News list for "该国"



2025-01-29 05:03:39

德国 DekaBank 已获得该国监管机构 BaFin 和欧洲央行(ECB)颁发的银行加密货币托管许可证。德国商业银行(Commerzbank)是去年第一家获得许可的德国银行,其他主要银行尚未获得许可,包括 DZ Bank。 BaFin 已颁发另外 11 个加密货币托管许可证,主要针对加密货币公司。其中之一是 Hauck Aufhäuser Lampe Privatbank 的数字资产托管子...

2024-12-22 06:41:27


2024-12-03 22:55:44

英国上议院议员在周三的二读会议上表示支持该国的数字资产财产法案。上议院大委员会普遍认为,该法案将在法律体系如何对待加密货币方面提供更多明确性,并可能标志着英国在为本国加密货币使用铺平道路方面又迈出了一步。 该法案由独立法定机构法律委员会起草,并于 9 月在英国推出。该法案在属于财产的类别...

2024-11-07 15:47:31


2024-10-30 20:33:34

萨尔瓦多总统Nayib Bukele在X平台发文宣布,该国已接受总额约9.4亿美元的债务回购要约。据悉,此前萨尔瓦多政府提出拟按略高于市场价格或接近票面价值的价格回购2027年至2052年到期的主权债券。分析认为,萨尔瓦多债务回购可以对比特币的价格产生积极影响,增强该国支持比特币投资的能力,并将自身定位为加密货币更有力的倡导者。

2024-10-12 14:12:15


2024-09-26 02:13:57


2024-09-25 22:45:53

9月15日消息,美国 7 名民主党参议员近日致信该国 10 家最大的比特币 ATM 运营商,敦促其解决针对美国老年人的加密货币诈骗问题。该信函被发送至 Athena Bitcoin、Bitcoin Depot、Bitstop、Byte Federal、Cash2bitcoin、Coinflip、Coinhub、Margo、Rockitco...

2024-09-15 00:55:17

俄罗斯银行希望该国最大的银行在明年 7 月之前支持零售和商业使用的数字卢布。俄罗斯央行周四表示,银行将需要让客户“开设和充值数字卢布账户、进行转账并在其基础设施中接受数字卢布”。此后,“计划推出数字国家货币的广泛使用。重要的是,公民和企业可以使用它,如果需要,他们可以与现金和非现金资金一样自由使用它。”

2024-09-12 12:00:25


2024-08-28 09:06:30
马斯克:X 将关闭巴西业务抵制非法审查

马斯克宣布 X 关闭在巴西的办事处,同时保留在该国的服务,因为无法同意巴西最高法院大法官的(非法)秘密审查和私人信息移交要求。 X 全球政府事务部在一篇帖子中表示,「巴西最高法院大法官 Alexandre de Moraes 威胁说,如果我们不遵守他的审查令,他将逮捕我们在巴西的法定代表。并称此举是基于一项秘密命令,我...

2024-08-18 01:17:00

巴西证券监管机构 CVM 正在调查该国的代币化活动。据当地媒体报道,CVM 已致函一些向第三方提供代币化服务的公司,要求提供与其运营相关的数据以及在这些活动中发行的代币类型。 这些信函中提出的一些问题涉及每家公司完成的代币化操作的数量,支持这些操作的资产名称,以及这些代币(实用型代币、支付型代币或证券)的所谓分类。

2024-08-07 03:52:15

津巴布韦矿业公司 Kuvimba Mining House 已为其在该国的黄金生产引入了基于区块链的矿山到市场可追溯系统。该系统确保 Kuvimba 的所有黄金从矿山到国际市场均可追溯。该国最大的黄金生产商 Kuvimba 强调透明度、合法性和负责任的采矿。Comstack 系统利用区块链技术,提高了可追溯性和对国际标准的遵守。该系统已在 Freda Rebecca 和 Jenna 矿山投入运行,并计划随着生产规模的...

2024-07-17 08:37:00

尼日利亚财政部长Wale Edun敦促该国新成立的证券交易委员会(SEC)董事会解决监管加密货币的复杂性。他强调,需要严格监管以维护资本市场的市场完整性。Edun还强调了保持知情和适应性的重要性,特别是在人工智能、数字货币和整体数字化转型等快速发展的领域。由Mairiga Katuka领导的SEC董事会对尼日利亚的经济前景表示乐观,并承诺以勤勉和诚信推动增长。

