deBridge: The current 10% of TGE points holders can choose to receive all DBR tokens, but they need to pay a 20% penalty
2024-08-14 09:54:07
On August 14th, the deBridge Foundation updated the token collection information for the top 10% of points holders of deBridge in the first quarter. Option 1 is to choose to receive 50% at TGE, and the other 50% will be received within 6 months after TGE; option 2 is to choose to receive all DBR tokens at TGE, but a 20% fine will be paid. All DBR fines will be redistributed as bonuses to participants who choose the attribution plan.
The deBridge Foundation previously stated that the top 10% of addresses in the first quarter distribution will receive about 76% of the token distribution due to a special distribution schedule for these addresses (i.e. 50% at TGE and the other 50% within 6 months after TGE). The remaining 90% of users will be able to receive 100% of the DBR at TGE.