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韩国交易员 Definalist 在社交媒体发文表示,「我认为今天和明天最大的事件可能是 MELANIA 代币解锁,分两天进行: 今天(北京时间 19 日 17:26),距离现在还有 5 小时,价值 3700 万美元 MELANIA 解锁; 明天(北京时间 20 日 17:47)价值 2780 万美元 MELANIA 解锁。」

2025-02-19 04:37:57
DWF Labs合伙人:AI板块市场调整是叙事再平衡,仍具巨大潜力

DWF Labs 合伙人 Andrei Grachev 在社交平台上表示,「可以将这次 AI 市场的调整看作是对其叙事的一种再平衡,但绝对不是终结。回想一下 2017 至 2018 年的 BTC 崩盘。AI、AI 代理、DeFAI 目前正处于非常好的入场点,并且具有巨大的潜力。不是财务建议(NFA)。」

2025-01-31 17:04:32

据 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,「2024.03 以来九次 PEPE 波段获利 180.8 万美金巨鲸」时隔一周再次加仓价值 101 万美元的 PEPE。19 小时前他从 Binance 提出 572 亿枚 PEPE,截至目前第十轮波段已建仓 2480 亿枚(约 436 万美元),成本 0.00002003 美元,现已浮亏 60.3 万美元。

2025-01-11 04:08:44
PEPE波段操作Smart Money地址凌晨再次加仓279万美元的PEPE

据 @ai_9684xtpa 监测,「过去六个月通过 PEPE 波段获利 492 万美元的 Smart Money」地址凌晨再次加仓 279 万美元的 PEPE,本轮波段仓位已增加至 8179 亿枚 PEPE。 过去一周他累计从 Kraken 提出价值 1425 万美元的 PEPE,均价 0.00001742 美元,目前是该地址持仓排名第一的资产,浮盈 69.5 万美元。

2024-12-28 06:31:48
某ETH波段巨鲸再次向 Binance 充值 400 万枚 USDT疑似抄底

据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,「2023.05 以来低买高卖 ETH 获利 2993 万美元的巨鲸」15 分钟前再次向 Binance 充值 400 万枚 USDT。今天已累计向交易所转移 1000 万枚 USDT,疑似用于抄底。

2024-12-23 07:55:29

据 ai_9684xtpa 监测,「10.29 起建仓 88,943 枚 ETH 的巨鲸/机构」一小时前疑似再次加仓 5854 枚 ETH,约 2155 万美元。 10.29 以来该地址以均价 3037 美元从 Binance 和 Bybit 累计提出 88,943 枚 ETH,总价值高达 2.7 亿美元;11.03 - 12.04 期间该地址疑似卖出了其中 35,220 枚,均价 3224 美元,获利约 659 万美元。目前剩余部分仍浮盈 3539 万美元。

2024-12-11 10:09:43

12月10日消息,CZ 发文称,「比特币的总量永远只有 2100 万枚。目前已经开采了 1980 万枚比特币。这一切由数学控制。」

2024-12-10 11:19:31
ai16z合作伙伴宣布DAO将与AI Combinator完全分离,专注推出AI交易员

据官方消息,ai16z DAO 表示,「DAO 合作伙伴已决定: 为了将 100% 的精力集中在 ai16z 和 degenai 代币上,我们将暂停任何分散注意力的工作,专注于推出我们的 AI 交易员。 ai16z 和 AI Combinator 将完全分离。我们祝愿 Ryze Labs 在加速 AI 代理领域取得成功。我们的技术是开源的,任何人都可以免费使用,未来也将一直如此,回归建设。

2024-11-24 09:57:53

据链上数据分析师余烬监测,「波段胜率 82.3%」的 SmartMoney 地址半小时前以 3,137 的均价卖出了前天以 3,120 均价买进的 10,567.3 枚 ETH (约合 3315 万美元),仅获利 18 万美元。

2024-11-21 12:00:14
某地址均价 3125.7 美元建仓 3936.56 枚 WETH

据 ai_9684xtpa 监测,「波段胜率 82.3% 的聪明钱」在上一轮波段失利后再次开启第 18 次波段,过去 15 分钟,他以均价 3125.7 美元建仓了 3936.56 枚 WETH,价值 1230 万美元。该用户此次态度谨慎,未像此前波段一样全仓买入。

2024-11-19 07:48:28
某巨鲸过去 40 分钟他以均价 2527美元抛售 7429 枚 WETH

据链上分析师@ai_9684xtpa监测,「波段胜率 83% 的聪明钱」第 13 次波段再次获利了结,胜率提升至 85%。过去 40 分钟他以均价 2527美元 抛售 7429 枚 WETH(成本 2477美元),价值 1878 万美元,累计获利 37.6 万美元,截止目前他的战绩更新为 13 战 11 胜。

2024-10-28 10:43:25

Placeholder 合伙人 Chris Burniske 在社交媒体上表示,「关于对风投(VC)的质疑:加密领域里有很多优质的风投,他们...

