In the first nine months of 2024, cryptocurrency inflows into Brazil grew by 60.7 percent, surpassing the total inflows for the entire year of 2023. According to Chainalysis, Brazil's cryptocurrency market is currently the 10th largest in the world. One of the main reasons for the growth is the surge in the use of stablecoins within the country. Dollar-pegged digital assets account for nearly 70% of all crypto-related transactions.
According to IntoTheBlock data, the maximum support range for Bitcoin is between $59,160.76 and $60,973.28, involving 965,239.08 BTC and 1,686,462 addresses, indicating significant buying power. The maximum resistance range is between $64,670.83 and $66,483.35, involving 751,477.30 BTC and 1,359,508 addresses, indicating potential selling pressure.
据 IntoTheBlock 数据,比特币最大支撑区间位于 59,160.76 美元至 60,973.28 美元之间,涉及 965,239.08 BTC 和 1,686,462 个地址,体现出显著的买盘力量。最大阻力区间则分布在 64,670.83 美元至 66,483.35 美元之间,涉及 751,477.30 BTC 和 1,359,508 个地址,预示着潜在的卖压。
4月13日讯,2023年度河南省经济体制改革十大案例近日公布,其中,河南省委编办“扎实推进事业单位重塑性改革 为现代化河南建设注入强劲动力”的改革案例上榜,且排在第一位。其中提到,省直层面,厅级领导职数精简9.3%、处级领导职数精简25.5%。除学校、医院外,按照“531”比例进行精简(即事业机构按不低于50%精简,事业编制按不低于30%精简,其中财政拨款事业编制精简比例不低于10%),原则上不再保留科级和事业编制16名以下的事业单位,“空壳单位”“僵尸单位”以及特定历史任务已经完成的事业单位一律撤销。