The Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs answered a reporter's question on China's bid to host APEC in 2026
2024-11-17 08:01:27
November 17, Q: According to media reports, China's application to host APEC in 2026 has been supported by all parties and approved at this year's APEC Leaders' Meeting. What is the spokesperson's comment on this? Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: APEC is an important economic cooperation mechanism in the Asia-Pacific region. Proceeding from the overall situation of promoting Asia-Pacific cooperation, China has taken the initiative to play a role and proposed to host the APEC meeting in 2026, which was welcomed by APEC members and approved by this APEC Leaders' Meeting. China has always attached great importance to Asia-Pacific cooperation and hosted APEC meetings in 2001 and 2014. In 2026, China will host APEC for the third time. China is willing to strengthen communication and cooperation with all parties on the matter of hosting the 2026 meeting, jointly implement the Putrajaya Vision in 2040, advance the construction of the Asia-Pacific Community and the Asia-Pacific Free Trade Area, and create practical cooperation results in various fields, so as to inject new impetus into the economic growth of the Asia-Pacific and the world.