2024-09-24 03:32:05

以太坊联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 在社交媒体上发文表示,「我对此非常认真。从明年开始,我计划在公开场合(例如博客、演讲等)只提及那些已经达到阶段 1 及以上的 L2 项目,或许会给新出现的真正有趣项目一个短暂的宽限期。 无论我是否投资,或你是否是我...

2024-09-12 02:51:42

8月2日消息,据spotonchain监测,「bc1qh」地址在过去8小时的低点从Bitfinex提取了4600枚BTC(约合2.91亿美元),均价约为63,209美元。 最近,还注意到另外3个鲸鱼地址(可能是一个实体)自6月12日以来从Bitfinex中提取了3,910枚BTC(约合2.57亿美元),最后一次增持时间在3天前。

2024-08-02 02:05:43

7x24 Newsflash

13:14 2025-03-28
Market news: European Union plans to make concessions to Trump after mutual tariffs
According to market news, the European Union plans to make concessions to US President Trump after imposing tariffs on each other.
13:11 2025-03-28
ZachXBT: A Coinbase user was suspected of being defrauded of $34.90 million BTC yesterday
On March 28th, on-chain detective ZachXBT posted on the official channel, I suspect that a Coinbase user was defrauded of $34.90 million (400.099BTC) yesterday. After discovering this fraud, I noticed that in the past two weeks, there have been multiple incidents of suspected Coinbase users being defrauded. Each time the stolen funds were crossed from Bitcoin to Ethereum via Thorchain/Chainflip and exchanged for DAI. Although these scam addresses appeared in multiple victims' funds, Coinbase did...
13:02 2025-03-28
Golden Evening News | List of important developments on the evening of March 28
12:00-21:00 Keywords: Avalanche, Upbit, LUNA, SAFE 1. Nasdaq filed a grey release Avalanche ETF application with the SEC; 2. Upbit operator Dunamu's operating profit rose 85% year-on-year last year, setting a record high. GameStop shares were restricted from trading on the NYSE due to a 234% surge in short trading. 4.CZ: The listing should not affect the price of the currency, and the long-term price should be determined by the development of the project itself; 5. The New York Attorney General ...
13:02 2025-03-28
Tether Treasury issues 1 billion USDT
According to WhaleAlert, Tether Treasury issued 1 billion additional USDT.
12:59 2025-03-28
Degen: Season 14 Aridrop 2 has officially launched
Degen announced on the X platform that the 14th season of Aridrop 2 has been officially launched, and users can apply for $DEGEN.
12:47 2025-03-28
U.S. inflation remains stubborn, traders continue to bet on a July rate cut
Data showed that the Fed's preferred measure of inflation continued to rise at a stubborn pace in February, while a weaker-than-expected monthly rate of personal spending suggested weaker-than-expected household demand, suggesting that consumers are becoming more cautious amid growing concerns about their finances. Stock index futures fell further after the data, while Treasury yields remained low. Swap traders continue to expect two 25-basis...
12:32 2025-03-28
The core PCE price index in the United States rose at an annual rate of 2.8% in February, compared with expectations of 2.7%.
The core PCE price index in the United States rose at an annual rate of 2.8% in February, compared with an expected 2.7%. (Golden Ten)
12:29 2025-03-28
Galaxy Digital reaches $200 million settlement with New York prosecutors over LUNA investment
According to CoinDesk, cryptocurrency financial services company Galaxy Digital has announced a $200 million settlement with the New York Attorney General's Office to settle its investigation related to the 2022 Terra-Luna ecosystem crash. Under the terms of the settlement, Galaxy will be held responsible for its investments, transactions and public statements in the LUNA token. At the same time, Galaxy disclosed its 2024 financial report, showing that the company achieved a net profit of $174 m...
12:17 2025-03-28
He Yi released Meme Learning Notes: Investors should choose to hold or profit according to the market cycle
Binance co-founder He Yi posted a personal Meme learning note on social media, saying that Meme crosses cultural boundaries and represents the final expression of the crowd and the influence of subcultures on the mainstream culture. Every culture has a group that resonates, and Meme does not follow trends, but creates them. Dogecoin, as a symbol of crypto culture, proves that...
11:55 2025-03-28
US Senator Ted Cruz has proposed a bill banning the Federal Reserve from issuing a CBDC
On March 28, US Senator Ted Cruz introduced a bill to ban the Federal Reserve from issuing central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). The Texas Republican senator's bill could be seen as a companion bill to the anti-CBDC legislation of Representative Tom Emmer, a Minnesota Republican. Emmer's bill was reintroduced on March 6. A companion bill is legislation that is similar or identical in text to another bill and introduced in another chamber of Congress.
11:31 2025-03-28
Nasdaq files grey release Avalanche ETF application with SEC
Nasdaq has filed a grey release Avalanche ETF application with the SEC.
11:19 2025-03-28
Ceffu Transfers 837 BTC to Binance, Approximately $71.28 million
According to Whale Alert, about 15 minutes ago, 837 BTC ($71,285,201) was transferred from cryptocurrency custodian Ceffu to Binance.