CZ said on the X platform, "More Giggle Academy courses have been released, and 162 storybooks have been exposed. If you can't see the storybooks on your Android device, please uninstall and reinstall. The team is fixing a bug. This is an early issue. Take your time, we continue to build."
ECB Executive Panetta: I don't take it for granted that we will stop at the neutral interest rate, and we cannot rule out the possibility of falling below it.
On October 21, the spokesperson of the Eastern Theater Command, Senior Commander Li Xi, said that on October 20, the US destroyer "Higgins" and the Canadian frigate "Vancouver" passed through the Taiwan Strait and publicly hyped it up. The Eastern Theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army organized naval and air forces to follow the US and Canada throughout the voyage and deal with it in accordance with laws and regulations. The actions of the US and Canada nuisance and disrupt peace and s...
OpenAI has hired a former executive from education technology company Coursera to lead the development of its education business.
On September 16th, according to multiple foreign media reports, on the 15th local time, a shooting incident occurred near the golf club owned by former US President Trump in West Palm Beach, Florida. According to law enforcement sources, agents found a man carrying an AK-47 rifle near Trump's golf course. After the agents opened fire on the man, Trump was rushed to safety by the Secret Service. The former president was playing golf at his golf course around 2 pm local time on Sunday. It is repor...