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Mode launches Season 3 campaign, introduces veMODE module and offers $2 million incentive

2024-10-17 15:53:47
On October 17th, Layer2 Network Mode announced that it will launch the third season of the event. The third season will introduce the veMODE module and will provide a $2 million incentive. veMODE is an upgrade to the current MODE staking module. Pledgers can earn rewards by upgrading their staking MODE balance.
Users will be able to upgrade to the veMODE staking contract on the Mode dashboard starting October 18th. Voting will start on October 24th. Users who have staked veMODE and veBPT before October 27th are eligible to vote in the first Epoch. The voting deadline is October 30th. New voters must pledge 3 days before the end of each voting period. The first incentive allocation for the Season 3 campaign will take place the week of October 31st.