关于「 element」的内容列表

Solayer publishes a picture of the coin element with the text "99% progress", or hints that TGE is coming soon.

Solayer officially posted an image with a coin element on X, with the caption "loading 99%", or hinting at the upcoming TGE.

2025-02-06 04:46:26
Netanyahu announced that the operation was a new offensive against Iranian-backed militants. Click to view...

Netanyahu announced that the operation was a new offensive against Iranian-backed militants. Click to view...

2025-01-22 06:19:32
Musk published two tweets containing frog elements this morning

Musk published a tweet containing frog elements at 1:50 Beijing time, "Entering the hardcore leaderboard after many deaths, everything we have in life will echo in eternity! (with frog emoji), it's crazy that this game has been released for a month, but no one has reached level 100 on the hardcore version yet. Half of the leaderboard is dead. It's now level 85. Will take a break tonight to interact with humans." Musk tweeted again at 5:00 Beijing time, "Brothers in Arms...

2024-12-31 23:57:54
Two opposition figures: Syrian opposition fighters have seized a major military base in the southern province of Daraa and seized part of the Nassib border crossing with Jordan.

Two opposition figures: Syrian opposition fighters have seized a major military base in the southern province of Daraa and seized part of the Nassib border crossing with Jordan.

2024-12-06 16:01:35
Class A shared data elements concept changes pull up, competition, massive data, business treasure limit, zero point number, vast depth, entertainment data science and other rapid rise.

Class A shared data elements concept changes pull up, competition, massive data, business treasure limit, zero point number, vast depth, entertainment data science and other rapid rise.

2024-11-22 01:44:43
Musk replaced the X account avatar with a Robotaxi element photo

Mr. Musk has replaced his X profile picture with a Robotaxi element photo with the words "We, Robot". Mr. Musk has revealed that the Robotaxi has no steering wheel and pedals, which is seen as a key breakthrough in Tesla's Full Self-Driving technology.

2024-10-11 01:43:03
"Digital RMB platform distributes digital asset dividends" is a rumor

The reporter learned that recently, some people reported that some criminals issued false announcements in the name of the Digital Currency Research Institute of the People's Bank of China, claiming that "with the joint approval of the Ministry of Finance and the State Data Administration, the digital RMB platform will issue digital asset dividends for users who have received exclusive withdrawal channels" "will open the second batch of asset registration review and the subscription of green cha...

2024-10-09 14:50:17
Musk replaces Twitter avatar with US election element personal photo

Musk replaced his Twitter account avatar with a personal photo with elements of the US election, the background is the American flag, the main body is Musk's personal photo and wearing a black hat with MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN characters.

2024-10-06 01:50:10
Russian cybercriminals extradited to the United States for cryptocurrency crimes

Russian cybercriminal Deniss Zolotarjovs has been charged in the United States with participating in a cybercrime organization known for extorting victims and laundering cryptocurrencies. The 33-year-old Moscow resident was indicted in Cincinnati, Ohio, on charges of conspiracy to launder money, wire fraud and Hobbes Act racketeering. Zolotarjovs was arrested in December 2023...

2024-08-26 02:36:37
FLOKI cancels second pre-sale of Simon's Cat due to robot snap-up attack

On August 23rd, according to Cryptonews, FlokiInu announced the cancellation of the second round of "Simon's Cat" pre-sale due to the use of robot manipulation systems by criminals. Although the pre-sale sold out within the first 12 hours, a large number of robot activities undermined the fair participation of legitimate users. The Floki team then tried to hold a second round of pre-sale for affected users, but was again attacked more aggressively, and finally decided to cancel all pre-sale plan...

2024-08-23 03:16:11
The National Development and Reform Commission and relevant departments have established a working mechanism to promote private investment funds and ensure factors

On August 17, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and the General Administration of Financial Supervision, issued a notice to establish a working mechanism for promoting private investment funds and factor guarantees to further promote the development of private investment. The notice states that the National Development and Reform Commission will promote projects to private capital on a rolling...

2024-08-17 10:00:01
Shanxi Provincial Non-governmental Office reminds: Beware of financial scams under the banner of blockchain

In recent years, under the banner of "financial innovation" and "blockchain", some criminals have absorbed funds by issuing so-called "virtual currencies", "virtual assets" and "digital assets", infringing on the legitimate rights and interests of the public. On July 22, the Shanxi Provincial Office of the Leadership Group for the Disposal of Illegal Fundraising explained the law and reminded financial investors that such activities are not really based on blockchain technology, but hype the con...

2024-07-23 12:41:50
Element DAO Launches Hyperdrive AMM on Ethereum Mainnet

Element DAO launches Hyperdrive AMM on the Ethereum mainnet, enabling users to trade fixed and floating rates. First release of stETH and sDAI pools with support for 6-month maturities. Users can also deposit liquidity to earn transaction fees, floating rates on idle funds, and reverse trade with other traders on the protocol.

