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Republican National Committee adopts encryption and artificial intelligence policies in draft platform

2024-07-09 08:02:04
A panel of the Republican National Committee (RNC) adopted a draft platform outlining cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence (AI) policies on July 8. The panel approved the draft platform by a vote of 84 to 14. The convention must finalize the platform in a future vote.
According to the platform, the Republican Party intends to "end the illegal and un-American cryptocurrency crackdown by Democrats" and block the creation of a CBDC.
In addition, the party also aims to protect bitcoin mining rights, the right to self-custody cryptocurrencies, and the right to trade without government control and surveillance. The party also intends to repeal President Biden's executive order on artificial intelligence (AI), calling it "dangerous" and saying it would limit artificial intelligence innovation.
The draft says its goal is to support the development of artificial intelligence "rooted in free speech and human flourishing," in contrast to Biden's artificial intelligence order, which "imposes radical left ideas."