According to the chain data analyst @ai_9684xtpa monitoring, half an hour ago timothy0x.eth suspected to open a position of 1553 ETH, worth 3.20 million dollars, the average price of about 2063 dollars. The address had recharged the same amount of ETH to Binance at an average price of $2,054 two weeks ago, and it is uncertain whether to buy it back after selling. This part of the token was built in batches from February to October last year, costing $2,435. If sold, it will lose $592,000.
据链上数据分析师 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,半小时前 timothy0x.eth 疑似建仓 1553 枚 ETH,价值 320 万美元,均价约 2063 美元。 该地址曾在两周前以 2054 美元均价向 Binance 充值同等数量的 ETH,尚不确定是否为卖出后重新买回,这部分代币是去年 2-10 月分批建仓的,成本 2435 美元,若卖出将亏损 59.2 万美元。
The UK's services PMI for March was 53.2, compared with expectations of 50.9 and a previous value of 51.
Class A shares three major stock indexes continued to fall in the afternoon, growth enterprises market index fell 1%, Shenzhen index fell 0.85%, Shanghai index fell 0.53%.
据Coinglass数据显示,全网比特币期货合约未平仓头寸为63.26万枚 BTC(约合537.9亿美元)。 其中CME比特币合约未平仓头寸为15.263万枚BTC(约合129.7 亿美元),位列第一; Binance比特币合约未平仓头寸为10.558万枚BTC(约合89.8亿美元),位列第二。
The world's largest silver ETF - iShares Silver Trust holdings decreased by 53.78 tons from the previous day, and the current holdings are 13,723.91 tons. Welcome to click to view the data center...
The three major U.S. stock indexes continued to rise, with the Nasdaq up 2%, the S & P 500 up 1.53%, and the Dow up 1.25%. Among the "Big Seven" U.S. stocks, Tesla (TSLA. O) rose more than 6%, NVIDIA (NVDA. O) rose nearly 4%, and Google (GOOG. O) rose nearly 3%.
According to Arkham, grey released 3,753 ETH worth $7.12 million to Coinbase Prime 1 minute ago.
据Arkham监测,1分钟前灰度向Coinbase Prime转移3753枚ETH,价值712万美元。