关于「 Pinto」的内容列表

JP Morgan COO: The U.S. economy is in good shape, but inflation and geopolitical risks remain

JPMorgan chief operating officer Pinto said the US economy was in good shape but inflation was not as high as it should be and the deficit was too high, warning that inflation and geopolitical factors could undermine the current bullish market sentiment.

2025-01-22 19:32:20
摩根大通 COO:美国经济状态良好,但通胀和地缘政治风险仍存

摩根大通首席运营官 Pinto 表示,美国经济目前处于良好状态,但美国通胀水平尚未达到应有水平,且赤字过高。他同时警示,通胀和地缘政治因素可能会破坏当前的乐观市场情绪。

2025-01-22 19:32:20