关于「 coinstats」的内容列表

CoinStats attackers resume money laundering activities after a few months

According to CertiK, the CoinStats attackers have just resumed their money laundering activities after months of inactivity. On November 9, approximately 2.6 million dai were transferred to four new addresses, and a day later another approximately 2.6 million dai were deposited into MakersDai contracts. Nonetheless, half of the 3,027 ETH (about $10 million) transferred to 0x7397 did not move, as 2.6 million Dai on 0x7b00 and 762 ETH on 0x7d38.

2024-11-11 11:56:39

据CertiK监测,CoinStats攻击者在几个月不活动之后刚刚恢复洗钱活动。 11月9日,约260万Dai被转移到四个新地址,而一天后另外约260万Dai被存入MakersDai合约。 尽管如此,转移到0x7397的3,027ETH(约1000万美元)中有一半并未移动,因为0x7b00上有260万Dai,0x7d38上有762ETH。

2024-11-11 11:56:39
CoinStats Releases Security Incident Report: $2.20 million Worth of Crypto Assets Stolen from 1,590 Wallets

CoinStats has released its latest report on the previous security incident that occurred on June 22 due to unauthorized access to some infrastructure and third-party service providers, which shows that the attackers managed to obtain the private keys of 1590 CoinStats wallets, resulting in the theft of approximately $2.20 million worth of cryptocurrency. It can now be determined that wallets or exchanges that were not connected were affected. As of July 3, 2024, all functions of CoinStats have b...

2024-07-12 23:11:22


2024-07-12 23:11:22
MistTrack: CoinStats attackers send approximately 261 ETH to a new address

According to MistTrack, CoinStats attackers once again transferred funds to new addresses, sending 261.2131 ETH to addresses starting with 0xe09. A few days ago, CoinStats attackers transferred 1 ETH to TornadoCash.

2024-07-08 08:38:08


2024-07-08 08:38:08
CoinStats is tracking $2 million in stolen funds and discussing options to support users compromised by security incidents

CoinStats posted on X that it has been six days since the security incident at CoinStats Wallet, and the team has been working continuously to minimize damage and restore functionality. 1. Track the stolen 2 million dollars in different wallets with the help of Security Alliance; 2. Collaborate with law enforcement authorities in multiple jurisdictions. 3. Internal discussions on plans to support victims of the incident; 4. Prepare to explain in detail how the CoinStats wallet works.

2024-06-29 09:25:11

CoinStats于X发文表示,距离 CoinStats Wallet 发生安全事件已经过去 6 天,团队一直在持续工作,以尽量减少损失并恢复功能: 1.在 Security Alliance 的帮助下,在不同钱包中追踪被盗的 200 万美元; 2.与多个司法管辖区的执法部门合作; 3.内部讨论支持事件受害者的方案; 4.准备详细解释 CoinStats 钱包是如何运作的。

2024-06-29 09:25:11
CoinStats attackers have moved $1 million worth of cryptocurrency to new addresses

According to PeckShield, the address flagged by the CoinStats attacker has transferred $1 million worth of cryptocurrency to the new address 0xB48b... 9681.

2024-06-28 15:07:21


2024-06-28 15:07:21
CoinStats has announced that it is back online, and the team is gradually restoring all services

On June 24th, CoinStats announced its re-launch on X. It should be noted that not all features are currently activated, and the team is gradually restoring to ensure a smooth and stable experience for each user. In addition, officials are about to issue an announcement covering the details of recent security incidents.

2024-06-24 22:12:05

6月24日消息,CoinStats 于 X 宣布重新上线。需要注意的是,目前并非所有功能都被激活,团队正在逐步恢复,以确保每位用户拥有顺畅和稳定的体验。 此外,官方即将发布一份涵盖近期安全事件细节的公告。

2024-06-24 22:12:05
CoinStats CEO Releases Security Incident Update: All Wallets Collected About $2 million

CoinStats CEO Narek Gevorgyan posted an update on the security incident on X, Although the list of affected wallets has been public for some time, the information I want to share is that the total amount of funds stolen from all wallets is about $2 million. About $800,000 of that came from two wallets whose users imported seed phrases into CoinStats Wallet. Yesterday, it was reported that the CoinStats attack affected 1,590 crypto wallets, reminding users to transfer funds immediately.

2024-06-24 09:27:02
CoinStats CEO发布安全事件更新:所有钱包共计被盗约200万美元

CoinStats 首席执行官 Narek Gevorgyan 就安全事件于 X 发布更新,尽管受影响的钱包名单已经公开了一段时间,但我想分享的信息是,所有钱包被盗资金总额约为 200 万美元。其中大约 80 万美元来自两个钱包,其用户将种子短语导入了 CoinStats Wallet。 昨日消息,CoinStats 遭攻击致 1590 个加密钱包受影响,提醒用户立即转移资金。

2024-06-24 09:27:02
CoinStats CEO: All security measures are being taken to restore service and isolate attackers

On June 23rd, Narek Gevorgyan, CEO of CoinStats, wrote on social media about the recent security incident, We are restoring the production environment by taking all security measures to ensure the isolation of the attacker, which is expected to take 24 hours. On the other hand, we are pushing CEX to blacklist the attacker addresses that have been flagged on Etherscan. Earlier today, it was reported that the CoinStats attack affected 1,590 crypto wallets, reminding users to transfer funds immedia...

2024-06-23 15:53:48