News list for "英国"


1. 周一:①数据:法国、德国、欧元区、英国3月制造业PMI初值;英国3月服务业PMI初值;美国3月标普全球制造业、服务业PMI初值。②事件:中国发展高层论坛2025年年会于3月23日至24日在北京召开; 俄罗斯、乌克兰代表团在沙特分别与美方代表团举行会谈;韩国国务总理韩德洙的弹劾案将宣判、韩国总统尹锡悦弹劾案判决结果最早在本周出炉。③财报:比亚迪、舜宇光学科技。2. 周二:①数据:中国至3月25日MLF中标利率、操作规模; 德国3月IFO商业景气指数; 英国3月CBI零售销售差值; 美国1月FHFA房价指数月率、S&P/CS20座大城市未季调房价指数年率、2月新屋销售总数年化、3月谘商会消费者信心指数、里奇蒙德联储制造业指数。②事件:英国央行行长贝利发表讲话;FOMC永久票委、纽约联储主席威廉姆斯在一场活动上致开幕词;苹果将在上海举办开发者活动;博鳌亚洲论坛2025年年会将于3月25日至3月28日举行。③财报:中国电信、农夫山泉、快手、招商银行、华润置地、药明生物、复星医药、康希诺生物。3. 周三:①数据:美国API及EIA原油周报、2月耐用品订单月率;澳大利亚2月加权CPI...

2025-03-23 22:51:47


2025-03-21 17:48:38


2025-03-20 16:02:54


2025-03-20 16:14:09


2025-03-20 12:04:53


2025-03-20 07:32:33

巴克莱首席英国经济学家Jack Meaning在一份报告中称,在即将于3月20日做出的利率决定中,英国央行可能会将利率维持在4.50%不变,并重申未来的降息将是渐进的。他表示:“自2月份以来,数据中没有任何内容会实质性改变(英国央行)货币政策委员会的观点。”他表示,英国央行可能在3月份的会议上维持政策指引不变,5月份可能会降息25个基点。

2025-03-14 22:38:48

德意志银行研究部预计,2025年英国央行将再降息四次,将利率降至3.50%。不过,该行经济学家Sanjay Raja在一份报告中表示,英国央行在3月20日的下一次决策中,利率应该会维持在4.50%不变。Raja表示:“在我们看来,‘渐进而谨慎’的做法不利于连续降息——尤其是在整体CPI上升的情况下。”LSEG数据显示,市场预期英国央行在3月维持利率不变的可能性为92%,英国央行在2025年...

2025-03-14 16:03:56

据英国媒体《天空新闻台》报道,英国警方和检察官表示,一名国家犯罪调查局(NCA)官员在调查网络有组织犯罪期间涉嫌盗窃近6万英镑的比特币,已被起诉。默西塞德郡警方发言人表示,42岁的Paul Chowles被指控与2017年涉嫌盗窃50枚比特币相关的15项罪名。八年前,这些加密货币的价值接近6万英镑,而现在的价值超过300万英镑。Chowles将于下月出庭利物浦地方法院。

