关于「 cast」的内容列表

Farcaster Launches Data Layer Snapchain Mainnet

On March 22nd, according to Theblock, decentralized social media protocol Farcaster launched a "blockchain-like" data layer Snapchain mainnet and simultaneously launched an "Airdrop Offers" incentive program to reward users who actively use the decentralized social media platform. According to co-founder Varun Srinivasan when he announced the launch of the Snapchain testnet in December, the new system can process more than 10,000 transactions per second. According to reports, the system took onl...

2025-03-22 00:24:48

3月22日消息,据 Theblock 报道,去中心化社交媒体协议 Farcaster 推出“类似区块链”数据层 Snapchain 的主网,并同步上线“Airdrop Offers”激励计划,以奖励积极使用去中心化社交媒体平台的用户。据联合创始人 Varun Srinivasan 于 12 月宣布推出 Snapchain 测试网时所说,新系统每秒可处理超过 1 万笔交易。据报道,该系统从构思到正式投入使用仅用了六个月时间。 此前消息,Farcaster计划明...

2025-03-22 00:24:48

Farcaster创始人Dan Romero在社交媒体上发文表示,Farcaster将与希望向用户提供空投的开发者/项目合作。用户加入后执行所需操作(使用框架、参与频道等),建立良好用户声誉即可在未来获得空投。最终,开发者可以决定目标用户(数据是无许可的)。首次空投将于下周进行。 Dan Romero补充表示,需要明确的是,空投来自生态系统开发者构建的框架(并非Farcaster)。

2025-03-14 01:43:29
Scalar Capital Linda Xie joins Farcaster team to lead developer ecosystem

On March 10, Linda Xie, co-founder of Scalar Capital, announced on social media that she has officially joined the decentralized social protocol Farcaster team and is responsible for building the developer ecosystem. Xie expressed his optimism about many aspects of Farcaster, including its unlimited open build environment, friendly community atmosphere, efficient elite team, innovative experience brought by Frames v2/mini app, seamless interaction with Warpcast wallet, early user acquisition sup...

2025-03-10 04:21:59
Scalar Capital 联创 Linda Xie 加入 Farcaster 团队负责开发者生态

3月10日消息,Scalar Capital 联合创始人 Linda Xie 在社交媒体宣布正式加入去中心化社交协议 Farcaster 团队,负责开发者生态系统建设。 Xie 表示看好 Farcaster 的多个方面,包括其无限制的开放式构建环境、友善的社区氛围、高效的精英团队、Frames v2/迷你应用带来的创新体验、Warpcast 钱包的无缝交互、对创始人的早期用户获取支持、对 AI 代理的友好环境、即将到来的 Coinbase 钱包分发,...

2025-03-10 04:21:59
Market news: Saudi Aramco is reported to be studying a bid for some or all of BP's Castrol operations.

Market news: Saudi Aramco is reported to be studying a bid for some or all of BP's Castrol operations.

2025-03-05 10:47:10


2025-03-05 10:47:10

Farcaster联合创始人Dan Romero发推预测加密资产储备:政府将仅保留已扣押资产,不会进行新的购买;比特币将占储备的80%。XRP和ADA可能会通过实物支付税款或类似捐赠的方式被纳入储备。

2025-03-04 03:02:23
Bountycaster 创始人 Linda Xie 加入 Farcaster 团队

2月25日消息,Bountycaster 创始人 Linda Xie 宣布与其联合创始人 Daniel Pyrathon 加入 Farcaster 团队,未来将关注开发 Warpcast 钱包、Frame V2、Coinbase 钱包分发等。Linda Xie 还表示仍将利用个人时间开发 Bountycaster。此前,Linda Xie 曾担任 Scalar Capital 联合创始人和 Coinbase 产品经理。

2025-02-25 01:32:26
Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB): Malaysia's palm oil stocks are expected to fall to 1.50 million tonnes by the end of February, the lowest level in nearly two years.

Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB): Malaysia's palm oil stocks are expected to fall to 1.50 million tonnes by the end of February, the lowest level in nearly two years.

2025-02-24 09:26:20
Circle casts 250 million USDC at Solana Network

According to OnchainLens monitoring, Circle minted 250 million USDC again on Solana. So far, Circle 2025 has minted a total of 8.25 billion USDCs on Solana.

2025-02-24 05:55:41
Circle casts 250 million USDC on the Solana chain

According to Onchain Lens monitoring, Circle has now minted 250 million USDCs on the Solana chain, and has minted 8 billion USDCs so far this year.

2025-02-21 14:26:14
France's manufacturing PMI for February rose to 45.5, compared with expectations of 45.5 and a previous reading of 45.

