News list for "随着"



2025-02-24 03:55:25

Coinbase 首席法务官 Paul Grewal 在采访中表示,随着美国证券交易委员会(SEC)撤销对 Coinbase 运营非法交易平台的诉讼,公司将腾出 5000 万美元资金,加大对创新的投入。

2025-02-21 19:43:02

随着美国比特币ETF上周自1月初以来首次出现净流出,备受关注的加密货币恐惧与贪婪指数已进入“恐惧”区域,较去年11月的峰值大幅下降。FxPro首席市场分析师Alex Kuptsikevich表示,这是一个间接信号,表明市场相对稳定的表现正在抑制投资者的情绪。最令人担忧的是,在当前的情绪和市值水平...

2025-02-20 14:02:34

Stacks 联合创始人 Muneeb Ali 表示,随着最初的兴奋感逐渐消退,超过三分之二的现有比特币第 2 层项目将在三年内不复存在。在谈到比特币 L2 生态系统时,Ali 表示,大多数项目已经开始意识到“市场非常艰难”。

2025-02-20 09:42:28
QCP:通胀担忧持续,与 FTX 相关的 SOL 对冲交易正对 BTC 和 ETH 形成压力

QCP Capital 最新分析指出,随着关税紧张局势升级,通胀担忧仍是市场首要关注点。目前已确定对部分中国商品征收 10% 关税,而对加拿大和墨西哥的 25% 关税提案仍在协商中,钢铝关税计划将于 3 月 12 日从 10% 提升至 25%。然而,市场已基本消化这...

2025-02-19 10:44:06
前Coinbase CTO:传统IPO和并购受阻,区块链上的证券代币发行(STO)或成新融资路径


2025-02-19 07:30:25


2025-02-19 06:45:02
某鲸鱼向 Hyperliquid 存入 400 万 USDC 做多 SOL,已亏损 690 万美元


2025-02-18 10:02:28

随着Meme币丑闻不断增加,市场情绪回落,交易员越来越多地为SOL下跌做准备。根据数据服务Coinalyze的数据,2月17日,加密货币期货交易所的SOL多头与空头头寸比从4降至2.5,这意味着整个市场倾向于看跌SOL。 匿名加密KOL Tyler Durden于X发文表示:“市场已经决定对Solana发泄怒火。”Durden引用币安永续期货交易平台的数据表示,币安的SOL空头与多头头寸比率已升至4:1,表明看跌...

2025-02-18 01:14:55

随着美国总统唐纳德·特朗普的上台,包括前FTX首席执行官SBF在内的越来越多白领罪犯正在探索获得宽恕的途径。然而,据主张更公平的刑后政策的全国性支持组织白领支持小组(White Collar Support Group...

2025-02-18 00:01:55

2月17日消息,QCP 发布每日报告称,随着市场持续横盘整理,BTC 的市场主导地位已上升至约 60%,接近四年来的高点,而 ETH 和其他山寨币继续...

2025-02-17 09:13:31

区块链研究公司Chainalysis警告说,随着网络犯罪分子利用人工智能(AI)并变得更加有组织化,所谓的浪漫骗局(romance scams)激增,去年全球加密欺诈收入估计已达到创纪录水平。该公司在周四发布的一份报告中表示,根据其初步估计,与诈骗相关的加密钱包在2024年收到了价值99亿美元的加密货币。该公司预测,随着更多的诈骗钱包被发现,2024年的加密诈骗金额将增长到...

2025-02-13 14:56:14


2025-02-13 11:29:30

据Fox Business报道,随着数字资产成为监管重点,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)与商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)正在探讨加强加密货币监管合作的方式。其中一项讨论方案是重新启用2010年成立的CFTC-SEC联合咨询委员会,该委员会旨在协调双方对新兴市场的监管,但自2014年以来一直处于停滞状态。CFTC代理主席Caroline Pham去年曾呼吁改革该委员会,认为此举将成为美加密市场监管合作...

