关于「 marsh」的内容列表

Arizona congressman proposes new bill to curb bitcoin ATM fraud

Arizona Rep. David Marshall introduced House Bill 2387, which proposes strict regulation of cryptocurrency ATM operations. This follows a series of such incidents in the state, including a woman who was defrauded of $17,000 by scammers. The proposed bill would implement several protections, including: Daily trading limit of $1000 Mandatory state operator licensing Required refund policy options

2025-02-09 01:59:31

美国亚利桑那州众议员戴维·马歇尔 (David Marshall) 提出众议院第 2387 号法案,提议对加密货币 ATM 操作进行严格的监管。此前,该州发生了一系列此类事件,其中包括一名妇女被诈骗者骗走 17,000 美元。拟议的法案将实施多项保护措施,包括: 每日交易限额 1000 美元 强制州运营商许可 必需的退款政策选项

2025-02-09 01:59:31
Musk lawyer: $1 million a day grant is salary, not lottery

CNN reporter Marshall Cohen said in a social media post that Musk's attorney Chris Gober said that Musk's daily donation of $1 million is not a lottery ticket, there are no prizes to win, and the recipients are not randomly selected. Instead, the $1 million is the salary they earn as a spokesperson for Musk's pro-Trump super PAC. Gober said the recipients are based on their suitability and personal stories...

2024-11-04 16:45:04

CNN 记者 Marshall Cohen 在社交媒体发文表示,马斯克的代理律师 Chris Gober 称马斯克每日捐赠的 100 万美元并非彩票,没有奖品可赢,获赠者不是随机选择的。相反,这 100 万美元是他们作为马斯克亲特朗普超级政治行动委员会代言人赚取的薪水。Gober 表示,获赠者是根据他们适合担任的程度和个人故事...

2024-11-04 16:45:04
US senators withdraw support for Elizabeth Warren's cryptocurrency anti-money laundering bill

Republican Senator Roger Marshall of Kansas has withdrawn from the crypto anti-money laundering bill he originally co-sponsored with Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts. According to congressional legislative records, Marshall this week withdrew his support for the controversial Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2023 (DAAMLA), becoming the first co-sponsor to do so. However, this...

2024-07-26 10:01:18

美国堪萨斯州共和党参议员Roger Marshall已退出他最初与马萨诸塞州民主党参议员Elizabeth Warren共同提出的加密反洗钱法案。根据国会立法记录,Marshall本周撤回了对备受争议的《2023年数字资产反洗钱法案》(DAAMLA)的支持,成为首位这样做的共同提案人。不过,这...

2024-07-26 10:01:18
WSJ: Obamas support Harris for president

According to the Wall Street Journal, former U.S. presidents Barack Obama and Michelle Obama expressed their support for Kamala Harris's presidential bid on Friday, in the most significant sign of the vice president's rapid consolidation of the Democratic Party.

2024-07-26 09:22:05
US senators withdraw support for Elizabeth Warren's anti-cryptocurrency bill

On July 24, local time, Republican Senator Roger Marshall withdrew his support for the Digital Assets Anti-Money Laundering Act, which he had co-authored with Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren in 2022 to regulate the crypto industry under existing anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing frameworks. At present, according to the official congressional directory on the bill, 18 senators still support it.

2024-07-26 04:53:40
Marsh McLennan, an insurance company, said more than 75 customers could file claims for network failures as a result of the CrowdStrike global meltdown.

Marsh McLennan, an insurance company, said more than 75 customers could file claims for network failures as a result of the CrowdStrike global meltdown.

2024-07-20 00:27:01
保险公司达信商业 (Marsh McLennan):超过75家客户可能会因为CrowdStrike全球性崩溃事件而提出网络故障索赔。

保险公司达信商业 (Marsh McLennan):超过75家客户可能会因为CrowdStrike全球性崩溃事件而提出网络故障索赔。

2024-07-20 00:27:01
U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn is accepting bitcoin and cryptocurrency donations

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn has announced that she is accepting bitcoin and cryptocurrency donations to support her re-election campaign.

2024-07-09 14:09:18
美国参议员Marsha Blackburn接受比特币和加密货币捐款

美国参议员 Marsha Blackburn 宣布接受比特币和加密货币捐款,以支持其连任竞选。

2024-07-09 14:09:18
Insurance brokerage firm Marsh launches $825 million cryptocurrency custody insurance

Insurance brokerage firm Marsh has launched a $825 million cryptocurrency custody insurance, which will support organizations that store digital assets offline in cold storage, as well as other custody solutions such as multi-party computing (MPC).

2024-03-26 17:11:27


2024-03-26 17:11:27
Insurance brokerage firm Marsh launches a $825 million cryptocurrency custody insurance product

Insurance brokerage firm Marsh stated that the company has launched a digital asset custody insurance product with a scale of up to $825 million, which is also the largest among similar products. Marsh has over 45000 employees and is part of professional services giant Marsh McLennan. The company stated that its new insurance products will support organizations that store digital assets offline, as well as other hosting solutions such as multi-party computing (MPC). (CoinDesk)

2024-03-26 17:05:15

7x24 快讯

21:34 2025-03-21
a16z crypto总法律顾问:SEC当前的监管方式并不奏效
美国证券交易委员会(SEC)近日在其华盛顿总部举办了首届加密工作组圆桌会议,讨论了长期以来的核心问题——什么使某种资产成为证券。此次会议标志着 SEC 对加密货币行业的监管方式发生了显著变化,此前多年被一些加密倡导者称为“通过执法进行监管”的模式可能即将结束。 a16z crypto 总法律顾问 Miles Jennings 表示...
20:58 2025-03-21
加密风投Haun Ventures为两只新基金筹集10亿美元
知情人士透露,加密货币风险投资巨头 Haun Ventures 为两只新基金筹集 10 亿美元,该基金将分为两部分,5亿美元用于早期项目投资,5亿美元用于后期项目投资,基金计划于6月完成募集。
20:39 2025-03-21
Perplexity AI有意收购TikTok
人工智能公司 Perplexity AI 宣布,有意在美政府禁令生效前接手 TikTok 美国业务,并表示“Perplexity 拥有独特的优势,可以在不造成垄断的情况下重建 TikTok 算法”。目前,包括 Oracle、微软、沃尔玛,以及洛杉矶道奇队前老板 Frank McCourt 和 Roblox CEO Jesse Tinsley 在内的多方买家也被传出对 收购 TikTok 表示兴趣。
20:03 2025-03-21
20:00 2025-03-21
美股收盘:三大股指均收红 特斯拉涨5.27%
19:57 2025-03-21
全球最大稳定币发行方 Tether 正与一家四大会计师事务所接洽,推进其长期承诺的储备审计。Tether 已发行了价值超过 1400 亿美元的与美元挂钩的加密货币,公司声称每一枚代币均有美元计价资产作为支撑,目前仅发布季度报告,尚未完成完整审计。Tether CEO Paolo Ardoino 未透露正在洽谈的具体事务所或审计时间表,他称:“这(审计)是我们最优先事项。” Tethe...
19:51 2025-03-21
19:38 2025-03-21
19:32 2025-03-21
18:49 2025-03-21
18:47 2025-03-21
据市场消息,富达 Solana 基金(FIDELITY SOLANA FUND)在美国特拉华州注册。
18:26 2025-03-21