关于「 bitcoinworld」的内容列表

Bitcoinworld's Hong Kong virtual asset trading platform license application has been returned

According to the updated data on the official website of the Hong Kong Securities Supervision Commission, the application for a virtual asset trading platform license submitted by bitcoinworld to the Hong Kong Securities Supervision Commission has been returned on October 10. According to relevant information, the company name of the virtual asset trading platform operator submitted by bitcoinworld is "Bitcoin World Technology Limited", and the Chinese name is not applicable. Bitcoinworld first ...

2024-10-11 10:01:07

据香港证监会官方网站更新数据显示,bitcoinworld向香港证监会提交的虚拟资产交易平台牌照申请已于10月10日被退回。相关信息显示,bitcoinworld提交的虚拟资产交易平台运营者公司名称为“Bitcoin World Technology Limited”,中文名称不适用,bitcoinworld曾于2024年5月17日首次向香港证监会递交了虚拟资产交易平台牌照申请。

2024-10-11 10:01:07
BitCoinWorld Submits Application for Virtual Asset Trading Platform License to Hong Kong Securities Supervision Commission

The official website of the Hong Kong Securities Supervision Commission updated the information on the application for a virtual asset trading platform license, showing that bitcoinworld submitted an application for a virtual asset trading platform license to the Hong Kong Securities Supervision Commission on May 17, 2024. The company name of the submitted virtual asset trading platform operator is "Bitcoin World Technology Limited", and there is no Chinese name. As of now, the number of virtual...

2024-05-21 09:45:48

香港证监会官方网站更新虚拟资产交易平台牌照申请信息,显示bitcoinworld于2024年5月17日向香港证监会提交虚拟资产交易平台牌照申请,提交的虚拟资产交易平台运营者公司名称为“Bitcoin World Technology Limited ”,暂无中文名称。截至目前,香港证监会公布的虚拟资产交易平台牌照申请者数量为21家,另有5家被撤回,1家被退回。

2024-05-21 09:45:48