHDenver 上进行全面发布。Metis 的 ReGenesis 计划中提及其重要技术升级,包含 Andromeda 升级及以解决高吞...
On November 21st, the news may be influenced by the fact that Bithumb will list METIS Korean won trading pairs. According to the Bitget market, METIS briefly touched $47.97 and is now reported at $45.20, an increase of 5.51% in 15 minutes. Bithumb will list Toncoin (TON) and MetisDAO (METIS) Korean won trading pairs at 19:00 today.
Bitcoin-backed stablecoin developer Hermetica completed a $1.70 million funding round led by UTXO Management, with participation from CMS Holdings, Ethos Fund, Trust Machines SPV, Newman Capital, Silvermine and numerous angel investors. Hermetica has developed profitable synthetic dollar USDh to be issued on the Bitcoin network. The company intends to use the funding to support the USDh ecosystem, such as through custody partnerships and enhanced liquidity. Hermetica plans to use the funding to ...
比特币支持的稳定币开发商 Hermetica 完成 170 万美元融资,UTXO Management 领投,CMS Holdings、Ethos Fund、Trust Machines SPV、Newman Capital、Silvermine 和众多天使投资者参投。 Hermetica 开发了有收益的合成美元 USDh,在比特币网络上发行。该公司打算利用这笔资金来支持 USDh 生态系统,例如通过托管合作伙伴关系和增强流动性。Hermetica 计划在未来几个月内利用这笔资金扩展到其他比特币 L2,例如 Arch Ne...
The Palau government has partnered with Japanese fintech company Soramitsu and the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) to launch a blockchain-based savings bond prototype system "Palau Invest", which has now completed the prototype and launched a public demonstration system. Palauans can learn about the system before the Palauan Ministry of Finance issues bonds. Once the Ministry of Finance finalizes the bond issuance criteria and receives approval from the Palauan government...
The Securities Exchange Commission has reached a settlement with audit firm Prager Metis, which agreed to pay $1.95 million to settle two charges. The SEC is understood to have charged Prager Metis with filing two questionable audit reports between February 2021 and April 2022 that "misrepresented" FTX's financial position and failed to meet GAAP.
The Metis Foundation has partnered with Gitcoin to launch a $4 million annual grant program aimed at fostering innovation and growth in the Metis ecosystem. The first round of funding, hosted by Gitcoin, kicked off today (August 29) with 3,000 METIS (equivalent to $100,000) distributed through a secondary funding round (QF).