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Japanese table tennis star has been arrested for gambling on suspicion of using virtual currencies to bet on sports through online casinos

2025-01-30 11:26:35
Takahi Niwa, a 30-year-old table tennis player who won a bronze medal in the men's table tennis team at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, was handed over to prosecutors on January 30 for suspected gambling through overseas online casino websites. He is believed to have admitted to the relevant charges during voluntary questioning, saying that he made bets on the outcome of sports competitions.
"I didn't know it was illegal and I feel very remorseful," Niwa said in an interview with Kyodo news agency. "I feel sorry for my fans."
According to investigators, the Japanese police have attached an opinion demanding strict handling. The allegation is that in the early summer of 2023, Niwa players accessed online casino websites through a domestic network connection and used cryptoassets (virtual currencies) to gamble.
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