关于「 appropriation」的内容列表

Biden signs emergency funding bill to prevent US government "shutdown"

On December 22nd, local time on December 21st, US President Biden signed a contingency funding bill to prevent the government from "shutting down". This latest bill will continue to provide operating funds for the US government until March next year, thus preventing some federal government agencies from falling into a "shutdown" after 0:00 EST on the 21st. It is reported that the latest bill is almost the same as the bill that failed to pass on the 19th, but it removes the part about the debt ce...

2024-12-22 00:28:44
The US House of Representatives votes to pass a contingency funding bill to prevent a government "shutdown"

On December 21st, local time on December 20th, the US House of Representatives passed the emergency funding bill to prevent the government from "shutting down" with 366 votes in favor and 34 votes against. The new bill will continue to provide operating funds for the US government until March next year, thus avoiding the "shutdown" of some federal government agencies after midnight EST on the 21st. The next step of the bill will be submitted to the Senate for a vote. If passed, it will be submit...

2024-12-21 00:13:36
The US House of Representatives has failed to pass the stopgap funding and debt ceiling bills supported by Trump

The US House of Representatives failed to pass the stopgap funding and debt ceiling bills supported by Trump, and 22 Republican lawmakers have voted against it. (Jin Ten)

2024-12-20 00:18:02
According to Punchbowl, Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are considering a package that would extend government funding for three months and suspend the debt ceiling until January 2027.

According to Punchbowl, Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives are considering a package that would extend government funding for three months and suspend the debt ceiling until January 2027.

2024-12-19 20:42:13
The US Congress passed a temporary funding bill, and the government was able to avoid a "shutdown".

On September 26th, the US Senate has obtained enough votes to pass the temporary government funding bill, and the voting is still ongoing. The bill is designed to ensure that the US government can continue to fund for three months. By December 20th, the bill will be officially signed by Biden.

2024-09-25 21:57:46

7x24 快讯

01:27 2025-03-18
据Trader T监测,美国现货比特币ETF昨日净流入2.7459亿美元。
01:21 2025-03-18
3 月 18 日消息,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)宣布 SEC 加密货币工作组将举办一系列圆桌会议,讨论加密资产监管的关键领域。第一次圆桌会议将于当地时间 3 月 21 日下午 1 点至 5 点举行。
01:18 2025-03-18
据Farside Investors监测数据,昨日FBTC净流入1.273亿美元。
01:18 2025-03-18
3月18日消息,MyShell发布更多关于SHELL代币回购计划的细节,从SHELL交易(买入和卖出)中产生的总计800万枚USDT已被冻结在做市商的币安账户中;这些资产将全部用于SHELL回购计划,该计划将在90天内执行。回购操作将为代币价值提供稳定支持,并为投资者注入信心;为确保完全透明,所有回购的SHELL代币将在每次回购交易后转入0x8d67开头链上钱包。 此前3月10日消...
01:09 2025-03-18
3月18日消息,Mintscan上的投票数据显示,Cronos关于恢复已销毁的700亿枚CRO提案投票以62.18%的支持率获得通过,该提案提议恢复2021年销毁的700亿枚CRO代币来建立Cronos战略储备,并将在Cronos POS V5升级中更新网络参数和代币分配。 此外,据Un Chained报道,上述提案在3月16日前赞成票几乎略多于反对票,但当时尚未达到生效所需的33.4%的法定人...
01:04 2025-03-18
01:00 2025-03-18
01:00 2025-03-18
每日港股市场要闻速递(3月18日 周二)
个股新闻1. 药明康德 (02359.HK):2024年净利润94.5亿元,同比下降1.63%。2. 港交所文件显示,渣打集团(02888.HK)于3月14日在其他交易所回购总计120万股,交易金额为1410万英镑。3. 融创中国 (01918.HK):预计2024年亏损255-260亿元;主要受市场下行的影响,结转收入大幅减少且同时计提资产减值拨备。4. 港交所文件显示,花旗集团于3月11日将紫金矿业(02899.HK)持仓比例从7.52%降至6.85%。5. 港交所文件显示,摩根大通于3月11日将比亚迪股份(01211.HK)多头持仓比例从6.38%降至5.66%。6. 港交所文件显示,汇丰控股(00005.HK)于3月14日斥资2.539亿港元回购300万股,在其他交易所斥资2000万英镑回购总计230万股。7. 港交所信息显示,South Dakota Trust Company LLC(该公司为孙宏斌先生家族信托的受托人)在融创中国 (01918.HK)的持股比例于03月12日从29.82%降至27.67%。8. 永泰地产 (00369.HK):发布盈警,预期2024年度股东...
01:00 2025-03-18
00:51 2025-03-18
00:49 2025-03-18
00:48 2025-03-18
美参议院定于3月27日就Paul Atkins出任SEC主席的任职资格举行听证会
美国参议院委员会听证会将于3月27日举行,Paul Atkins可能离成为美国证券交易委员会新任加密货币友好主席更近一步。美国总统特朗普于12月4日提名Atkins领导SEC,但他与亿万富翁家族的婚姻关系据称在财务披露方面引发了问题,导致其潜在上任日期被推迟。 虽然尚不清楚白宫是否已向参议院提交了相关文件,但据Semafor的Eleano...