关于「 Reserve Barkin said」的内容列表

Federal Reserve's Barkin: Still confident that inflation will fall towards the Fed's 2% target

The Federal Reserve's Barkin said it still believes inflation will fall back towards the Fed's 2% target, and the case for raising interest rates depends on evidence of overheating.

2025-02-05 15:25:26
Fed Barkin: Uncertainty over financial marekt appears to have decreased

Federal Reserve Barkin said that uncertainty in the financial marekt appears to have decreased, and the market's forecast of the policy path is in line with the Fed's median expectation. There is a growing recognition that long-term interest rates may not fall as much as once hoped.

2025-01-03 16:17:48
Federal Reserve's Barkin: Basic outlook for 2025 positive, upside risks to growth outweigh downside risks

The Fed's Barkin said the underlying outlook for 2025 was positive, with more upside risks to growth than downside risks. Inflation is still not back on target and more work is needed; there are some potential upside risks to inflation. The 2025 story will focus less on monetary policy and more on economic fundamentals and perhaps geopolitics.

2025-01-03 16:14:47
Federal Reserve Barkin: The Federal Reserve will have to fumble towards a neutral interest rate

Barkin said the Fed would have to find its way to a neutral interest rate, depending on whether inflation stabilised. There may be more cost pressures in the future, and it is good to take a prudent approach.

2024-11-14 15:18:34
Federal Reserve Barkin: The Federal Reserve has the ability to respond to economic changes

Mr. Balkin said the economy was in good shape, which allowed the Fed to reduce borrowing costs. "A strong but more discerning consumer, combined with a more productive and valuable workforce, has made the economy a great place to be," Mr. Balkin said on Tuesday in remarks prepared for a joint summit speech in Baltimore. "The Fed has the ability to respond appropriately regardless of how the economy evolves," he said.

2024-11-12 15:55:36
Federal Reserve Barkin: Inflation has declined

The Federal Reserve's Barkin said inflation has declined, but it is not there yet, but progress is being made.

2024-08-29 15:41:34
Barkin hints at 25 basis points rate cut in September

Mr. Barkin said he was taking a "trial and error" approach to cutting interest rates, suggesting he might support a 25 basis point cut, rather than the 50 basis points that some analysts believe. He noted that inflation was still half a percentage point above the Fed's 2 per cent target and that a rate cut could end up fuelling inflation by boosting demand for homes and other goods.

2024-08-26 15:11:41
Federal Reserve Barr: Once the US economy weakens rapidly, cutting interest rates will be a typical practice

Mr. Barkin said the growth in non-farm payrolls in the 114,000 was not good enough but was "reasonable data" and that a sharp rate cut would be typical if the US economy weakened rapidly.

2024-08-02 20:02:01

7x24 快讯

05:31 2025-03-16
据 Ultrasound.money 数据,以太坊过去 7 日净供应量增加 16805 枚,其中供应量增加约18000枚 ETH,通过销毁机制销毁了 1194枚 ETH。供应量增长率目前为每年 0.727%。
04:40 2025-03-16
3 月 16 日消息,Aave 联创 Stani 在近期宣布推出 RWA 产品 Horizon,但暗示可能会推出 Horizon 代币,这也遭受了社区的质疑。根据 Temp Check,Horizon 的部分利润将分配给 Aave DAO,以及如果推出代币将把 15% 分配给 Aave DAO。 社区认为,新的代币和品牌会带走 Aave 的价值。L1D 投资合伙人 0xLouisT 表示,为新业务线推出新代币是一种骗局。Stani 对此回应道,Aave DAO 的总体...
04:30 2025-03-16
以太坊客户端Nethermind负责人Marek Moraczyński在X平台发文称,超过80%的以太坊全节点磁盘空间被历史记录占用,因此不需要数据来验证新区块,在新版1.3.1中,Nethermind已准备好通过ERA文件删除合并前历史记录,所有团队都同意在5月1日执行相关操作。如果删除所有区块和所有收据且只保留验证最新区块所需的数据,完整节点容量将小于200 GB。
04:18 2025-03-16
疑似归属于DFG创始人的地址已囤积1868万美元的UNI 和 MKR
据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,疑似归属于DFG创始人James Wo(@realjameswo)的地址已囤积总价值1868万美元的UNI和MKR,02.03以来该地址累计从Binance提出197万枚UNI(1767万美元),均价8.97美元,目前浮亏535.7万美元;此外五小时前还提出了102万美元的MKR。
04:15 2025-03-16
04:03 2025-03-16
金色午报 | 3月16日午间重要动态一览
7:00-12:00关键词:萨尔瓦多、Kaito AI、AVAX、MNT 1.美国现货比特币ETF本周净流出8.299亿美元; 2.以太坊开发者:加密钱包将在几年内整合agents; 3.巴基斯坦成立加密货币委员会监管区块链和数字资产; 4.萨尔瓦多过去7日增持13枚比特币,目前总持仓达6117.18枚; 5.美国现货比特币ETF的累计净流入已降至1月2日以来最低水平; 6.Kaito AI创始人:已更改密码,遭遇的可能是与Jupiter类似的...
03:51 2025-03-16
3月16日消息,据Bubblemaps,尽管LIBRA项目负责人HaydenDavis遭到国际刑警组织通缉,但他仍然推出了新代币WOLF。 上周,有传言称,被称为“华尔街之狼”的Jordan Belfort将推出自己的代币WOLF。WOLF与Hayden Davis推出的另一款代币HOOD的图案相同,而WOLF代币的创建者则指向Hayden Davis的地址。
03:42 2025-03-16
以太坊开发者eric.eth表示,今天常见的钱包用户体验将在短短几年内完全消失。用户将不再需要点击“连接”和“签名”。用户需要与代理 (agents) 对话,代理会为他们完成链上的所有工作。
03:30 2025-03-16
03:24 2025-03-16
3月16日消息,据Monad联创Keone Hon,目前Monad测试网上最大合约规模已增加至128kb(以太坊的限制为24.5kb)。
03:02 2025-03-16
Deribit亚太商务负责人Lin姐在社交媒体表示,本周美国现货以太坊ETF净流出总额达1.899亿美元,共减持99266.82枚ETH。其中贝莱德减持33776.47枚,富达减持31,695.05枚,抛压沉重。ETH价格已跌破2000美金大关,ETH/BTC汇率也在不断下探,当前仅 0.0229。
03:02 2025-03-16