According to ledgerinsights, Thai Finance Minister Pichai Chunhavajira said that the government plans to issue 5 billion baht ($148 million) government bonds directly to the public before the end of the fiscal year (September 30). The initial issuance will be considered a sandbox project and can be traded on a digital bond platform. The minister said: "We will involve retail investors, regardless of their financial situation. They can invest any amount, buy and sell directly on the platform, aro...
据ledgerinsights报道,泰国财政部长Pichai Chunhavajira表示,政府计划在本财年结束前(9月30日)直接向公众发行50亿泰铢(1.48亿美元)政府债券。首次发行将被视为沙盒项目,可在数字债券平台上交易。 部长表示:“我们将让散户投资者参与进来,无论他们的财务状况如何。他们可以投资任意金额,直接在平台上买卖,绕...
According to Global Ledger analysis, $85 million of stolen funds from crypto trading platform Phemex is flowing through a series of transfers, protocols and coin mixing services. Hackers began to split the funds into multiple new addresses and transfer them to the Tornado Cash mixer. The first 2,080 ETH (about $6 million) has been dispersed to 14 new addresses, and the current main attack wallet has less than 4,000 ETH left. The transfer method involves multiple jumps and cross-chain interaction...
据 Global Ledger 分析,加密交易平台 Phemex 的 8500 万美元被盗资金正在通过一系列转账、协议和混币服务流动。黑客开始将资金拆分至多个新地址,并转移至 Tornado Cash 混币器。首批 2080 ETH(约 600 万美元)已分散至 14 个新地址,当前主攻击钱包剩余不到 4000 ETH。转账方式涉及多次跳转和跨链交互。 除了直接转移到 Tornado Cash 和 eXch 混合器以匿名化资金外,黑客有时还使用 Wintermute、DL...
According to Ledger Insights, State Street plans to launch a crypto custody service next year. Last year, State Street partnered with Taurus to develop custody technology. A survey by State Street in the middle of last year revealed strong customer interest in digital asset custody - including tokenization and cryptocurrencies - but greater interest in cryptocurrencies. State Street Bank's assets under custody (AUC) amount to $46.60 trillion, making it the second largest custodian in the world.
On February 2nd, according to Ledgerinsights, Federal Reserve Chairperson Jerome Powell touched on the topic of cryptocurrencies at a press conference after the announcement that interest rates would remain unchanged. He said that banks can provide cryptocurrency services to customers as long as it is done in a safe and sound manner. He added, "We are not opposed to innovation, and we certainly do not want to take actions that would cause banks to terminate fully legitimate customers because of ...
2月2日消息,据Ledgerinsights报道,美联储主席鲍威尔在宣布维持利率不变后的新闻发布会上谈及加密货币话题,他表示,只要以安全稳健的方式进行,银行可以为客户提供加密货币服务。他补充道,“我们并不反对创新,我们也当然不想因为监管带来的过度风险规避而采取导致银行终止完全合法客户的行动。” 根据法院命令,美国联...
12:00-21:00 Keywords: Ledger Lianchuang, a16z, Phemex, Raydium 1. Vine Lianchuang: will never participate in any Meme coin; 2. Ledger co-creator David Balland has been released after being kidnapped in France. 3.A16z: The US SEC should immediately take six major adjustment measures in the crypto space. 4. Jump Trading sued its former engineers for founding competing projects and secretly raising funds. 5. WazirX obtained approval from the Singapore court to compensate the victims of the hacking ...
12:00-21:00关键词:Ledger联创、a16z、Phemex、Raydium 1.Vine联创:永远不会参与任何Meme币; 2.Ledger联创David Balland在法国遭绑架后已获释; 3.a16z:美国SEC在加密领域应立即采取6大调整措施; 4.Jump Trading 起诉其前工程师创办竞争项目并秘密筹集资金; 5.WazirX 获得新加坡法院批准向黑客事件受害者赔偿 2.35 亿美元; 6.Cyvers Alerts:Phemex热钱包超2900万美元代币转移至可疑地...
Ledger co-founder David Balland has been released after being kidnapped in France. Bloomberg reports that the details of the case have not been disclosed and the relevant investigation is ongoing.