关于「 da」的内容列表

Sei Foundation to acquire 23andMe

According to the official X account of the Sei Foundation, Sei is considering acquiring 23andMe, a genetic testing company that has filed for bankruptcy protection. It plans to upload the genetic data of more than 15 million of its users and give users ownership and control of their own genetic data. Sei said that the security of genetic data has become a national security issue, and 23andMe is currently facing serious financial difficulties and filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection this we...

2025-03-27 21:49:55
Sei Foundation拟收购23andMe

据 Sei Foundation 的 官方 X 账号,Sei 正考虑收购已申请破产保护的基因检测公司 23andMe,计划将其逾 1500 万用户的基因数据上链,并赋予用户对自身基因数据的所有权和控制权。Sei 表示,基因数据安全已成为国家安全问题,而 23andMe 当前正面临严重财务困境,并于本周申请第 11 章破产保护(Chapter 11)。多位州总检察长已提...

2025-03-27 21:49:55
David Sacks: Everything is paving the way for AI agents, and this will be the biggest technology wave in history

"Everything is paving the way for AI agents," David Sacks, the White House director of encryption and AI, said in a post on the X platform. "This will be the biggest technology wave ever." Previously, Sacks wrote in a 2023 tweet, "Each new wave of technology allows the previous wave to be reinterpreted as paving the way: PCs - shrinking mainframes so everyone can have one; the internet - we finally have a bunch of things we can do on computers...

2025-03-27 00:50:48
David Sacks:一切技术都在为AI代理铺路,这将是史上最大技术浪潮

白宫加密和AI主管David Sacks在X平台发文表示,“一切都在为AI代理(agents)铺路。这将是有史以来最大的技术浪潮。” 此前Sacks在2023年的一篇推文中写道,“每一波新技术浪潮都会让之前的浪潮被重新解读为铺垫:个人电脑-将大型机缩小,让每个人都能拥有一台;互联网-我们终于有了一堆可以在电脑上做的事情...

2025-03-27 00:50:48
Michael Saylor: preference shares STRF will be listed on NASDAQ today

On March 26th, Michael Saylor, founder of Strategy (formerly MicroStrategy), posted on the X platform that the company's latest preference share STRF (Strife) is scheduled to be listed on NASDAQ today.

2025-03-26 12:08:00

Sui生态流动性质押协议Haedal Protocol发推表示将于4月TGE,代币名称为HAEDAL。2025年1月,Haedal完成种子轮融资,Sui基金会等参投。

2025-03-26 06:18:27
David Sacks: The FDIC's removal of "reputational risk" as a factor in bank regulation is a huge victory for crypto

US cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence czar David Sacks wrote: "This is a huge victory for cryptocurrencies, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) will follow the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) in removing'reputational risk 'as a factor in bank supervision. 'Reputational risk 'may sound good in theory, but it is defined as'negative publicity about an organization's business conduct (whether true or not) that will result in a declining customer base, costly ...

2025-03-25 15:42:03
David Sacks:美FDIC取消“声誉风险”作为银行监管因素是加密的巨大胜利

美国加密货币和人工智能沙皇 David Sacks 发文称:“这是加密货币的巨大胜利,美国联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)将跟随美国货币监理署(OCC),取消将‘声誉风险’作为银行监管因素的做法。 ‘声誉风险’在理论上听起来可能不错,但它被定义为‘有关机构商业行为的负面宣传(无论真实与否)将导致客户群下降、代价高昂的诉讼或收入减少的...

2025-03-25 15:42:03
GMX 澄清:GMX 智能合约未受影响,问题仅与 Abracadabra/Spell 的资金池有关

3月25日消息,GMX 官方发文表示,安全研究机构 PeckShield 等区块链安全专家发现 Abracadabra/Spell 使用 GM 代币的资金池(cauldrons)出现漏洞被利用。 GMX 方面明确表示,GMX 智能合约未受影响,运行正常,问题仅与 Abracadabra/Spell 的资金池相关。这些资金池允许用户以特定 GM 流动性代币作为抵押进行借贷。目前,Spell、GMX 团队及安全研究人员正在调查问题原因。

2025-03-25 12:36:44
21Shares listed on Nasdaq Stockholm CBTC, ASOL, AXRP

ETP publisher 21Shares AG ("21Shares") today announced the listing of three of its leading ETPs on Nasdaq Stockholm, further expanding the company's European footprint. New listings include 21Shares Bitcoin Core ETP (CBTC), 21Shares Solana Staking ETP (ASOL), and 21Shares XRP ETP (AXRP). With assets under management exceeding $7.50 billion and listings on 11 major exchanges, including Nasdaq, Euronext Amsterdam, and the Swiss Stock Exchange, 21Shares continues to bridge the gap between tradition...