2024-07-04 04:55:53
Element DAO在以太坊主网上推出Hyperdrive AMM

Element DAO在以太坊主网上推出Hyperdrive AMM,使用户能够交易固定和浮动利率。首次发布支持 6 个月期限的 stETH 和 sDAI 池。用户还可以存入流动资金以赚取交易费、闲置资金的浮动利率,并与协议上的其他交易者进行反向交易。

2024-07-04 04:55:53
Element: No ZK token airdrops received

On June 12, NFT trading platform Element replied on the X platform that, as the largest NFT market on ZKsync, the platform has not received any ZK token airdrops.

2024-06-12 07:56:21

7x24 快讯

02:34 2025-03-24
02:27 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,据Public Pool与Umbrel称,北京时间3月23日08:30,一位个人矿工使用自托管的Umbrel节点与Bitaxe矿机,通过Public Pool协议成功挖出首个比特币区块(888989),区块奖励为3.15188086 BTC。
02:21 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,据链上数据分析师 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,SHELL 回购地址再次从 Binance 提出 100 万枚代币,目前回购代币总数已达 2195 万枚,进度更新至 81.2%。自回购首日 3 月 14 日起至今 SHELL 共上涨 4.56%。
02:09 2025-03-24
数据:Circle 在 Solana 上新增铸造 2.5 亿枚 USDC
据 Onchain Lens 监测,Circle 在 Solana 上新增铸造 2.5 亿枚 USDC。截至目前,Circle 2025 年已在 Solana 上累计铸造 107.5 亿枚 USDC。
02:00 2025-03-24
以太坊 2025 年 Q1 创历史最差表现,连续三月均呈负收益
3月24日消息,据 Coinglass 数据,以太坊在 2025 年第一季度经历了近年来最为惨淡的开局,连续三个月均呈现负收益: 1月:-1.28%(历史平均收益:+20.63%,中位数:+31.92%); 2月:-31.95%(历史平均收益:+11.68%,中位数:+8.78%); 3月:-10.16%(历史平均收益:+19.55%,中位数:+9.96%); 这是以太坊自2017年有完整数据记录以来,首次出现连续三个月全部为负收益的第一季度。对比历年第一季度表现: 2024年:两涨一跌(-0...
01:57 2025-03-24
资管公司南方东英宣布推出9只美股个股杠杆及反向产品(L&I Products),让投资者可以在亚洲时段进行美股交易,据悉新产品周一(24日)首挂,投资5只美股个股,包括伯克希尔哈撒韦、特斯拉、英伟达、Coinbase及Strategy(原MicroStrategy),以掉期为基础的合成模拟策略,达成2倍杠杆并设有港元及美元柜台,每手10个单位,入场费约780元,预计追踪误差约0.06%。
01:33 2025-03-24
01:27 2025-03-24
数据:Metaplanet 再购入 150 枚比特币,累计持仓达 3350 枚
据 Metaplanet 公告,公司作为其比特币金库战略的一部分,再次购入 150 枚比特币,平均价格为每枚 12,570,173 日元,总计约 18.86 亿日元。截至目前,公司共持有 3,350 枚比特币,累计购入总额为约 422.16 亿日元。
01:18 2025-03-24
据链上数据分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,地址0xcD4...364D6于5小时前从Aave中提出14202枚ETH(约合2835万美元),随后全部充值进Binance,疑似抛售。 该地址曾与区块构建者Beaver Builder和Titan build存在频繁交互。
01:15 2025-03-24
WLFI 于 15 分钟前买入价值 300 万美元的 MNT
据余烬监测,特朗普家族支持的 DeFi 项目 WLFI 在 15 分钟前增加了对 Mantle (MNT) 的投资,斥资 300 万美元购入约 353.9 万枚 MNT 代币,购买价格为 0.84 美元。 据悉,WLFI 目前的投资组合已累计投入 3.43 亿美元,配置了包括 ETH、WBTC、TRX、LINK、AAVE、ENA、MOVE、ONDO、SEI、AVAX 和 MNT 在内的 11 种代币。然而,该投资组合目前整体浮亏约 1.09 亿美元,亏损幅度达三分...
01:06 2025-03-24
罗伯特·肯尼迪 (RFK Jr) 评价美联储:“它代表少数几家华尔街银行运作,其功能就像一个泵。它实际上是在从美国中产阶级手中榨取财富和权益。”
00:35 2025-03-24
开发者将Tornado Cash移植至MegaETH测试网
据The Block报道,开发者Gunboats将Tornado Cash协议移植至MegaETH公共测试网,该网络支持每秒20,000笔交易。 Gunboats受美国财政部解除 Tornado Cash 制裁的启发,将其部署至MegaETH,并命名为ETHTornado。他使用Truffle框架完成移植,并表示如今可通过Foundry轻松编写Solidity智能合约。 Gunboats认为此类限制无意义,并强调当前ETHTornado活跃度较低,主要因缺乏易用的前端。