On January 26th, Musk's X platform developer Chris Park posted on the X platform. He responded to the suggestion to change the video label to "Vine label", saying that the plan is full of internal expectations, but it is not a small matter to implement. He also asked users about the value rating (1-10) of this feature for the X platform, hoping to collect external feedback.
According to @ai_9684xtpa, a trader named "everydayifailbuteverydayitryagain" managed to capitalize on the rise of the popular token PASTERNAK, increasing $6,407 to $2.16 million, a return of 3 2879.5%. He bought the token at $0.00007538 in the early stage of the launch, and made two small increases. Finally, he sold 90% of his position when the price reached $0.02384, completing this amazing investment operation.
On January 24th, the Paris prosecutor held a press conference on Thursday evening, saying that Ledger co-founder David Balland and his wife were kidnapped from their home in central France early Tuesday morning and taken to two different locations by car to be imprisoned. During the kidnapping, the kidnappers contacted another Ledger co-founder and demanded a ransom payment in cryptocurrency, which has been partially paid. This...
SignalPlus, a cryptocurrency trading software developer, completed a $11 million Series B funding round, led by AppWorks and OKX Ventures, with participation from Avenir Group and HashKey. It is reported that SignalPlus is an Asian cryptocurrency trading software service provider that aims to expand globally. Founded in 2021, it provides institutional-grade trading tools in the cryptocurrency space.
The night attack was one of the most serious and widespread in recent months. Click to view...
Although regulators around the world have banned Polymarket on the grounds that it is a gambling platform, lawyer Aaron Brogan has good reason to argue that it is not a gambling platform. Aaron Brogan, a New York-based cryptocurrency lawyer, argues that on the surface, prediction markets are just an online version of gambling, which is not true. "If you are a state-licensed gambling product...
Trump will no doubt think that dealing with Putin is now much more difficult than previously thought. Click to view...
Morgan Stanley CEO Ted Pick revealed that the bank is working with the US Treasury and other regulators to explore offering cryptocurrency trading services. Regarding phenomena such as TRUMP coins in the market, Pick said that this reflects the different ways in which market liquidity manifests, and the broader question is whether these have matured and whether crypto assets have reached "escape velocity". Pick emphasizes that time is the best friend, and the longer a trade lasts, the more likel...
According to a report by Cointelegraph, blockchain development firm Blockstream has announced the launch of two institutional investment funds that will give investors direct access to the company's bitcoin ecosystem and generate income through bitcoin-backed loans and other revenue streams. In a January 23 announcement, Blockstream debuted its new asset management business, Blockstream Asset Management, and announced the Blockstream Income Fund and Blockstream Alpha Fund, which will be launched...
On January 23rd, the reporter learned exclusively from the industry on January 23rd that in order to do a good job in the trading operation after the Spring Festival holiday, the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange plan to organize a system connectivity test after the Spring Festival holiday on February 4th to check the readiness of the technical system after the long holiday. The Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges also stated that all the data or test-related documents on...
Class A shares of high-end stocks plunged in the afternoon, Jinaobo, Yingtong communications fell by the limit, Guangxi radio and television hit the limit, after the remote shares, ancestral shares, Jin An Guoji, Pioneer Electronics fell by the limit, and Huamai Technology, which was once promoted to 5 even boards in early trading, turned green in the afternoon.
On January 23rd, according to media reports, after the organizational structure adjustment was announced on January 10th, Tencent insiders said that "core producers will lead the team to make breakthroughs around key tracks and products". The report said that the core studio group of "Honor of Kings" and Tencent games has been built, and 13 studios have been merged into 4 research and development sub-studios, as well as Z1 Studio and G1 Studio, which are specially responsible for innovation incu...
Cantelopepeel, the core developer of Solana, announced his departure and founded Unto Labs to develop the new Layer 1 blockchain. As the core engineer of the new Firedancer client, he led the team to demonstrate the performance of 1 million transactions per second and 1 billion computing units per second at Breakpoint 2024. Unto Labs will adopt a new architecture, redesigning from virtual machines to consensus mechanisms, but will not create SVM chains. Cantelopepeel expects tens of millions of ...