2025-03-24 08:17:41
Peter Schiff Asks for Bitcoin for His Birthday in Latest Jab at Crypto Industry
Peter Schiff Asks for Bitcoin for His Birthday in Latest Jab at Crypto Industry

Bitcoin critic Peter Schiff is marking his 62nd birthday by calling for donations to his satirical Bitcoin Strategic Reserve.

2025-03-24 03:44:05
桥水基金创始人Ray Dalio:持有比特币是为了对冲通胀

据SolidIntel报道,桥水基金创始人Ray Dalio表示,持有比特币是为了对冲通胀。

2025-03-23 18:43:45
dYdX Foundation: Currently holds about 6.20 million DYDX tokens that can be used for foundation commissions

The dYdX Foundation announced on the X platform that it has completed the DYDX pledge delegation rebalancing, aiming to support the security and resilience of the dYdX Chain and promote a more uniform distribution of active validators' pledge weights. According to the disclosure data, as of March 21, the dYdX Foundation had about 6.20 million DYDX tokens available for Foundation Delegation.

2025-03-22 12:54:03
The Philadelphia semiconductor index fell 2.1 percent, Micron Technology (MU. O) fell more than 8 percent, ASML (ASML. O) fell 2.6 percent, Qualcomm (QCOM. O) fell 2 percent, and NVIDIA (NVDA. O) fell 1.6 percent.

The Philadelphia semiconductor index fell 2.1 percent, Micron Technology (MU. O) fell more than 8 percent, ASML (ASML. O) fell 2.6 percent, Qualcomm (QCOM. O) fell 2 percent, and NVIDIA (NVDA. O) fell 1.6 percent.

2025-03-21 15:47:19


2025-03-21 15:47:19

7x24 快讯

00:42 2025-03-28
参议员沃伦在SEC主席提名听证会上猛烈抨击Paul Atkins
据CoinDesk消息,美国参议员Elizabeth Warren在Paul Atkins出任SEC主席的提名听证会上对其提出严厉批评,指责Atkins长期为亿万富翁CEO(如Sam Bankman-Fried)谋利,并帮助这些人变得更加富有。沃伦还表示:“他在美国自大萧条以来最大的金融危机前夕几乎所有判断都出错,这样的履历不值得被提拔。”
00:42 2025-03-28
OpenAI CEO:新版GPT-4o在编程、指令遵循和灵活性方面表现更佳
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman在X平台发文表示,最新版本的GPT-4o在编程能力、执行复杂指令和提供更高自由度方面有显著提升。
00:39 2025-03-28
00:30 2025-03-28
00:27 2025-03-28
3月28日消息,据Hyperliquid公告,因JELLY市场异常交易事件,持有JELLY多头头寸的用户将在结算时按0.037555的价格获得补偿,除标记地址外,此次补偿对所有JELLY交易者均有利。Hyperliquid已加强风险管理,包括: • HLP Liquidator管理: 设置更严格的账户价值上限,减少再平衡频率,并引入更复杂的回购清算逻辑。Liquidator若损失超出...
00:21 2025-03-28
专注于人工智能的云服务公司CoreWeave成功完成首次公开募股(IPO),以每股40美元的价格筹集15亿美元,公司估值达到约230亿美元。由于股市低迷,公司将IPO规模从最初计划的4900万股(每股47-55美元)缩减至3750万股。 AI巨头Nvidia作为CoreWeave的投资者,在此次IPO中认购了价值2.5亿美元的股份,加强了其在该AI云服务公司的持股地位。CoreWeave与比特币矿企CoreSci...
00:21 2025-03-28
美国个人投资者协会的调查显示,对美股的看跌情绪连续第五周超过50%。根据Bespoke Investment Group,这创下自1987年开始这项调查问卷以来持续时间第二长的连续看跌记录。本周早些时候高盛的数据显示,对冲基金对美国个股的净卖出规模达到七周以来最高水平,其中做空操作超过做多买入。(金十)
00:18 2025-03-28
3 月 28 日消息,据 Bitcoin Laws 披露,南卡罗来纳州比特币储备法案(H4256 法案)将允许州财政部长将州资金的 10% 投资于比特币。比特币储备的上限为 100 万枚 BTC。该法案由众议员 Jordan Pace 提出。
00:12 2025-03-28
00:12 2025-03-28
405,353枚SOL从未知钱包转入Coinbase Institutional,价值超5600万美元
据链上数据追踪服务Whale Alert监测,北京时间上午8:05左右,405,353枚SOL(56,011,998美元)从未知钱包转入Coinbase Institutional。
00:12 2025-03-28
00:09 2025-03-28