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Bitlayer and Nansen reach a strategic cooperation

2024-11-11 10:53:25
On November 11th, Bitlayer, a bitcoin native two-layer project based on Bitcoin finality, announced a strategic cooperation with blockchain analysis platform Nansen. Nansen will soon integrate Bitlayer on-chain data and open Bitlayer data analytics and real-time tools for users to explore Bitlayer's growing on-chain ecosystem. This strategic cooperation represents Nansen's official expansion of business into the Bitcoin ecosystem, and Bitlayer becomes the first Bitcoin L2 project supported by Nansen integration.
Charlie Hu, co-founder of Bitlayer, said of the partnership: "The Bitcoin ecosystem is changing with each passing day, and users urgently need some advanced tools and platforms to track Bitlayer's data on a macro and micro level. The integration of Nansen to support Bitlayer fills a gap in the current bitcoin analytics space." Last week, Alex Svanevik, CEO of Nansen, posted on social media. "After spending a lot of time researching Bitcoin's Layer 2 network (L2), I think we have found a winner. Stay tuned."
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7x24 快讯

12:03 2025-03-27
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Pancake Swap或将推出独立IDO活动,认购代币为CAKE
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10:26 2025-03-27
10:23 2025-03-27
Binance Wallet KiloEx TGE已募集超20万枚BNB,超募约170倍
据相关页面,Binance Wallet KiloEx TGE现已开放投入,结束时间为北京时间3月27日20:00,当前已募集206451枚BNB,超募约170倍。