2025-02-13 01:00:30


2025-02-12 17:30:56

7x24 Newsflash

01:29 2025-03-25
Cronos Labs appoints Mirko Zhao as new head
Cronos Labs has announced the appointment of Mirko Zhao as head of product and engineering at Cronos, replacing the departing Ken Timsit. Mirko Zhao, who has extensive experience in blockchain and DeFi, will be responsible for driving Cronos Labs' product strategy and incubation program.
01:29 2025-03-25
BTC daily average exchange inflows fell to less than 27,000, indicating a contraction in liquidity and increased investor caution
Bitcoin exchange inflows, a key indicator of near-term trading intentions, have fallen from a daily average of 58,600 BTC in December to 26,900 BTC, representing a 54% decrease in the number of bitcoins sent to exchanges, a contraction in market liquidity, and heightened investor caution. In addition, a working capital indicator that reflects the current market structure is the "hot supply" of bitcoin, or the number of bitcoins flowing each week, which the data shows will be higher in December 2...
01:10 2025-03-25
A giant whale redeemed 4,721 ETH and transferred it to Bitget, losing more than $3.50 million in three months
According to on-chain analyst Ember monitoring, a giant whale redeemed 4,721 ETH (about $9.91 million) and transferred it to the exchange Bitget 5 hours ago. The address has withdrawn a total of 6,849 ETH (about $17.95 million) from Coinbase Prime and Binance at an average price of $2,621 in the past 3 months and pledged it. The current position has lost about $3.57 million.
01:06 2025-03-25
According to the latest brokerage pending order data, gold is concerned about multiple resistance such as 3015.5, Europe and the United States are concerned about this action energy, and the United States and Japan are concentrating on multiple orders here... Click to view the latest report
According to the latest brokerage pending order data, gold is concerned about multiple resistance such as 3015.5, Europe and the United States are concerned about this action energy, and the United States and Japan are concentrating on multiple orders here... Click to view the latest report
01:00 2025-03-25
In early trading, the main domestic futures contracts rose more and fell less. Glass rose more than 2%, coke rose nearly 2%, asphalt, iron ore, No. 20 glue, styrene (EB), SC crude oil, fuel oil rose more than 1%; in terms of decline, Shanghai tin, Shanghai nickel, container shipping Europe line, apple...
In early trading, the main domestic futures contracts rose more and fell less. Glass rose more than 2%, coke rose nearly 2%, asphalt, iron ore, No. 20 glue, styrene (EB), SC crude oil, fuel oil rose more than 1%; in terms of decline, Shanghai tin, Shanghai nickel, container shipping Europe line, Apple fell nearly 1%.
00:59 2025-03-25
Daily Hong Kong Stock Market News Express (Tuesday, March 25)
1. Xiaomi Group (01810.HK): Placing 800 million shares at a discount of 6.6% to raise 42.50 billion Hong Kong dollars. 2. BYD Shares (01211.HK): In 2024, the operating income will be 777.102 billion yuan, an increase of 29.02% year-on-year; the net profit will be 40.254 billion yuan, an increase of 34.00% year-on-year. 3. BYD Electronics (00285.HK): In 2024, the income will be 177.306 billion yuan, an increase of 36.43% year-on-year; the net profit will be 4.266 billion yuan, an increase of 5.55...
00:52 2025-03-25
Staring Artifact · Agricultural Product Analysis
The US new season corn freight market is deserted, can price be the key to competitiveness?
00:46 2025-03-25
Blackstone Group President: Don't make a "knee-jerk reaction" to Trump's tariff farce, suggest waiting for the outcome of potential negotiations
Jon Gray, president of Blackstone Group, warned investors not to make a "knee-jerk reaction" decision to Trump's tariff farce, instead advising to wait and see how the potential negotiations play out. "Be a little bit patient," he said. "Watch how this tariff diplomacy evolves and make investment decisions over a longer period of time. I think in a time like this, the danger is that you do something short-term and you'll...
00:45 2025-03-25
Futures Hotspot Tracking
Goldman Sachs "$60 Bottom Theory": Every $10 drop in oil prices will trigger 300,000 barrels/day supply gap? Click to read.
00:39 2025-03-25
Trump said he would soon announce tariffs on autos, pharmaceuticals and other industries, while hinting at relief for some countries in reciprocal tariffs to be announced next week. Click to view...
Trump said he would soon announce tariffs on autos, pharmaceuticals and other industries, while hinting at relief for some countries in reciprocal tariffs to be announced next week. Click to view...
00:34 2025-03-25
Standard Chartered: If Bitcoin is included in the tech portfolio, it will attract more institutional investors to buy it
According to The Block, Standard Chartered has launched a hypothetical "Mag 7B" index, replacing Tesla with Bitcoin (BTC) in the "Magnificent 7" portfolio and finding that the new portfolio offers higher returns and lower volatility. Geoffrey Kendrick, global head of digital asset research at Standard Chartered, pointed out in his report that bitcoin is in the near term with Nasdaq's...
00:31 2025-03-25
Kentucky officially signs the Bitcoin Bill of Rights, guaranteeing self-custody and node operation rights
The governor of Kentucky officially signed HB701 into law on March 24 local time, guaranteeing the rights of residents to use digital assets, self-custodial wallets, and operate blockchain nodes. The bill explicitly excludes such activities from money transmission licenses and securities regulations, and restricts local governments from discriminatory management of related technology activities.