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Typical cases of applying the Civil Code of Shandong courts: At present, there is no law explicitly prohibiting the issuance and transaction of digital collections

2024-10-12 15:28:11
Jinan City, Laiwu District People's Court official account published a typical case 167 of the application of the civil code of Shandong courts, the identification of the legal attributes of digital collections and the validity of their transactions (Yang Moumou v. a merchandise company sales contract dispute case), the gist of the judgment pointed out that digital collections are a kind of network virtual property, our country currently has no legal prohibition on the issuance and transaction of digital collections, and the transaction of digital collections between civil subjects should be recognized as legal and effective as long as the actor has the corresponding civil capacity and means to express the truth. Digital collectibles have the dual attributes of collection and investment, and contain high market risks. Purchasers who aim to earn the price difference in the secondary market of digital collectibles should not be identified as consumers under the Consumer Rights Protection Law, and should bear the corresponding market price fluctuation risk.