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The SEC Commissioner acknowledges the benefits of securities tokenization, including providing security, transparency, and immutability

2024-06-16 13:18:05
On June 16, Securities Exchange Commission Commissioner Mark Uyeda acknowledged that asset tokenization, including the tokenization of securities, has potential benefits, and that representing asset rights with digital tokens on the blockchain can provide "security, transparency, and immutability". Tokenization eliminates the need for intermediaries, thereby simplifying transactions and reducing transaction costs.
Uyeda referred to tokenization as part of broader technological advancements and noted that new technologies and innovations may provide further efficiencies to our global markets and investors. Uyeda also acknowledged that the UK's FCA Asset Management Working Group is reviewing the tokenization of FCA-authorised funds from November 2023. It must be emphasized that the FCA's ongoing research is very in-depth, which is conducive to innovation and growth while protecting investors from harm. The FCA's review can inform actions by other regulators and urge regulators to address the costs, benefits and risks of tokenization.