2024-07-09 22:27:32

7x24 Newsflash

06:39 2025-03-21
A whale withdrew 8,313 ETH from Binance again after 2 months, and currently holds 11,198 ETH.
According to Lookonchain, a whale once again withdrew 8,313 ETH ($16.52 million) from Binance after 2 months, and currently holds 11,198 ETH ($22.06 million).
06:24 2025-03-21
Bankruptcy administrator: South Korean crypto lending platform Delio has accumulated about $258.70 million in debt
According to Digital Asset, South Korean crypto lending platform Delio has accumulated debt of 378.7 billion won (approx. $258.7 million) to creditors. Jung Dong-hyun, the bankruptcy administrator from Hyunwoo Law Firm, reported at the first creditors' meeting that as of March 12, the registered bankruptcy claims included 15.62 billion won in cash claims (48 cases) and 363.04 billion won in virtual asset return claims (1,162 cases), amounting to 378.66 billion won. The calculation of the won amo...
06:24 2025-03-21
BNB Chain has successfully completed the Pascal hard fork
BNB Chain has successfully completed the Pascal Pascal hard fork. This upgrade introduces the EIP-7702 smart contract wallet, which is designed to improve EVM compatibility and developer support, as well as optimize features such as fuel fee abstraction, smart payment interface, and bulk transactions. The official roadmap for future improvements has been announced: the Lorentz Lorentz upgrade scheduled for April 2025 aims to reduce block time to 1.5 seconds, improving transaction speed and netwo...
06:18 2025-03-21 has full trading support for PumpSwap on the product side now has full trading support for PumpSwap on the product side, including on the Ave App, AveSniperBot and PC side, and supports real-time synchronization of PumpSwap quotes and full data insights.
06:06 2025-03-21
Binance will open the first batch of delisting votes today
According to the official announcement, Binance will open the first batch of delisting votes. The first batch of votes will last for seven days (voting period) from 2025-03-21 06:30 (UTC) to 2025-03-27 23:59 (UTC). Users must log in to their verified Binance account and hold at least 0.01 BNB in their trading account throughout the voting period to be valid. During the voting period, each user can vote for up to 5 items in the removal voting pool, and each certified account can only vote for one...
06:00 2025-03-21
Survey: 44% of people are optimistic about the price of AI tokens
A recent survey by CoinGecko revealed that nearly half of cryptocurrency experts are optimistic about the price of crypto AI tokens - which could bode well for the $23.60 billion cryptocurrency market segment. Of the 2,632 respondents surveyed between February and March, 25% were "completely optimistic" and 19.3% were "somewhat optimistic" about crypto AI tokens in 2025. About 29% of respondents were neutral,...
05:54 2025-03-21
According to the official announcement, Binance will stop trading and remove the following currencies on March 28, 2025 at 11:00 (East 8th District time): Aergo (AERGO) AirSwap (AST) BurgerCities (BURGER) COMBO (COMBO) Linear Finance (LINA) In addition, the function of voting to remove the shelves will be introduced after this batch is removed from the shelves. Projects that have been announced to be removed from the shelves will no longer participate in voting to place coins.
05:45 2025-03-21
Initia-based Meme application chain is about to launch a public beta version
On March 21st, the Meme application chain built on Initia is about to launch a public beta version. Join the waitlist to get early access and exclusive rewards. built by Embr Labs and supported by Initia Interwoven Stack. This project is specially built for the next generation of Meme economy, aiming to bring more innovative and fun gameplay of Meme and become the first platform to promote the development of the next generation of Meme.
05:42 2025-03-21
CZ: Giggle Academy team members are all focused on product development, and later collaborations will happen naturally
"We don't have a dedicated business development person on our team [Giggle Academy, a Web 3 education platform]. There are no social media interns. Everyone is focused on product development. We want to build the best free education platform. Partnerships will come later. A lot of collaborations will happen naturally," CZ said in a post on the platform. This is in response to a user's suggestion that "Giggle Academy connects with all the best free education institutions in the world".
05:42 2025-03-21
South Korean financial regulator launches enforcement action against unregistered overseas crypto exchanges
The Financial Intelligence Analysis Unit (FIU) under South Korea's Financial Services Commission (FSC) has taken enforcement action against overseas cryptocurrency exchanges that provide services to Korean users without registration, under the Act on Reporting and Use of Specific Financial Transaction Information. According to reports, the FIU is considering blocking website access as a primary enforcement measure, targeting exchanges including BitMEX, KuCoin, CoinW, Bitunix, and KCEX.
05:32 2025-03-21
Data scientist: Crypto prediction marketplace Polymarket predicts world events with up to 90% accuracy
Data scientist Alex McCullough's research shows that prediction market Polymarket is 90% accurate at predicting events that occur one month later and 94% accurate four hours before the event. McCullough analyzed historical data from Polymarket and found that the platform slightly but consistently overestimated the probability of an event occurring in most probability ranges, possibly influenced by factors such as herd psychology, low liquidity, and participants' preference for risky bets.
05:20 2025-03-21
Total stablecoin market cap breaks through $230 billion for the first time
According to The Block, on Thursday, the total market capitalization of stablecoins topped $230 billion for the first time in the context of efforts by U.S. regulators to promote the adoption of stablecoins. According to DefiLlama, the current total market capitalization stands at $230.45 billion, an increase of $2.3 billion in the past seven days. The market capitalization of stablecoins has increased by 56% compared to the same period last year. In the overall market capitalization, Tether's U...