Justin Sun currently holds 665,000 ETH, 390,000 of which are bought between the end of 2023 and the end of April this year
2024-05-21 13:04:59
According to on-chain analyst Ember Monitoring, Justin Sun currently holds 665,000 ETH ($2.0447 billion), of which 390,000 ($1.0435 billion) are bought at an average price of $2,984 between the end of 2023 and the end of April this year.
1⃣ 2023/12/26 -1/5, raised 17,883 ETH ($40.45M) from CEX via 0x9fc... 9fe address, average price $2,262;
2⃣ 2/8-2/25, buy 173,863 ETH ($525.24M) from CEX via 0x7a9... 095 address + on-chain purchase, with an average price of $2,869;
3⃣ 4/1-4/25, buy 176,117 ETH ($552M) through 0x435... 7cb address as Binance withdrawal + on-chain purchase, with an average price of $3,138;
4⃣ 4/27-4/29, withdraw 22,316 ETH ($72.38M) from Binance via address 0x205... 621, with an average price of $3,244.
247,000 of these 665,000 ETH are stored in the wallet, and 417,000 exist in the pledge and re-pledge platform:
215,217 ETH → EigenLayer;
120,139 ETH → Swelling;
58,558 ETH → Puffer;
23,225 ETH → Lido;
454 ETH → etherfi.