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1. After the interest rate is reduced, the bank will still deposit 50BP in the same period! A new round of savings bonds goes on sale today. 2. The Ministry of Finance will issue in Paris, France...

2024-09-10 08:33:37
< span class = "section-news" > 1. After the interest rate cut, the super bank still fixed 50BP in the same period! A new round of savings bonds goes on sale today. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 2. The Ministry of Finance will issue euro sovereign bonds in Paris, France. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 3. The yield of US Treasury bonds has fluctuated, and the scale of the Federal Reserve's first interest rate cut is uncertain. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 4. Morgan is bearish on some emerging market bonds, and the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut is unlikely to stimulate the influx of funds. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 5. Russell Investments: The valuation of US Treasury bonds is reasonable. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 6. The popularity of panda bond issuance continues to rise, promoting the process of RMB internationalization. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 7. The Ministry of Finance plans to invite tenders to renew the issuance of 137 billion yuan 5-year book-based interest-bearing treasury bonds on September 11. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 8. Volkswagen will issue 1.50 billion yuan Panda bonds in China's interbank bond market. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 9. Lessons learned from the collapse of Credit Suisse, Australian regulators advised banks to abandon AT1 bonds. < br > < span class = "section-news" > 10. South Korean Finance Minister: Ready to promote the inclusion of bond indices.
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