关于「 0xmaxlin」的内容列表

Slow Mist Cosine: Be wary of a new type of conferencing software scam targeting crypto assets

SlowMist founder Cosine shared Twitter user @0xMaxLin's experience of job scams on the X platform, warning the community to be aware of counterfeit video conferencing software, which is used to trick potential victims into downloading malicious applications and stealing crypto assets. Maxlin.eth reported a job scam in which the scammer pretended to be from infrastructure development company xLabs and contacted the victim through Telegram to induce them to download malicious software. The scammer...

2024-07-26 19:19:41

慢雾创始人余弦在 X 平台分享了推特用户@0xMaxLin 遭遇求职诈骗的经历,警告社区注意假冒视频会议软件,这些软件用于诱骗潜在受害者下载恶意应用程序,窃取加密资产。 maxlin.eth 报告了一起求职诈骗,骗子假装来自基础设施开发公司 xLabs,通过 Telegram 接触受害者,诱导其下载恶意软件。该诈骗者以提供营销专员...

2024-07-26 19:19:41

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