Musk revealed on social media platform X on Wednesday that he is using Lilly's Mounjaro to lose weight. On X, Musk posted a photo of him dressed as Santa Claus, standing next to a Christmas tree with the caption "Ozempic Santa". He then confirmed in multiple posts that he was indeed using an Ozempic-like drug to lose weight. He explained: "Technically I use Mounjaro, but this...
All three major U.S. stock indexes rallied, with weight loss drug concept stocks gaining ground. Eli Lilly (LLY. N) rose more than 5 percent and Novo Nordisk (NVO. N) rose 3.9 percent.
On Tuesday local time, the US pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly announced that it has partnered with OpenAI to develop new antimicrobial drugs using its generative artificial intelligence (AI). In the US stock market, Eli Lilly shares rose by nearly 2%. Just this month, the World Health Organization (WHO) released a report saying that antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has become one of the top ten public health threats worldwide. Diogo Rau, chief information and digital officer at Eli Lilly, said: "Ou...