MSD (MRK. N) 2024 Q4 revenue of $15.62 billion, the market expectations of $15.45 billion, the same period last year $14.63 billion.
伴随着以太坊价格的复苏,11 月 NFT 月销售额超 5.62 亿美元,较 10 月份 3.56 亿美元显著增长 57.8%,其中以太坊网络销售额超 2.16 亿美元,较 10 月增长 12%。但 NFT 月交易量仍远未达到 2024 年的峰值。今年 3 月,NFT 销售额创下 16 亿美元的年内最高点。然而一直保持低迷,并在 9 月达到 2021 年以来的最低点 3.03 亿美元。 CryptoSlam 数据还显示,CryptoPunks 11 月领涨 NFT 市场,30 天销售额超 49...
According to Arkham data, four hours ago, the Wintermute address deposited 9,115.62 ETH to Binance, which is about $24.57 million.
据 Arkham 数据,4 小时前,Wintermute 地址向 Binance 存入 9115.62 枚 ETH,约合 2457 万美元。
1. Bitcoin mining difficulty decreased by 5.62%, the largest decrease since May. 2. Data: The daily income of miners has decreased by 75% since the halving in April. 3. Binance: Bitcoin miners recorded the longest continuous net selling period since 2017. 4. Wall Street Journal: Millennials own 9.2% of the country's wealth, but account for more than 50% of BTC ownership. 5. The Legal Corps of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau held a number of joint meetings and theme salons on standar...
1. 比特币挖矿难度下降了5.62%,创5月以来最大降幅。2. 数据:自4月减半以来矿工每日收入下降75%。3. 币安:比特币矿工创下自2017年以来最长连续净卖出期。4. 华尔街日报:千禧一代拥有全国财富的9.2%,却占BTC拥有量的50%以上。5. 北京市公安局法制总队就规范涉案虚拟货币管理召开多场联席会议和主题沙龙。6. 香港证监会提醒公众警惕XTCQT、CEG等七家实体涉嫌从事虚拟资产相关欺诈活动。7. 今年上半年黑客和网络漏洞窃取的加密货币金额达到13.8亿美元。8. 欧盟新法规要求加密交易所遵守旅行规则指南,并从12月30日起加强反洗钱措施。9. 已丢失BTC占比达17.6%,个人持有占比达57%。10. 老虎证券:正在香港寻找符合交易标准的新币。11. 金融时报:前总统特朗普可能重返白宫,这将引发比特币价值的大幅飙升。12. MSCI公司的全球股票指数与比特币之间的短期30天相关性正在下降。
On June 1st, financial technology company Triple A recently released a report titled "The State of Global Cryptocurrency Ownership to 2024", which delves into global cryptocurrency ownership trends and their evolving role in the financial ecosystem. Eric Barbier, founder and chief executive of Triple A, wrote in the foreword to the report: "Today, 562 million people around the world own some form or form of digital currency, up from 420 million in 2023. In other words, 6.8 per cent of the world'...
6月1日消息,金融科技公司Triple A最近发布了一份题为《2024年全球加密货币所有权状况》的报告,深入研究了全球加密货币所有权趋势及其在金融生态系统中的演变作用。 Triple A创始人兼首席执行官Eric Barbier在报告前言中写道:“如今,全球有5.62亿人拥有某种或各种形式的数字货币,高于2023年的4.2亿。换言之,全球6.8%的人口拥有并使用数字货币。”报告指出...
On May 31st, Singapore-based payments company Triple-A released the "Global Cryptocurrency Ownership Status 2024" report, showing that the global digital currency user base will reach 562 million in 2024 (6.8% of the global population), an increase of 34% from the 420 million in 2023. 34% of cryptocurrency holders are between the ages of 24-35, the largest proportion of all age groups. The United Arab Emirates, Singapore and Turkey rank among the 30 economies with the highest cryptocurrency owne...
The dollar rose more than 10 points against the yen USD/JPY in the short term, reaching a high of 155.62.