关于「 Invasion」的内容列表

Kim Ten Tidying Up Syria's Civil War: Rebels Attack Damascus, President Withdraws

1. The Syrian armed opposition "Al-Sham Liberation Organization" announced the occupation of the third largest city of Homs and advanced towards the capital Damascus. 2. Two Syrian armed opposition sources said that they began to enter the Syrian capital Damascus, and there was no sign of the deployment of troops inside. 3. Two senior Syrian officials said that Syrian President Assad has left Damascus and his whereabouts are unknown. 4. All flights at the Syrian capital Damascus International Ai...

2024-12-08 03:12:41
European Union Council: Cryptocurrency Firms Must Review 2,200 Russian Entities

The European Union Council has adopted its 14th set of sanctions for Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine. The sanctions are mainly aimed at Russia's industrial and financial links with the government of Vladimir Putin. They include a ban on resale of Russian liquefied natural gas at European Union ports. European banks are also banned from connecting to Russia's financial transfer system. The European Union Council has banned cryptocurrency platforms from trading for any company or organization th...

2024-06-25 06:33:22
LooksRare: INVASION Casting has gone live on Blast

On June 11, the NFT trading market LooksRare posted on the X platform that INVASION casting has been launched on Blast, and the casting details include: 1. 50,000 Invaders; 2. 0.01 ETH each; 3. 100% of the minted funds will enter the prize pool Coins will be minted for 24 hours, or until all Invader coins are minted.

2024-06-11 12:17:01

6月11日消息,NFT交易市场LooksRare在X平台发文表示,INVASION铸造已在Blast上线,铸造细节包括: 1、5万名Invaders; 2、每个0.01 ETH; 3、100%铸币资金将进入奖池 铸币将持续24小时,或直到所有Invader铸币完毕。

2024-06-11 12:17:01

7x24 快讯

13:02 2025-03-24
金色晚报 | 3月24日晚间重要动态一览
12:00-21:00关键词:dYdX、Strategy、21Shares、WLFI 1.加密卡发行商Rain完成2450万美元融资; 2.白宫拟于4月将稳定币法案提交参议院审议; 3.dYdX :将用 25% 协议净手续费回购市场代币; 4.Strategy上周以5.841亿美元购买6911枚比特币; 5.21Shares在纳斯达克斯德哥尔摩上市三款加密货币ETP; 6.DWF Labs宣布推出规模为2.5亿美元的流动基金Liquid Fund; 7.CoinShares:上周数字资产投资产品流入总额达...
12:53 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,GoPlus 发推表示,已为符合条件的币安用户完成 200 万美元额外补偿计划。这笔资金通过币安直接分发给 3 月 4 日 21:00:00 至 3 月 5 日 17:55:59(UTC+ 8)期间在币安平台上进行净购买的用户。 此前消息,GoPlus Security发布434万美元回购计划和200万美元用户补偿方案。
12:35 2025-03-24
币安将上线 NIL 永续合约,最高支持 75 倍杠杆
据官方公告,币安将于 2025 年 3 月 24 日 13:00(UTC)上线 Nillion(NIL)永续合约服务,其中 NILUSDT 合约支持 75 倍杠杆。
12:32 2025-03-24
12:32 2025-03-24
12:29 2025-03-24
3月24日消息,美国稳定币法案 GENIUS ACT 将于下个月在参议院迎来关键时刻,因为白宫拟于 4 月将稳定币法案提交参议院审议,据悉特朗普总统的数字资产工作组敦促参议院领导人将该法案提出辩论,该立法为支付稳定币(与美元挂钩的加密货币)建立了监管框架,于 3 月 13 日以 18 票对 6 票成功通过参议院银行委员会,标志着...
12:29 2025-03-24
据 HODL15Capital 监测,在持有比特币的前 70 名公司榜单中,上周有 5 家公司增持了比特币,增持数量为 7,349 枚。排名前 70 的公司共持有 670,153 枚比特币。
12:14 2025-03-24
加密卡发行商 Rain 宣布完成 2450 万美元融资,Norwest Venture Partners 领投,Galaxy Ventures、Goldcrest、Thayer 和 Hard Yaka 参投。加密卡发行商 Rain 发行支持客户以稳定币结算付款的借记卡和信用卡。
12:11 2025-03-24
Strategy BTC持仓突破50万枚
Strategy BTC持仓突破50万枚,当前为506,137枚,价值约合443.37亿美元。Strategy收购价格约为每比特币66,608美元,收购成本约为331亿美元,浮盈超112亿美元。
12:05 2025-03-24
12:03 2025-03-24
12:02 2025-03-24