News list for "韩国"



2025-03-24 03:59:16
“聚势 无界”PANDORA生态启动大会于今日在韩国济州岛顺利开展

据PANDORA Chain官方消息,由PANDORA基金会主办,全球超级节点支持协办的“聚势 无界PANDORA生态启动大会”于3月20日在韩国济州岛隆重举办,顺利开幕,PANDORA全球开发者、社区、合作伙伴、机构等共同见证这个历史性的时刻。 Pandora Chain是新一代为复杂计算而生的超级公链,作为一个开放、包容且充满活力的生态系统,本次会议的召开,标志Pandora ...

2025-03-20 01:02:15


2025-03-18 05:18:50


2025-03-17 00:18:28
韩国央行将启动涉及 10 万消费者的 CBDC 零售交易试点

韩国央行计划与金融服务委员会和金融监督服务局合作,启动一项涉及 10 万消费者的中央银行数字货币(CBDC)实际交易试点。 该试点将有七家主要商业银行参与,包括国民银行、新韩银行、韩亚银行、友利银行、农协银行、韩国产业银行和釜山银行。这些银行将发行由 CBDC 支持的存款代币,用于在特定商户进行零售交易,包括 7-Eleven 便利店、教保文库和外卖平台 D...

2025-03-11 14:59:02


2025-02-26 03:21:09
韩国央行如期降息 25BP,立场转向中性

韩国央行今日将利率下调 25 个基点,在对增长的担忧日益加剧之际,韩国央行从限制性货币政策转向中性立场。这是韩国央行自去年 10 月开始降息周期以来的第三次降息,使韩国利率比美联储的 4.25-4.50% 的目标区间低约 150 个基点。 央行还将今年的经济增长预期从 1.9% 下调至 1....

2025-02-25 01:14:09

据官方公告,韩国加密货币交易所Upbit宣布,因计划进行数据库维护任务,NFT服务拟于2月27日06:00~08:00暂停2小时,期间Upbit的NFT 服务内以太坊和基于Polygon的NFT的存入和提取将无法进行,根据市场情况本次检查可能延期或取消。

2025-02-21 06:23:25

韩国交易员Definalist在社交媒体发文表示,“我认为今天和明天最大的事件可能是MELANIA代币解锁,分两天进行: 今天(北京时间19日17:26),距离现在还有5小时,价值3700万美元MELANIA解锁; 明天(北京时间20日17:47)价值2780万美元MELANIA解锁。”

2025-02-19 04:37:58

韩国交易员 Definalist 在社交媒体发文表示,「我认为今天和明天最大的事件可能是 MELANIA 代币解锁,分两天进行: 今天(北京时间 19 日 17:26),距离现在还有 5 小时,价值 3700 万美元 MELANIA 解锁; 明天(北京时间 20 日 17:47)价值 2780 万美元 MELANIA 解锁。」

2025-02-19 04:37:57

7:00-12:00关键词:韩国 、Luna、Libra、Coinbase 1.韩国最高法院裁定TerraUSD和Luna不是证券; 2.谷歌正探索使用“谷歌登录”功能来登录比特币钱包; 3.Libra联创否认向米莱行贿,称媒体报道“出于政治动机”; 4.Coinbase股东起诉公司高管涉嫌在破产风险方面误导投资者; 5.香港证监会:虚拟资产路线图下午发布,拟允许质押及孖展贷款; 6.美国总统特朗普签...

2025-02-19 04:01:38

据Etoday报道,韩国最高法院裁定,稳定币TerraUSD和加密货币Luna不被视为金融投资产品或证券。这些数字资产在2022年5月崩盘,价值损失约400亿美元。最新的法院判决可能会影响下级法院的类似法律纠纷。 2022年11月,首尔一家法院驳回了检察官要求没收这些代币背后的公司Terraform Labs联合创始人Daniel Shin资产的请求。当...

2025-02-19 03:34:21

韩国金融服务委员会(FSC)主席Kim Byoung-hwan宣布,针对未能满足客户身份验证要求的加密交易所Upbit,监管机构将很快就是否对其实施制裁作出决定。 这一决定是在FSC下属金融情报分析院(FIU)去年8月底启动的一项检查之后作出的,该检查是Upbit虚拟资产服务提供商(VASP)执照续期流程的一部分。检查过程中发现,Upbit涉嫌违反反洗钱(AML)规定的行为多达数...