France's manufacturing PMI for February rose to 45.5, compared with expectations of 45.5 and a previous reading of 45.

2025-02-21 08:15:02
The probability of "Litecoin ETF approval this year" on Polymarket is now 85%.

According to the official website data, the probability of predicting "Litecoin ETF will be approved this year" on Polymarket is now 85%. According to CoinGecko data, the market value of LTC is temporarily quoted as 10.18 billion US dollars, ranking 18th in the cryptocurrency rankings, rising 2.4% in 24 hours. At 7:00 on February 21, according to the DTCC official website, the Canary Litecoin Spot ETF has been listed on the DTCC official website with the code LTCC, and the creation/redemption co...

2025-02-21 05:32:08
Federal Reserve Governor Robert Kugler: PCE inflation is expected to be 2.4% in January, and core PCE inflation is expected to be 2.6%; there is still some distance from the 2% target.

Federal Reserve Governor Robert Kugler: PCE inflation is expected to be 2.4% in January, and core PCE inflation is expected to be 2.6%; there is still some distance from the 2% target.

2025-02-20 22:01:08

7x24 快讯

19:06 2025-03-27
18:29 2025-03-27
OpenAI创始人:GPU超负荷 将暂时对ChatGPT生成图片功能增加速率限制
OpenAI创始人Sam Altman表示,看到人们喜欢在聊天中使用(生成)图片功能真是太有趣了。但我们的GPU已超负荷,在我们努力提高效率的同时,我们将暂时要对ChatGPT生成图片的功能引入一些速率限制。
18:23 2025-03-27
Binance Alpha上线Ghiblification(Ghibli)和GhibliCZ(Ghibli)
Binance Alpha 上线 Ghiblification(Ghibli)和 GhibliCZ(Ghibli)。
18:20 2025-03-27
据 Arkham 数据,大约半小时前,美国政府地址向 bc1q7q 开头地址转移 97.336 枚 BTC,约 846 万美元。
17:50 2025-03-27
据官方公告,根据投票结果和尽职调查,币安将于 2025 年 03 月 28 日 05:00(东八区时间)上线 Mubarak(MUBARAK)、CZ'S Dog(BROCCOLI714)、Tutorial (TUT) 和 Banana For Scale (BANANAS31) 并开放以下现货交易对:MUBARAK/USDT、MUBARAK/USDC、BROCCOLI714/USDT、BROCCOLI714/USDC、TUT/USDT、TUT/USDC、BANANAS31/USDT、BANANAS31/USDC。
17:16 2025-03-27
据路透社消息,法国国有银行 Bpifrance 推出 2500 万欧元基金,用于投资法国新兴加密代币。
17:04 2025-03-27
YZi Labs将举办黑客马拉松,表现出色项目有机会获孵化与投资
YZi Labs 将黑客马拉松,关注人工智能和区块链驱动的金融科技解决方案。在 4 月 12 日举办线下黑客马拉松,4 月 13 日至 27 日举办线上黑客马拉松除了黑客马拉松。表现出色的建设者将有机会加入 YZi Labs 孵化计划,获得 YZi Labs 的直接投资。
16:37 2025-03-27
美国参议院银行委员会对Paul Atkins等提名人的投票具体日期待定
加密记者 Eleanor Terrett 在 X 平台发文称,据美国参议院助理透露,今天参议院银行委员会不会对 Paul Atkins 或其他提名人进行投票,这是惯例。提名人将被要求在投票前回答提交记录的问题。投票将在稍后进行,具体日期待定。
16:37 2025-03-27
Coinbase 宣布开源 MPC 加密库,并表示虽然这项技术已经有助于保护 Coinbase 资产,但通过将其开源来提高整个行业的安全标准。
16:28 2025-03-27
加密风投Maven 11旗下第三只基金完成1.07亿美元募资
加密风投 Maven 11 旗下第三只基金完成 1.07 亿美元募资,该募资规模高于最初的 1 亿美元目标,但低于预期。Maven 11 的首席投资官兼管理合伙人 Balder Bomans 表示,鉴于当前总体市场状况,资本提供者对风险投资更加敏感。
16:28 2025-03-27
Hyperliquid 在 X 平台发文称,ETH 存款、取款和现货交易现已上线。
16:25 2025-03-27
Tether跨链稳定币USDT0已部署至Optimism Superchain
Tether 跨链稳定币 USDT0 已部署至 Optimism Superchain,Optimism 宣布 USDT0 现已在 OP 主网上线。Superchain 是一个二层链网络,旨在通过 Optimism 的 OP Stack 扩展以太坊,部署 USDT0 有望推动 Superchain 吸引更多头部资产、应用和合作伙伴加入。