关于「 Thorn」的内容列表


美国参议员 Ant Thornton 向新墨西哥州参议院提交“战略比特币储备法案”,提议将 5% 的公共资金投资于比特币,旨在为该州建立替代国库。拟议的 5% 分配将使该州资金多样化,并使其从比特币的长期价格升值中受益。 该法案还提议由州投资官管理该比特币储备,并在州投资委员会的监督下运作。该法案还阐明了冷存储作为保护该州比特币的可行手段的必要性。

2025-02-05 23:48:00
Galaxy Digital Exec Reveals Satoshi Nakamoto's Early Opinion: In the event that BTC becomes popular, it may make sense to buy some

Alex Thorn, head of research at Galaxy Digital, shared Satoshi's early views on the X platform. It is believed that Satoshi Nakamoto published a sentence in January 2009. He said: "In case it [bitcoin] catches on, it might make sense to buy some. [It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on]"

2025-01-05 03:13:05
Galaxy Digital高管披露中本聪早期观点:万一BTC流行起来,买入一些可能是有意义的

Galaxy Digital研究主管Alex Thorn在X平台分享了中本聪早期观点,据悉是中本聪在2009年1月发表的一句话,他称:“万一它(比特币)流行起来,买入一些可能是有意义的。(It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on)”

2025-01-05 03:13:05
Galaxy Digital 研究主管:若美国国税局最终认定DeFi前端为经纪商,行业将面临艰难抉择

Galaxy Digital研究主管Alex Thorn表示,如果美国国税局(IRS)将DeFi前端认定为经纪商的规定不被撤回,DeFi行业将面临三种选择:遵守IRS的报告要求并接受经纪商的认定,试图阻止来自美国的用户,放弃智能合约升级和创收。 昨日报道,美国国税局(IRS)发布最终法规...

2024-12-29 01:12:11
Analyst: The launch of bitcoin ETF options may promote the emergence of new funds incorporating related options

Todd Sohn, ETF strategist at Strategas, said the launch of bitcoin ETF options could trigger new funds of these options, explaining: "Grayscale has applied for covered calls, funds, and I'm sure BlackRock will apply, and then the relevant market will get a cushion, and then it will get any other trend-following strategies that people think of, and I think the crypto options ecosystem will really start to take off here."

2024-11-20 02:37:12
Galaxy Digital Research Head: Lack of Successful Use Cases in Industry Already Concerns About the Economy Have Made Memecoin Exist

Alex Thorn, head of research at Galaxy Digital, pointed out in the X post that Memecoin exists at a combination of concerns about a lack of successful crypto use cases, and young people's despair about the bleak economic outlook

2024-10-27 15:46:20
Galaxy Digital研究主管:行业缺乏成功用例已经对经济的担忧使得Memecoin得以存在

Galaxy Digital研究主管Alex Thorn指在X发文表示,Memecoin存在于以下两者的结合处:缺乏成功的加密用例的担忧,以及年轻人对黯淡的经济前景感到绝望

2024-10-27 15:46:20
Hong Kong police destroyed a cryptocurrency physical exchange store to implement fraud group, involving a total of 12 million Hong Kong dollars

According to hk01, the Western District Police District of Hong Kong has carried out an anti-fraud operation code-named "Thrill" in the past month. 41 cases of various types of fraud were detected and 53 people were arrested, involving 78 million Hong Kong dollars. Among them, the "fake customer service" fraud case soared. The police also found that a criminal group "invested" more than 100,000 Hong Kong dollars in rent in Wan Chai and opened a cryptocurrency physical exchange shop, defrauding t...

2024-09-25 06:16:43
Binance hires UK accounting firm Grant Thornton to provide audit advice

Binance announced it had hired Grant Thornton, a UK accounting firm, to advise the exchange on accounting and taxation. The firm will also help Binance prepare for audits, but will not act as an auditor for the exchange. Binance previously worked with Mazars, an audit firm that suspended its work with the exchange in December 2022. Grant Thornton previously worked with stablecoin issuer Circle.

2024-09-04 13:07:23
币安聘请英国会计师事务所 Grant Thornton 提供审计建议

币安宣布已聘请英国会计师事务所 Grant Thornton 为该交易所提供会计和税务方面的建议,该公司还将帮助币安准备审计,但不会充当交易所的审计员。币安此前曾与审计公司 Mazars 合作,后者于 2022 年 12 月暂停了与该交易所的合作。 Grant Thornton 此前曾与稳定币发行商 Circle 合作。

2024-09-04 13:07:23
Analysis: Harris will continue the Biden administration's strict regulatory policy on cryptocurrencies

Alex Thorn, head of research at Galaxy Research, wrote on the X platform to analyze Vice President Harris' crypto stance, and the selection of her advisory team indicates that she will continue to implement the Biden administration's strict regulatory policy on cryptocurrencies. Harris has worked with key anti-cryptocurrency officials such as Brian Deese and Bharat Ramamurti, two former point persons in the Biden administration pushing for cryptocurrency regulation. Deese has published articles ...

2024-08-13 14:42:22

Galaxy Research 研究主管 Alex Thorn 于 X 平台发文分析了副总统哈里斯的加密立场,其顾问团队的选择表明她将继续执行拜登政府对加密货币的严格监管政策。 哈里斯与 Brian Deese 和 Bharat Ramamurti 等关键反加密货币官员合作,这两位曾是拜登政府中推动加密货币监管的关键人物。Deese 曾在白宫网站上发表文章,强调加密货币的风险,而 Ramam...