2025-02-18 02:49:35

韩国加密交易所Upbit的运营公司Dunamu收购了全球数字乐谱平台运营公司MPAG。此次收购于11月进行,Dunamu通过购买股份使MPAG成为其子公司。MPAG运营着面向全球用户的MyMusic Sheet平台、面向韩国用户的Mapianist平台以及面向日本用户的Kokomu平台。

2025-02-17 00:53:52


2025-02-14 03:09:55

7x24 Newsflash

09:16 2025-03-29
67,000 ETH is on the verge of liquidation, and the giant whale is only $100 away from the liquidation price of its ETH position
According to the chain analyst Ember monitoring, 67,000 ETH is on the verge of liquidation, and the giant whale is only $100 away from the liquidation price of its ETH position. On March 11, the giant whale 67,000 ETH positions were on the verge of liquidation because the price of ETH fell, and the position was not liquidated through repayment and reduction. Later, ETH rebounded to temporarily remove his position from the risk of liquidation, and then there was no operation to increase margin, r...
09:10 2025-03-29
This week, the US spot bitcoin ETF net inflow of $196.40 million, the spot ethereum ETF net outflow of $8.70 million
According to Farside Investors data, the US spot bitcoin ETF this week net inflows of $196.40 million; this week the US spot Ethereum ETF cumulative net outflows of $8.70 million.
08:49 2025-03-29
Trusted AI Leading Project Privasea Opens Official eSIM Appointment Page
On March 29th, Privasea, a trusted AI leader project, opened the official eSIM reservation page today. It is reported that this eSIM will be combined with its flagship product ImHuman to provide identity privacy, communication, payment and other services for global digital citizens. Previously, Confidential AI project Privasea completed the A round of financing at a valuation of 180 million US dollars, with a total of three rounds of financing of 15 million US dollars. Investors include GSR, Amb...
08:21 2025-03-29
TokenFi has announced the abolition of the 0.3% token sale tax
After receiving a unanimous vote from Floki DAO, TokenFi announced that it would abolish the 0.3% buy/sell tax on native tokens. The relevant changes have now taken effect on the Ethereum and BNB Chain networks. It is reported that the support rate of this vote is 100%.
08:03 2025-03-29
The number of Solana network addresses has reached 11.12 million, a record high
Chain analyst Ali Yu X said in a post that the number of Solana network addresses reached 11.12 million, a record high.
07:45 2025-03-29
A PEPE giant whale is currently losing $3.60 million in its LDO holdings
According to Onchain Lens, a PEPE whale has sold 2.25 million LDOs ($2.18 million) for WETH and exchanged them for 12,037 AAVs at $181. Initially, the whale bought 3.60 million LDOs at 2,234 ETH ($7 million). Currently holding 1.35 million LDOs ($1.215 million), it faces a loss of $3.60 million.
07:33 2025-03-29
Network-wide Ethereum contract unpositioned squaring positions of $21.92 billion
According to Coinglass data, the number of unpositioned squaring Ethereum contracts on the whole network reached 11.63 million, which is about 21.92 billion US dollars.
06:59 2025-03-29
Animoca Brands plans to partner with Sony's Soneia to develop the Moca Network identity layer
Animoca Brands has announced that it will partner with Soneium, an Ethereum second-layer blockchain owned by Sony Block Solutions Labs, to create an identity layer on the Moca Network, designed to enhance customer engagement and enable partners on the Soneium to issue and validate data credentials. It is reported that the Moca Network Account, Identity and Reputation SDK (AIR SDK) will be integrated into the Soneium blockchain, enabling users to maintain embedded accounts, unique identities, and...
06:29 2025-03-29
Analysts: If Trump implements comprehensive tariffs, the strengthening of the dollar will be unsustainable
Bank of America FX analysts Athanasios Vamvakidis and Claudio Piron said in a note, "We believe that the risks are balanced ahead of next week's deadline. We believe that the imposition of tariffs on specific products is already what the market is expecting. A full-scale tariff would be a negative surprise. However, we do not expect continued dollar strength in this scenario as the market remains concerned about a slowdown in the US economy. The implementation of new tariffs may also take time d...
06:29 2025-03-29
BurrBear will hold an IDO on March 31.
Berachain ecosystem decentralized stablecoin exchange BurrBear has been scheduled to hold an IDO on March 31st at 9:00 pm Beijing time. The IDO will be publicly sold through Fjord Foundry's LBP and curated by Honeypot Finance. It is reported that BurrBear is a decentralized exchange (DEX) designed for stablecoins, LSTs/LRTs, and real assets (RWAs) within the Berachain ecosystem. It aims to solve the inefficiency of traditional stablecoin transactions and bring a smoother and more efficient tradi...
05:34 2025-03-29
Data: Top 10 stablecoin trading volumes have fallen to a quarter of the level of last December's bull market
On March 29, according to Cointelegraph, the trading volume of the top ten stablecoins has dropped to a quarter of the level of the bull market cycle in December last year. Analysts believe that trader fatigue, regulatory uncertainty, and bitcoin supply hitting a seven-year low are key factors.
05:10 2025-03-29
$238 million worth of ETH or risk of liquidation
With the price of ETH falling, the two whales' 125,603 ETH ($238 million) held in Maker is again at risk of liquidation. The health rate has been reduced to $1.07, with clearing prices of $1,805 and $1,787, respectively.