Beosin: DeltaPrime project suspected private key leak led to about $5.90 million stolen assets

2024-09-16 09:32:12
According to the monitoring of blockchain security audit firm Beosin Alert, the DeltaPrime project administrator is suspected of private key leakage, and multiple key contracts are maliciously upgraded, resulting in the theft of about 5.90 million US dollars in assets.
According to the analysis of the Beosin security team, the root cause of this abnormal behavior is that the interest calculation contracts of multiple lending pools in the project were modified to malicious attack contracts, resulting in attackers being able to extract assets from the pools. In addition, attackers continue to attack, once a user deposits assets into the pool, they will be withdrawn immediately. At present, the accumulated loss is about 5.90 million US dollars, and all tokens have been exchanged for ETH and stored in 0xd550cfeA0BFFDC81B2dEe7B6d915D9D9e31d83A2 address.