2024-08-13 14:42:22
Galaxy Research Director: Mt. Gox's Bitcoin Will Be More Long-Term Held Than Sold

On July 5th, Alex Thorn, head of research at Galaxy, wrote on the X platform that for the 47,228 BTC transferred from Mt. Gox wallet in Mentougou today, Alex Thorn speculated that the transfer was transferred to one of the distribution agents. If correct, we may see more similar transfers, totaling about 100,000, unless the custodian unnecessarily realigns the internal wallet as on May 27th. I still believe that Mt. Gox's bitcoins are more held for a long time than sold.

2024-07-05 01:46:48

7月5日消息,Galaxy研究主管Alex Thorn在X平台发文称,对于今日门头沟Mt.Gox钱包转出47228枚BTC,Alex Thorn表示猜测是这笔转账是转移给分发代理之一。如果正确的话,我们可能会看到更多类似的转账,总额约为10万枚,除非托管人像5月27日那样不必要地重新调整内部钱包。我仍然相信,Mt.Gox的比特币更多的是被长期持有而非被出售。

2024-07-05 01:46:48
Galaxy research chief: Bitcoin selling pressure triggered by Mt. Gox will be smaller than expected

Alex Thorn, head of research at Galaxy, wrote on the X platform that creditors have been trapped in the Mt. Gox bankruptcy case for more than a decade, and BTC and BCH in-kind compensation are expected to start in July, but the final number of tokens distributed will be less than people thought, and the Bitcoin selling pressure caused by Mt. Gox will be smaller than expected. Mt. Gox lost about 940,000 bitcoins that year, worth 4....

2024-06-24 15:40:42

7x24 快讯

01:15 2025-03-28
据彭博社报道,育碧(Ubisoft)将旗下《刺客信条》《孤岛惊魂》《彩虹六号》等热门游戏IP拆分为一个估值约40亿欧元(约43亿美元)的新子公司。腾讯控股将斥资11.6亿欧元收购该子公司25%的股权,新实体将持有这些游戏的IP许可权,并通过收取特许权使用费进行运营。 此次交易预计于2025年底前完成,育碧将利用出售所得资金偿还债务,并支持其他游戏系列的发展。
01:12 2025-03-28
据Farside Investors监测,昨日美国现货以太坊ETF净流出422万美元。
01:09 2025-03-28
据Trader T监测,美国现货比特币ETF昨日净流入8903万美元。
01:06 2025-03-28
IBIT昨日净流入393 万美元
00:57 2025-03-28
某 LAYER鲸鱼将 870 万枚 LAYER转进币安,盈利 463 万美元
据链上分析师余烬监测,一个月前以 0.75 美元的价格囤积 LAYER 的鲸鱼/机构,在 20 分钟前将 870 万枚 LAYER (1114万美元) 以 1.26美元 的价格转进币安,盈利 463 万美元。 这 870 万枚 LAYER 是在一个月前从币安提出,当时 $LAYER 价格是 $0.75美元,价值 $651 万美元,20 分钟前全部转进币安,现在的 $LAYER 价格是 $1.26美元,价值 $1114 万美元,盈利 $463 万美元。
00:54 2025-03-28
Coinbase首席法务官Paul Grewal在X平台表示,南卡罗来纳州已加入佛蒙特州(的步伐),撤销了对Coinbase的质押(staking)诉讼。Grewal表示,质押服务将很快恢复对南卡罗来纳州用户开放,这不仅是Coinbase的胜利,更是美国消费者的胜利。他希望这一决定能影响仍对质押服务有限制的其他州。 Grewal补充称,由于此案,南卡罗来纳州...
00:48 2025-03-28
国际货币基金组织(IMF)发言人 Julie Kozack 周四表示,该组织正在继续评估美国总特朗普的关税计划(包括其新的 25% 汽车关税)所带来的影响,但其基线预测并未预见美国会出现经济衰退。 Kozack 在 IMF 例行新闻发布会上被问及特朗普的关税计划时称,对加拿大和墨西哥商品征收的关税如果持续,将对这些国家的经济前景产生"重大不利影响",但她...
00:42 2025-03-28
参议员沃伦在SEC主席提名听证会上猛烈抨击Paul Atkins
据CoinDesk消息,美国参议员Elizabeth Warren在Paul Atkins出任SEC主席的提名听证会上对其提出严厉批评,指责Atkins长期为亿万富翁CEO(如Sam Bankman-Fried)谋利,并帮助这些人变得更加富有。沃伦还表示:“他在美国自大萧条以来最大的金融危机前夕几乎所有判断都出错,这样的履历不值得被提拔。”
00:42 2025-03-28
OpenAI CEO:新版GPT-4o在编程、指令遵循和灵活性方面表现更佳
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman在X平台发文表示,最新版本的GPT-4o在编程能力、执行复杂指令和提供更高自由度方面有显著提升。
00:39 2025-03-28
00:30 2025-03-28
00:27 2025-03-28
3月28日消息,据Hyperliquid公告,因JELLY市场异常交易事件,持有JELLY多头头寸的用户将在结算时按0.037555的价格获得补偿,除标记地址外,此次补偿对所有JELLY交易者均有利。Hyperliquid已加强风险管理,包括: • HLP Liquidator管理: 设置更严格的账户价值上限,减少再平衡频率,并引入更复杂的回购清算逻辑。Liquidator若损失超出...