Data show that U.S. employers laid off 17,017 workers in February, an increase of 245% from the previous month, the highest level of total layoffs in February since the 2009 global financial crisis.
The Bitcoin genesis block was mined by Satoshi Nakamoto on the afternoon of January 3, 2009 (Beijing time 02:15:05 on January 4, 2009), and the block was rewarded with 50 BTC. As of today, it has been 16 years since its birth. The total block height of Bitcoin currently stands at 877566.
1. 2009年底,新自由标准交易所首次实现了比特币与美元的兑换,价格约十分之一美分/枚。2. 2010年5月22日,首笔用比特币购买实体物品的交易公开,美国佛州程序员Laszlo Hanyecz用一万枚比特币(价值不到40美元)换两个大号披萨饼(价值25美元)。3. 2011年初比特币首次突破0.4美元,并在2月9日突破1美元,6月升至年内最高纪录接近30美元,年底收于4.70美元。4. 2012年全年比特币盘整并缓慢走强,11月比特币迎来首次“减半”(大约每四年发生一次),年底收于13.5美元。5. 2013年世界上第一台比特币ATM机在温哥华投入使用,4月初,比特币突破100美元,11月28日首次突破1000美元,年内最高达到1200多美元,年底收于805美元。6. 2014年1月初触及1000美元之后,比特币在2月21日跌至111.60美元,跌幅近90%,因比特币交易所Mt. Gox遭到黑客袭击,年底收于约318美元。7. 2017年比特币迎来突破之年,自9月起接连突破5000、6000……1万美元(11月28日),并在12月中旬突破了1.9万美元,12月比特币期货开始在芝加哥...
On November 4th, according to the analysis of CoinDesk, Bitcoin, which was born in 2009, is about to usher in the fourth US election. The data of the previous three elections shows that Bitcoin has maintained its upward momentum after the US election and has never fallen back to the price on Election Day. If this trend reappears, the price of Bitcoin should peak in about a year. In 2012, the United States...
According to Arkham monitoring data, an "ancient whale" that has been mining bitcoin since just five days after its birth in 2009 began selling bitcoin in August this year after sleeping for 10 years. So far, the whale has accumulated $10.52 million in cash and still holds $71.70 million worth of bitcoin.
According to Arkham, a 2009 bitcoin early whale has sold a $4.80 million position. Five days after the first block appeared, a bitcoin whale started mining and transferred $624,000 to Kraken. It currently holds $70.40 million in bitcoin and appears to be transferring 10 bitcoins twice a week. At this rate, it will complete the sale in mid-November 2025.
According to Arkham, a whale that has held bitcoin since 2009 transferred $3.58 million worth of BTC to the Kraken exchange. The whale held a total of $72.50 million worth of BTC, which was mined in 2009, just a month after the launch of bitcoin.
The market shows that BTC broke through $62,000, and is now reported at $6 2009.99. The 24-hour increase reached 2.28%. The market fluctuates greatly. Please do a good job in risk control.