2025-03-14 10:29:03


2025-03-11 15:00:52


2025-03-06 15:03:43


2025-03-05 15:44:43


2025-03-05 15:58:18


2025-03-04 10:47:57


2025-02-28 18:14:54

7x24 Newsflash

01:59 2025-03-25
"Sister Wood" continues to be bullish on Tesla, expecting the stock price to soar to $2,600 within five years
Cathie Wood's Ark Investment Management remains bullish on Tesla and expects its share price to reach $2,600 within five years, almost 10 times its current price. Wood said in a television interview that Robotaxi would account for 90% of its value within the next five years. She added on Tuesday that Tesla's moves in humanoid robots have not yet been factored into this price forecast. According to information published on the Ark website, as of March...
01:56 2025-03-25
Bloomberg: counterfeit products outperform bitcoin in broad rally
On March 25th, according to Bloomberg, counterfeit products have outperformed bitcoin in the broad crypto market rally, as signs that the United States will implement more targeted tariff measures have weakened demand for safe-haven assets. Solana, the blockchain favored by Meme coin issuers, saw its token SOL surge by 11% at one point; meanwhile, Dogecoin rose by about 8% and Avalanche also rose by about 8%.
01:50 2025-03-25
The White House is pushing for stablecoin legislation to be submitted to the Senate for consideration next month
According to Crypto in America, the White House is actively pushing for the GENIUS bill to enter the Senate as soon as possible, and aims to be signed into law by President Trump within two months. The bill passed the Senate Banking Committee 18-6 on March 13 to establish a regulatory framework for dollar-pegged payment stablecoins. The House version of the STABLE bill will begin consideration on April 2. The White House hopes that the Senate version will gain enough support to push the House to...
01:44 2025-03-25
Open interoperability framework Hyperlane launches Soneium
Open interoperability framework Hyperlane has tweeted that Soneium is live, and developers on Soneium can now build cross-chain applications and token bridges.
01:29 2025-03-25
Cronos Labs appoints Mirko Zhao as new head
Cronos Labs has announced the appointment of Mirko Zhao as head of product and engineering at Cronos, replacing the departing Ken Timsit. Mirko Zhao, who has extensive experience in blockchain and DeFi, will be responsible for driving Cronos Labs' product strategy and incubation program.
01:29 2025-03-25
BTC daily average exchange inflows fell to less than 27,000, indicating a contraction in liquidity and increased investor caution
Bitcoin exchange inflows, a key indicator of near-term trading intentions, have fallen from a daily average of 58,600 BTC in December to 26,900 BTC, representing a 54% decrease in the number of bitcoins sent to exchanges, a contraction in market liquidity, and heightened investor caution. In addition, a working capital indicator that reflects the current market structure is the "hot supply" of bitcoin, or the number of bitcoins flowing each week, which the data shows will be higher in December 2...
01:10 2025-03-25
A giant whale redeemed 4,721 ETH and transferred it to Bitget, losing more than $3.50 million in three months
According to on-chain analyst Ember monitoring, a giant whale redeemed 4,721 ETH (about $9.91 million) and transferred it to the exchange Bitget 5 hours ago. The address has withdrawn a total of 6,849 ETH (about $17.95 million) from Coinbase Prime and Binance at an average price of $2,621 in the past 3 months and pledged it. The current position has lost about $3.57 million.
01:06 2025-03-25
According to the latest brokerage pending order data, gold is concerned about multiple resistance such as 3015.5, Europe and the United States are concerned about this action energy, and the United States and Japan are concentrating on multiple orders here... Click to view the latest report
According to the latest brokerage pending order data, gold is concerned about multiple resistance such as 3015.5, Europe and the United States are concerned about this action energy, and the United States and Japan are concentrating on multiple orders here... Click to view the latest report
01:00 2025-03-25
In early trading, the main domestic futures contracts rose more and fell less. Glass rose more than 2%, coke rose nearly 2%, asphalt, iron ore, No. 20 glue, styrene (EB), SC crude oil, fuel oil rose more than 1%; in terms of decline, Shanghai tin, Shanghai nickel, container shipping Europe line, apple...
In early trading, the main domestic futures contracts rose more and fell less. Glass rose more than 2%, coke rose nearly 2%, asphalt, iron ore, No. 20 glue, styrene (EB), SC crude oil, fuel oil rose more than 1%; in terms of decline, Shanghai tin, Shanghai nickel, container shipping Europe line, Apple fell nearly 1%.
00:59 2025-03-25
Daily Hong Kong Stock Market News Express (Tuesday, March 25)
1. Xiaomi Group (01810.HK): Placing 800 million shares at a discount of 6.6% to raise 42.50 billion Hong Kong dollars. 2. BYD Shares (01211.HK): In 2024, the operating income will be 777.102 billion yuan, an increase of 29.02% year-on-year; the net profit will be 40.254 billion yuan, an increase of 34.00% year-on-year. 3. BYD Electronics (00285.HK): In 2024, the income will be 177.306 billion yuan, an increase of 36.43% year-on-year; the net profit will be 4.266 billion yuan, an increase of 5.55...
00:52 2025-03-25
Staring Artifact · Agricultural Product Analysis
The US new season corn freight market is deserted, can price be the key to competitiveness?
00:46 2025-03-25
Blackstone Group President: Don't make a "knee-jerk reaction" to Trump's tariff farce, suggest waiting for the outcome of potential negotiations
Jon Gray, president of Blackstone Group, warned investors not to make a "knee-jerk reaction" decision to Trump's tariff farce, instead advising to wait and see how the potential negotiations play out. "Be a little bit patient," he said. "Watch how this tariff diplomacy evolves and make investment decisions over a longer period of time. I think in a time like this, the danger is that you do something short-term and you'll...