According to official news, the Atomicals Protocol has announced the official launch of the initial beta version of the AVM software component. The AVM architecture is based on an indexer that follows Atomicals' rules to index ARC20 tokens and NFTs.
Od比特币 Layer2 项目 SatoshiVM 宣布代币质押功能现已上线,用户现在可以将以太坊上的任何资产桥接为 SAVM 并进行质押以赚取 BTC 奖励。官方表示,为了使质押系统更稳定,将最短质押期设定为 14 天。在最短期限内取消质押的行为将导致原始质押金额的最高 20%的削减(线性递减),同时失去所有累积的 BTC 奖励。